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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Argrath seems to be both a personal name and a title: the Argrath, the Liberator. Until the prophecy is fulfilled, the Argrath could be anyone - male or female.
  2. M Helsdon

    Tarsh 1627

    They aren't entirely human, and bear the mark of troll ancestry as well; some sources say this interbreeding dates to the Great Darkness before Time but more reliable sources indicate the troubled times at the end of the Second Age. Their skulls are human, save for the troll-like elongated face, diminutive tusks and the ridges at the back of the skull attached to their jaw muscles. The skin-walker Tusk Brothers, despite the similarity in name, are different in nature and behavior to the Tusk Riders.
  3. Argrath will have his failures... and without Kallyr it is doubtful he would have so many successes. Kallyr became Queen of her tribe, the Kheldon, conquered a sky god and bears his jewel on her forehead, fought at Boldhome, in the Righteous Wind Rebellion, in her Starbrow's Rebellion; will aid in the defense of Whitewall, defeat the Lunar Army in the Battle of the Auroch Hills, will take part in the ritual to raise the Boat Planet, befriend the Star Dragon, be involved in the Dragonrise, defeat the Lunars at the Battle of Dangerford, defeat the Lunars in the Battle of the Queens in which she is killed, and returns to the Sky World to be with her lover. Players in the forthcoming Coming Storm campaign will have an opportunity to meet Kallyr.
  4. Hmm, looking though the lists of deities of the Orlanthi pantheon, and enemy deities of the Orlanthi pantheon in 'King of Sartar' there's: Aldrya, Arache Solara, Asrelia, Babeester Gor, Brastalos, Chalana Arroy, Eneria, Ernalda, Esra, Esrola, Ginna Jar (?), Glorantha, Grandmother Mortal, Huraya, Inora, Iphara, Kal, Lady of the Wild/Verala, Mahome, Mallia, Maran Gor, Pelora, Ty Kora Tek, Uleria, Vinga, Voria; Artia, Deloradella, Ithas, Kyger Litor, Mallia, Rausa, Shepelkirt (the Red Goddess), Sinjota, Thed.
  5. Bear in mind that I used the pronunciation guides in Cults of Terror, Trollpak and the Prosopaedia in ‘Gods of Glorantha’ to create that list, and the information may no longer be valid. I would also suggest that the pronunciations given are valid only in a particular region - perhaps Dragon Pass, as even within the Theyalan languages there will be variations and different dialects.
  6. Word versions of the three documents now exist, derived in part from OCR scanned versions...
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