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Everything posted by skarl

  1. For me, the old Bard Game's system ruined magic for me, spoiled me by giving me so many options and variants on spells. Sure, some did the same thing in a different way, but these each had their own flavor. I like the Precis Intermedia magic books because these tomes really open up magic and give the GM/dM/Chronicler/etc and player a huge toolkit to run with. I don't want to knock what you have done at all, I have no intention to, I am just spoiled by the choices offered by a more open ended system. Although I really like the magnitude levels in BoL, which are the opposite of the Atomik add-ons in which the player makes spells on the fly.
  2. A pdf can become a little fanzine type file. A webcomic or two and BAM! People will notice.
  3. No, I think that this is really what I think will help-any stories, anecdotes, reviews, play session reports, etc help immensely.
  4. Plus Facebook groups. There are a zillion for D&D in all of it's editions, but how many for BRP? Two for BRP, zero for RQ, Magic World doesn't even have an 'About' page to like. Concentrating on the BRP group that is the most popular would be another way to stimulate the community.
  5. Not wanting to hijack another thread, I saw comments about how the game could be more 'out there' and talked about/played. That is where we as a community come into play. This forum is great and has downloads and resources for people that are aware of BRP/Chaosium/Magic World/RQ6, and while many might have casual knowledge, what it takes is a movement to get books in hands and people playing. I have written an oldschool D&D blog since 2009 which I wrote daily for three years and then slacked off a bit. That is a new monster, spell, magic item, deity, etc daily, given to the community. Other blogs sprang up (this was the time of the Rise of the Simulacrums) and offered game reports, reviews, interviews and other insight into the games in question. Fanzines sprang up and some are still running. And how did this all start? With a group of six of us on conference calls talking and putting our heads together. In the beginning we were dismissed as being 139 people strong, not worthy of notice. I don't know, my blog has more than 250,000 unique visitors and I received a nod in the 5th edition Monster Manual, so the game can get bigger, it can expand and more and more people will notice. And there is a simple way of doing this for ANYONE on this sight that is interested-Someone start a conversation in Tabletop on Rpg.Net, with others contributing. Let that thread grow until it has several pages. Start another in a week or two. Don't spam the site, but keep Magic World and BRP/Chaosium/RQ6 in the first three pages for a while, that alone will get people to buy in. When I see the game mentioned now it is usually in passing, as a solution for someone looking for 'x' fantasy game, in a reactive way, but not in a proactive manner. Together as a community we can get the word out and get the game more attention, doing nothing will cause nothing to change.
  6. To be quite honest, I found the magic system too bland and threw it out, still using POW for spells, but instead using the Atomik add-ons from Precis Intermedia. Why not have hundreds of spells handy to run with? I can run any kind of spellcaster and have more spells, rituals and magic items than one would ever need. Better too many ideas at the table than too few.
  7. And I believe that is the best template to use, as presented in Monster Island,which I just received a couple of days ago and have been devouring (I love the nods to CAS, by the way). It would be interesting to have a database of deities for a GM or player to use in their games to add variety. At least in my opinion.
  8. Thank you for the replies, everyone. Tzunder, I will do writeups of the Gods of Pegana as well as other deities of a similar sort. I am toying with making a blog for my game, which I just might do. I have written an OSR blog for nearly 4 years now as as well as dipping into an X-plorers blog too, so i might be able to pull of an RQ blog.
  9. Sheesh. I would have thought someone else was running alternate pantheons. It seems natural to branch out and house rule that sort of thing.
  10. Has anyone done alternate cults in their RQ settings? I was never a big Glorantha fan myself, but I like the monsters and basics, so RQ6 is a definite winner for me. Since most characters use magic in RQ I decided to go with a Dunsanian base, using the Gods of Pegana as my core pantheon and branching out from there to include various deities of monsters and villains from a variety of sources (including Mythos deities and some CAS gods as well), most of which are merely tucked into the category of the Thousand Home Gods. Using the work of Lord Dunsany as a core and as a big fan of his writing (my username is a character from his writing) I am trying to emulate a sort of Dreamlands like quality into my setting as Dunsany inspired Lovecraft to create the Dreamlands and obviously borrowing material from that supplement will meld in well. Has anyone else created pantheons for their RQ games? I did a Google search for similar ideas, but didn't find anything.
  11. I love, love, love RQ6 and I come from a strong old school D&D background (I have been responsible for this AV&ES for nearly four years now (although I played a bunch of RQ in the 90's. I love the lack of Glorantha material so I can use my blog's world with heavy Dunsany/CAS/Middle Earth imprinting. I would give it two thumbs up any day.
  12. Edited as I broke up the Chaosium lot for someone, Chaosium core and Cadwallon are left, I dropped the Cadwallon by another $5.
  13. Dropped the prices by $10 on everything. If I send to Noble Knight I know I will end up getting credit which equals more rpg books. Just trying to keep the female unit happy.
  14. Posting here before sending to Noble Knight. PM me if anything is of interest. Everything is from a smoke free home. I have 100% positive feedback on ebay, too. Prices include postage (unless you want outside of the US, then the price for postage is more). Paypal works well and I ship fast (I live a block from the post office) and with delivery confirmation. These are extras that I have accumulated along the way and the female unit insists that I thin from the herd. Basic Roleplaying Core (the latest edition) Chaosium mint $25 shipped Cthulhu Dark Ages (Chaosium) mint *sold* Malleus Monstorum *sold* Cadwallon near mint would sell for $35 In trade I am looking for: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Labyrinth Lord Revised print version Swords & Wizardry 3rd print version
  15. I cannot argue GWAR-inspired gaming is where it is at, but I will also chime in on the post stating that Tolkien-inspired high fantasy isn't the only high fantasy out there. There are plenty of terrifying stories regarding elves and monsters (i.e. Tales Before Tolkien and anything by Lord Dunsany or Clark Ashton Smith). I throw everything into a blender and run with it. After playing Demigod for a few days I think that starting players out as minions to some crazed demigod trying to ascend to godhood would make for a fun kickoff for a campaign.
  16. Thank you for the information, I will look forward to your offering, a witch around Halloween, illustrated? Perfect.
  17. I have downloaded this material and I hope to see your monograph on Witchcraft!
  18. True, Nightshade. I use the 1st column for spell times with Prolonged varying as a ritual. This allows for a faster casting time and is a quick fix to spells taking more time to cast than we are generally used to.
  19. I believe it was me who brought these up and I really have to endorse the magic supplements for a fantasy game, these are the only Atomik add-ons that I own, but they are extremely helpful and give you a plethora of useful spells.
  20. Yes, low resolution pictures, they were covered in my reply.
  21. I believe that there are watermarks and/or low resolution images with most online vendors. An illustrator only "loses" the rights to an image that they agree to in the contract, and any good contract includes publicity. I know of no contract that includes third parties to make scans of the work whenever they feel like it since it is impossible to enforce low resolution scans. If you think that fair use laws are always implied try pushing this theory with Games Workshop.
  22. The best darned Bestiary ever made!
  23. I don't mind black and white, which is a lot more printer friendly in my book.
  24. Is there an English version of Drakar och Demoner? I have been pestering Riotminds for years and haven't seen or heard anything about an English version.
  25. I am liking this and hope to see the list continue!
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