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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. On 3/6/2017 at 6:44 AM, soltakss said:

    Sure, we played that Shield 4 blocked Warding 4, as it is just a spell. Blinding is a runespell and is blocked by Countermagic, so why not Warding?

    We played that Warding could not be dispelled, but it could be blocked.

    Normally, when someone got hit by a Warding, we would power up with Shield 4 just in case. Soltak Stormspear, my main PC, had gained a 7 point Enhancer as a Powered Crystal and then had it boosted to a 9 Point Enhancer on a HeroQuest (Rolled randomly, added or subtracted 1D3 POT from a powered crystal, I got lucky) and had a shedload of Cult Credit, so I bought Countermagic 9 and could cast Countermagic 18 at a pinch, with Shield 4 that gave me Countermagic 26, which tended to be enough to block most spells.

    I remember reading somewhere in an actual adventure, but I forget where, that when you dispel Warding - which you can do - that it is only temporary until the dispel wears off, since dispel is temporal and warding is not.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't see dreams as being about refutation or banishing what seems to be.  I see dreams as working out problems the mind is dwelling on.  In Glorantha, that would be the equivalent of working out the reason for a myth to begin with.  Why is the sky blue?  Because Lorian invaded the sky dome.  Okay, in the dream world, the mythological "mind" of Glorantha, that which asks "why is the sky blue?" is trying to work this all out.  Why is Lorian invading the sky dome the proper solution and not something else?  All these failed myths that don't replace the actual myth are the ones being tried on for size and found wanting in the dream world.  But such dream magics can inform and sometimes even reshape the mythic realm.  One might argue they're the birthing place of myths.  And now that Time exists, the birthing place of future myths.

  3. On 2/28/2017 at 11:56 PM, metcalph said:

    I generally would handle the learning of new dream magic as a general improvement rather than an actual adventure (to avoid non-dreamers being left out).  One could have dreamers sharing their dreams with non-dreamers as a quest of some sort but I don't see this as a common occurrence (ie it's not something that I'd see the PCs doing every adventuring session).



    I prefer the dreams and what's gained to be told as a meaningful part of the story and setting.  Therefore, I'd invent Dreaming Bands, much like Hero Bands in Genertela.  These Bands go on DreamQuests together (unlike the solo adventure).  They could either purposefully do so at the temples as part of their mystical training, or they could be drawn into them at mystical sites of the GM's whim.  the thing is, it would be like a Hero Quest so of course it's something the party does together.

    Dreaming Bands would be as common there as Hero Bands in Genertela.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Im pretty sure this is part of Ian Thompson's Pavis epic fan work:

    Vol. 1: Pavis - A Man for All Seasons (part of ‘Ye Booke of Tentacles 3’) - Tentacles Press – 2000
    Vol. 2: The Masks of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2001
    Vol. 2A: Tradetalk 8 ‘P&BR Special, Part 1’ – Tentacles Press
    Vol. 3: The Legacy of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2002
    Vol. 3A: Tradetalk 9 ‘P&BR Special, Part 2’ – Tentacles Press
    Vol. 4: The Shadows of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2003
    Vol. 4A - Rough Guide to Pavis City (P&BR Companion Special Edition) - Tentacles Press, 2003
    Vol. 5: Beyond Pavis: Adventures in the Zola Fel Valley – Tentacles Press, 2004


    What is really going on then?

    No fair, I asked you first :)

  5. Thanks to the wonderful work of David on Roll20, we now have Runequest 3 character sheets.  David has done some really impressive work.  The sheets track both current and original stats, autocalculating skill bonuses, SR's, fatigue points etc. If you use 2 fatigue points fighting, you can add that to your fatigue total and it will adjust all your skills accordingly.  It tracks your encumbrance and deducts from skills where applicable.  It even has a button to push for fumbles and where you hit.  There a place to fill out up to six spirits. 

    He told me he'll be working on including every different type of hit location chart in the future.  I'd be happy just to have horses.

    For those who don't know what Roll20 is, it's a free app (though I pay for a membership because dynamic lighting is so wort it) to play rpgs online.

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  6. I was of the belief that there were some very Green Age notions going on with Pavis that grew out of his elf/human parentage and that's why he chose that site.  It goes back to the Giant's cradles, that giants built the walls and the link between Genert and the Green Age, etc.

    I'm really surprised none of that is being discussed in this thread.  What about what's really going on in Mani's Fort?  How does that relate to all this?

    • Like 6
  7. On 2/25/2017 at 8:35 PM, Darius West said:

    Thed isn't a sheep, she's a goat.  And who, mortal or divine, allows their tragedy to define and redefine them to the point Thed does?  If you were raped and you had the power, would you turn all your kids into rapists and send them out to sexually assault the whole world, innocent and guilty alike?  Does that sound innocent or sick or evil?  Revenge is one thing, but this is disproportionate and undirected, it has no sense of affecting only the perpetrators. This is adopting the methods of the enemy and becoming what she claim to have hated; spiritual hypocrisy, with the added horror of nihilistic hatred of all reality.

    So you intend to derail this entire thread?  Not going to let that happen.  No offense, but I'm ignoring this as what I asked for was people's thoughts on what would change and how it would affect an alternate Glorantha, not debate with you.

  8. Yes, I absolutely DO believe Thed's behavior was a result of injustice and up until then, she had no foul character.  She was the innocent sheep girl.


    I like that Malia doesn't turn towards chaos without Ragnaglar.  But Ragnaglar is mad.  I never said he became a hermetic monk, though that's a thought too.  It's also quite possible that he escapes the Pit of Solitude and still fathers Wakboth.  Perhaps on a goat boy this time.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    5. HOLY CHAOS! I just realized that the distinct lack of Wakboth means that Sedenya survived, therefore never going on her quest and achieving illumination, never gaining the cyclical association, and most importantly: NEVER FOUNDING THE LUNAR EMPIRE. Well, actually, there's nothing that really says that she didn't go on to found an empire, but it would probably be a more naval power.

    Now see, that would have never dawned on me.  That's why I brought this idea here, to get some feedback so if I design a Glorantha 2 campaign, it will be logically different and hopefully entertaining to my players.

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  10. So i was thinking about doing a parallel Glorantha, sort of Luther Arkwrightish or Moorcock's Million Sphere's like.  Where some decision was made that created an alternate reality.  A parallel universe.  In this alternate Glorantha, Orlanth gave Thed justice.  She never became the Goddess of Rape, Ragnaglar was cast into the Pit of Solitude.  There was no Unholy Trio.  There was no Wakboth.  However, Orlanth still went on the LBQ to bring back Yelm eventually.  Chaos still seeped into the world, just not led by Wakboth.  So the battle was not as terrible, but in the end there was still the Compromise, the Spike was gone, Arachne Solara begat Time.  It just all happened differently.

    Anyone have any thoughts on what major changes in the world there would have been had there been no Unholy Trio?  I mean, besides obviously the Block?  What of Malia?  What of the broos?  What myths would be radically altered?  What history radically changed?  All because Orlanth chose to do the right thing.

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  11. Gaumata's Vision runs about 3.5 hours.  It's very interesting, good introduction to the strangeness of Glorantha and isn't too tough for beginning characters.

    But my personal favorite is to throw the group into Scorpion Hall.  I know it's a solo adventure, but it's also just right for a group of 3-5 players.  It tends to invariably have some hilarious moments.  It does require you to map out the Hall and convert it from solo to a regular adventure.  But that's not too hard.  just make  a map and note where everything is and you're good to go.  I've seen some really hilarious things happen when the adventure is suddenly multiplayer.  It is deadly, but you feel like you really accomplished something.

    • Like 3
  12. 17 hours ago, David Scott said:

    I don't know the reference for this, what is it please.

    Page 108 of Drastic Resolutions: Darkness.  This part is written solely by Sandy Peterson.  "When Dark Eater came to devour him, Hyena offered to aid him instead.  He said he would lead Dark Eater to a greater source of food than himself, and took him to the Morokanth Founder.  Hyena and Morokanth Founder had aided each other already and discovered that together they were stronger than apart.....Morokanth offered to lead (Dark Eater) to a greater source of food than his children...since that time the Morokanth have favored the Hyena's of the plaines."

    As for Trickster, he appears in Book of Drastic Resolutions:  Prax in the Waha Heroquest The Freeing of the Protectoress  where it says "Trickster may appear in any shape, but the most common are Raven, Hyena, Human, Jackrabbit and Rattlesnake."

    Which infers that Trickster is known in Prax so there must BE tricksters in their tribes.  Else, none of them can free the protectoress with any consistency.  And since it states even Morocanth can take this quest, even Morocanth have Tricksters.  There's even a new Trickster spell, Exchange Gifts.  Since Hyena is on their cult list, then hyena is their trickster.

    Further information backing this up:  TORM 15 pg 43 by Scott Schneider and Greg Stafford: "the body that is growing in that cavern must be a strange amalgamation of Genert and Hyena, which, if allowed to come to life again, would be neither Genert (n)or Hyena, but something totally different.   This would be of great amusement to the Hyena Trickster spirit, and the ultimate joke on the continent of Glorantha."

    So if you keep the whole Hyena rebuilding Genert mythos, then you're not really entitled to say "YGMV" and "it's not canon" when you're drawing from the exact same source I am.  It's a minor thing, but I think the only conclusion is yes, Trickster DOES exist in Prax.  He's taken the aspects of Raven, Hyena, rattlesnake and jackrabbit and even human (Eurmal).  Trickster, afterall, has the shape-shifting spells.

    And finally, when you read How Jackrabbit Stole Waha's Tooth (BODR:P pg 32) you have a Trickster myth and like all good trickster myths, it's teaching someone something.  Both Hyena and Jackrabbit are tricksters working in tandem.

    • Like 2
  13. RQ 3 cleared the casting rule up.  It clearly states that if you have X magic points when you cast a spell, then that is what you use in the power struggle.  After that, however, your magic points are reduced.  This meant if the spell bounced back at you, then you had less mp than when you cast it.  That is explicitly explained in the description of Castback.  Therefore, that is the official way it is done. 

  14. On 2/13/2017 at 3:39 AM, David Scott said:

    Praxians do kill Hyenas as they prey on the herds, they don't have to return the hides like the Garzeen. There is no spirit cult as he doesn't offer any magic.

    Hyena is listed as a spirit cult of the Morokanth and some other tribes.  They give the divine spell Hyena's Laugh (Group Laughter).  Hyena's taught Morokanth the way of survivial in the Darkness and brought the Dark Eater to them.  So it would seem quite likely that the Morokanth and possibly others have a hyena spirit cult.  Though that Rune Magic spell is kinda weaksauce.

  15. It seems like Raven is the sly aspect of Trickster and Hyena is the lewd aspect.  So if she joines both spirit societies, she has the disorder and illusion runes.  Neither is a god, however, so I assume she would still need to pick a god to favor.  Or perhaps membership in two spirit societies is enough.  In all my years playing RQ, no one has really gotten into playing a Praxian before.  So I've kinda glossed over that part of the game until now.

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