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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. My group of players are all hardcore RQ 3 players.  They flat out rejected Luck Points, for instance.  But to a person they all approved of using the two characteristics to build the base skills from.  Too many skills start off way too low for even a semi-competent human being let alone a hero, the RQ2/3 ways.  Using two characteristics meant a person had what felt right as a base chance to succeed in a beginning skill.

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  2. On 4/12/2017 at 8:56 AM, David Scott said:

    I have recently reread Pavis Rises, overall it's an interesting campaign. There's a couple of ideas that I've lifted as they were good. But for me other campaigns give better value. I cut my GM teeth on the original griffin mountain, so I'm very biased. 

    That was one of my favorite campaigns.  In our ongoing Argrath Saga, our Lhankor Mhy was doing Reconstructions, getting glimpses of the time of Pavis Rises all those centuries ago.  He was looking for clues to the whereabouts of the Dragon Banner.  What did he see?  Well, they all rolled up God Learners in training just assigned their first field mission to Pavis and played the campaign.  Gaps between each scenario were very hand wavy because what mattered was each scenario being what the LM sage saw in his next Reconstruction attempts.

  3. Looks to be a great place to leave blank for a DM to fill out as he pleases.  Excellent place to completely develop your own clan, have the best of both worlds, Prax and Dragon Pass, be near Praxian ruins and also near Stormwalk, for excellent Orlanthi HQ opportunities. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, soltakss said:

    There are a number of burial mounds and tombs described in the Big Rubble. A burial mound is in the marketplace near Griffin Gate, near Balastor's Barracks, for example.

    One of the rare "fails" in RQ IMO.  D&D has many such fails, like the dragon deep in the dungeon that's too big to leave through the passageways on the map.  How does it eat?  How can it survive?  RQ has always avoided that stupidity.  Except in this case.  Why would a Praxian want to be buried inside the walls of Pavis?  That's so unPraxian it would never happen.  And a burial mound in the Big Rubble is just begging to be plundered.  Last place a Praxian would leave a burial mound.

    It was one of those things that probably sounded good on the surface, but they forgot to think it through.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, styopa said:

      As I recall just in those sources alone there were not-infrequent contradictions explicit or implied (I recall an entire mountain range ENE of the White Sea that kept shifting and has, I believe, finally determinedly vanished in the AAA?). 

    That wasn't a mountain, it was a True Dragon creeping across the landscape.  Each of those maps were correct.  (For any newbies out there, I'm just making a joke - don't want to confuse anybody.)

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  6. It's awesome and has inspired me to make a full scale Rol20 map.  Well, several, actually, since the BR will be too large to load onto a single page.  New Pavis should fit nicely, however.  My only critique is that you can't copy the images.  My old eyes can't see that tiny picture so well and I wanted to paste it onto Irfanview so I could enlarge it.

  7. 11 hours ago, MOB said:

    We have exciting plans for RQ organized play that will be revealed in due course. 

    The first offering is the RQ Quickstart. We'll be putting out a call for GMs on Free RPG Day to run the Quickstart scenario in game stores. If you commit to do so, you'll get a PDF copy of the Quickstart the week before the big day.

    Oh, I'll most definitely commit to that!

  8. On 9/26/2016 at 0:45 AM, Jeff said:

    If you don't have a damage bonus, then crushing weapons are a bit disappointing. The solution is to either use Strength or use a different weapon. That being said, even with a 1D4 damage modifier, a light mace will do the same average damage on a special than a short spear or short sword. A light mace will do 1D6+2+1D4+4 on a special or 12 points on average. A short sword or short spear will do 2D6+2+1D4 or 11 to 12 points on average. But once you start getting higher damage modifiers, Crush really becomes dangerous.  That average Dark Troll does 1D8+2+1D6+6 on a Crush (10 to 22 points damage), but that average Great Troll does 2D8+2D6+12 (16 to 40 points damage). Yowsers! Even if I parry with my medium shield (12 points) and I have bronze armor (6 points), I still can get instantly splattered.

    On the other hand, it makes me think Orlanth Adventurous and Babeester Gor are the best cults for defending against Great Trolls and Giants. 

    We always compared Great Parry to having a Stormbringer Parry where you could parry a dragon with your dagger and nothing got through.  Someone always said "Tink."  and they would laugh and say that when they had Great Parry cast too.

    • Like 1
  9. When I joined the Cult of Chaos it was as a RQ demonstrator.  I've run several games and sent in reports in the past.  I stopped about a year ago when RQ 6 was dropped and am waiting for the new RQ to come out.  So I'm pretty sure they will be doing that once again after the QS comes out.

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  10. On 3/23/2017 at 9:23 AM, davecake said:

    Lanbril is supposed to have stolen from his kin and then been banished by Orlanth. A hero quest where he is able to steal some powers from other Orlanthi deities and then is banished when eventually caught? 

    The storm gods are not his kin.  He's mortal.  So if he stole from his kin, then it was from the tribes that followed Orlanth, not the Orlanthi dieties themselves.  Though I'm sure he stole from them too.

  11. 8 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The Shadow People spirit society which is based within the Morokanth tribe has the Dark Eater as one of its spirits. The Black Eater is a Grazelander spirit. They aren't the same being. In my mind Dark Eater is an aspect of Kyger Litor, but isn't Kyger Litor.

    Zorak Zoran. 

  12. Considering how awesome Morokanth martial arts are, given their size and strength, none of my players seem to want thumbs.  Their natural weapons are more formidable.

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, David Scott said:

    This is a small part of the section on the Covenant:

    The Herd men eat only a tiny amount of vegetation (as with the other tribes), their main food is the meat the morokanth raid and hunt for them.

    So you're saying that the herdmen didn't actually lose the contest.  Their animals do their raiding for them.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, jajagappa said:
    • GtG p693: "Top of the World Mountain: Valind sought to supplant Orlanth as king of the gods, but was defeated by the Thunderer who did not even bother to leave his throne to drive the Winter King back."  This is clearly the battle to see who will lead the gods.  Perhaps Valind has the opportunity to become King of the North (succeeding Genert) if he wins.  But he does not.  Does he fail to gain some necessary item?  Was he tricked by the dwarfs?  Did he advance against Orlanth too soon?   

    He got cold feet.

    • Like 7
  15. Shouldn't that be How Lanbril stole a Face?


    Maybe they have a secret chamber with a pillar that holds all the faces they've stolen off their victims?  Not that I'm saying that's where a certain author may have gotten the idea but....

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