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Ali the Helering

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Posts posted by Ali the Helering

  1. MGDV - from time to time I play around with the idea that the lozenge is a 'map' in a Great Ocean on a Ringworld. Some interesting celestial ramifications and the possibility of Pierson's Puppeteers and Kzinti on the plains of Pamaltela! 

    What's not to love???? 😇

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  2. 38 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    I wasn't, Brankist was. Imagine D'Artagnan from the Holy Country, middle aged, telling long boring stories about "When I was in the Cavalry", now imagine him naked and blue. I think he was more embarrassed about being blue, to be honest, looking like a Smurf Musketeer. He became a Thanatar Hero in the end, subtly combining his love for Lhankor Mhy with his hatred of Thanataru and gaining control of a Thanatar Great Temple beneath Dorastor.

    Truly glad that he eventually saw the Darklight! 

    If you are suggesting to someone calling himself 'the Helering' that there is something unattractive about being naked and blue..... all for one and one for all!


  3. 14 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    This is a real thing?¿? No, seriously?

    You brits is crazy!
    I want to play!

    You think that is crazy?  Try this primitive heroquest as we try to chase Shepelkirt from the sky!



  4. 26 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    Even 'Good Omens'?

    I wholeheartedly recommend it, but not for Glorantha.

    It could form an interesting basis for a campaign in Safelster and the Return of Arkat👹

  5. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    A bugger plough just rips up the earth more. You are better off just having a team of zombie oxen that can plough all day and all night, rather than a team of dinosaurs.

    Mistyped, I hope.... 

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  6. Jajagappa is the god of Lost Rocks, a astronomical feature.

    Umath crashed in the North. 

    The Darkness may well be the result of a meteoric impact. 

    Ghelotralas came to ground in the west, with significant effect, and the recognition of Lodril as heat within the earth. 

    Mernita is lost in the fall of a 'moon'. 

    One of Argrath's later battles involves a 'rogue planet'. 

    IMHO there's every indication that Glorantha is under massive bombardment from time to time. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    I note the that there are Dino-riders in Prax -- the Bolo Lizard Tribe.

    Of course, the nomads aren't agricultural!


    I am pondering the notion that I may Vary My Glorantha by replacing each family-unit tent (that other tribes use) with something on the backs of Thunder Lizards... braves on Bolo's, families up high on Apatosaurs / etc...

    The problem with that would be the lack of  the prolific vegetation one would normally expect for apatosaurs to eat. 

    However, MGDV, and dinosaurs are quite prolific in the Elder Wilds, and I like your thinking!🙂

  8. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:


    There are very few wild herds, most are sent directly by Eirtha and as such as considered sacred. They may last a few years before succumbing to predators.


    My post to which this is a reply was referring to Pent, rather than Prax, which has a very different ecology - both biological and spiritually.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 9 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Whilst the Praxian tribes and their herds migrate due to food supply and tribal dominance, the Pentans, who have a much more severe climate, will have to migrate, because herds of horses, cattle, goat, sheep have different tolerances to heavy snow.

    If one follows the observable Mongolian model, this migration is often 'local lowland-local highland' rather than enormous distances north and south.

    I would also assume that there are wild herds, the result of centuries of escape from the main herds followed by breeding in the wild.  These would be far more likely to follow a north-south axis.

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The giveaway for me is that there is a rune spell in the RQG Bestiary 

    Gata: Provides Gnome to Gargoyle

    So they are a form of transformed Earth Elemental (stone) or just Stone Elementals. There's likely a myth as to why they can fly (not so well though).

    Whilst this does state A source, it doesn't state that it is the ONLY source.

    Gata might be mimicking a creature with Air linkages in order to gain some leverage within another element's area of control. YGWV


  11. 16 minutes ago, RHW said:

    All you need is Irrippi Ontor. I guess he’s a Buseri now instead of a Lhankor May, but they’re masks of each other more or less and he would’ve either know about the LBQ or been able to research it. And he was outlawed by his cult for pursuing forbidden knowledge. Or at least I think that’s still a thing.


    Yes, but what of the other wind cultists?

    Doburdun, TarUmath, North War Wind etc.  Is there a primordial '7 to save the world' myth, with parallel outcomes?

  12. 2 hours ago, RHW said:

    Look, it is reductionist God Learner madness to think the Seven Mothers performed the Lightbringer Quest as part of the creation of the Red Goddess....

    Unless they did.





    Musing upon this, especially since the GL monsters didn't directly reach Rinliddi, makes me wonder just how widespread the basic myth form is.

  13. 8 hours ago, metcalph said:

    I'm not interested in debating the nature of abusrdity.  I am simply stating as a blunt fact that the idea of significant Thanatari worship in Carmania and that a Thanatari priest could travel from Carmania to Prax is deranged nonsense considering that Thanatar is one of the few chaotic cults the Lunars would quite happily wipe out.  If the priest had been one of Vivamort, Krarsht or Cacodemon then it would be plausible but not Thanatar.

    No, I think that you need to reread your own posts before becoming polemical.

    There really is no need to become put out because others disagree with you over what is or is not absurd. YGWV

    If we take that to heart then we can each run games as we understand Glorantha, with players making the choice as to whether to buy into that particular interpretation or not.

     'Absurd' covers everything from the elf bow to the names Nochet and Corflu, and yet we have them.☺

    • Like 2
  14. 12 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    I said nothing about them being preferable.  I said they could conceal their nature, which is something completely different. I had hoped you would have understood the difference between a worshipper of Thanatar on one hand and a worshipper of Krarsht, Vivamort or Cacodemon on the other.

    Actually you spoke in terms of size of cult and ease of movement, not concealment. I do understand the difference, and do not find overly precious condescension attractive.

  15. 15 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    Except that the Lunar Empire has been described as hating Thanatari in Cults of Terror.  They can tolerate the Bat and other chaotic gods but Thanatar has no restraint and so is purged without mercy.


    The Empire doesn't favour Krarsht.  Krarsht conceals its own actions and is well-known for it.  The same goes for Cacodemon and to a lesser extent Vivamort.

    I feel that I have to point out that you were the one who spoke of them as preferable to Thanatar, not I.

  16. 3 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    Seriously?  The Thanatari walk around with heads on their belts.  They stand out in a crowd.  How are they going to escape civilized societies from mustering in troops and magicians to kill them?  It doesn't matter how powerful they are - they have no friends and no means of concealing themselves.  

    Yep, seriously.  Consider the chaos monsters and mages the Empire embraces, not least Sedenya herself.

    Heads on your belt?  Why should I care unless my cult opposes Chaos or one of the constituent parts of Thanatar?

    On the other hand, if you favour Krarsht you are undermining society. If you favour Cacodemon you are promoting cannibalism.  If you favour Vivamort - actually, okay, the empire has a Vampire Legion, so everything is fine, yes?

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