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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. You saw an earlier iteration.... It's grown and has more illustrations, though not as many as I would like... A few appendices were taken out, but the page size has grown.
  2. You have. I'm older than you! 😉
  3. Most ancient armies, whether using cavalry or chariots did this, because if one horse cannot be ridden, it turns the rider into infantry; for chariots, it is even more of an issue because you require a trained team used to working together. A cataphract needs several mounts. Most mounts are expensive as they have to be trained, if not to the standard of war mounts, to cavalry, which is why many cavalry regiments are either aristocratic in nature, or aspiring aristocrats hoping for a land grant. Nomads are a bit different, of course. This is covered in the book...
  4. I may bring a very few spare copies to Dragonmeet, but they will be sold by Chaosium on a first come, first served basis. The PDF may be available in a few weeks, so making special trips to Dragonmeet for a book that may be sold out is not advised. I assumed, naively, that there wouldn't be much demand for what is a big expensive book.
  5. I may bring a very few spare copies to Dragonmeet, but they will be sold by Chaosium on a first come, first served basis. The PDF may be available in a few weeks, so making special trips to Dragonmeet for a book that may be sold out is not advised. I assumed, naively, that there wouldn't be much demand for what is a big expensive book.
  6. There's a limit on the number of previews permitted. Will announce if more are allowed.
  7. Hi Neil, I'm afraid there's a limit on the number of previews I am allowed to sell, and that limit was exceeded yesterday. A couple of copies will be posted (some abroad) and it will be expensive as it is a thick heavy book. Am asking if the limit can be stretched a little, but there's also a very hard limit of what I can transport to Dragonmeet, as I will be travelling by train/bus/tube. Have just sent a copy of my files to a printer to do a one copy black & white, soft cover test, which I should get back by the middle of next week. Their document preview showed a couple of issues: middle cut out of a double page spread (I can fix); a few thin black lines around some illustrations (which I can't fathom as they aren't present in the Word or PDF versions). The preview, with any faults I can't fix, will cost about £60, for a 380 page full color hardback. The print run is small, and vanity publishing is expensive. It looks as though it would be more feasible for you to wait on the PDF? Am sorry about this. I didn't anticipate there would be so much interest in a preview. Spine not shown (changes likely):
  8. Am preparing a preview printout for Dragonmeet.
  9. I have permission to bring hardcopies of 'The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass' to Dragonmeet, so now I need to gauge interest to determine how many copies to get printed, and whether I should get a light weight trolley to carry them on (as will be getting there by train and Underground... Cost needs to cover printing and my costs for the day...
  10. Awaiting developments.
  11. Afraid I can only create PDFs using Word.
  12. Thank you. If I receive permission, I may bring some copies to sell at Dragonmeet, but: as 380 pages which have to be printed in color because of the extensive color coding, and the limited print run, it would be expensive.
  13. Latest, and last unless I buy more pens... This one literally used up the last ink in about a dozen pens. An Aggar highlander, suitable for the Billiz Highlanders, Drenthi Grims or the Border Wulf Peltasts. There's probably only room for the mini-me in the Army Lists. Hmm, had a comment about his helm being too small (he takes his fox cap off to wear his helmet) so have altered the shading...
  14. Latest, which may only appear in the book as the mini-me in the Army Lists. The latter helps me remove some embarrassing white space. Jasper Phalanx.
  15. There are no paragraphs on page 45....
  16. Nope. It's the main credits page. If I could find an artist that was free to take the commission I could afford to do the front cover, there'd be a front cover page.
  17. Last page is the back cover.
  18. Some people have asked to see the book. Here it is: :-)
  19. And my proofreading is complete. Found a significant formatting error ('floating' continuous' section break which shouldn't have been there) and a few other typos today. Other typos and bugs doubtless remain. When a document gets to 255,825 words and 381 pages, it's not simple being the author, illustrator, proofreader and layout... Just need to create a PDF tomorrow.
  20. Durbaddath as Father Lion?
  21. Basmoli 'lion man' scouting ['Tarzan-like' figure with spear, long red hair decorated with ribbons...]
  22. And it is done, barring the inevitable typo hunt.
  23. As the Goddess of Truth was a casualty in the Gods War, there probably aren't any objective truths, just subjective ones, filtered by culture and traditions. The bigger the 'truth' the more diverse beliefs about it will probably be. Even if Heroquesters find out something 'new' it may not be a universal truth. It's a bit like looking at terrestrial mythology and trying to compare gods - Zeus is widely assumed to be the same as Jupiter (but there are plenty of divergent stories about Zeus, and probably even more in ancient times) but is Zeus the same as other Near Eastern Storm gods such as Teshub? Or perhaps Marduk or Asshur, or Indra?
  24. This is a matter for the players, if they have a designated leader, as the division of spoils is all part of the Bronze Age setting (the Iliad gives several examples of where the allocation of treasure went awry, so if it causes a player upset, then it is entirely in character. If they don't have a leader, then any random method (in game placing items in a bag and each taking a turn in taking an item out) works - but there may be items that are significantly more useful to one character than the others, so some horse trading is likely. If things cause an altercation, then any game of chance, or if necessary a duel (hopefully something like wrestling or for Humakti a fight to first blood) might suffice. As others have noted, Borderlands described the traditional Orlanthi and Solar methods, to which might be added a Lunar method.
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