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Bill Mize

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About Bill Mize

  • Birthday December 10


  • RPG Biography
    Call of C'thulhu is my JAM. Been playing, but have never GM'd since 1st Edition. Maybe it's time to change that.
  • Current games
  • Location
    Winchester, KY
  • Blurb
    Tabletop Gamer ("Call of Cthulhu"). Award winning B-Movie Podcaster ("Bill Watches Movies"). Writer. Husband. Dad. USAF Veteran. I contain multitudes. PHP 4:13

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  1. Resurrecting this thread to let everyone know that the Sons of the Singularity have kickstarted a Second Edition of The Sassoon Files, and it looks like it's going to be a HUGE improvement on the first edition. They do great work, and always delivery a quality product on time/close to on time: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/singularity-sons/the-sassoon-files-second-edition - Bill
  2. I'll usually let them use Charm, Persuade or Fast Talk, depending on which one is the highest.
  3. Really looking forward to this being restocked in the US warehouse for a future (near future) purchase!
  4. This is a great question, as I'll be at ChaosiumCon as well. I'd love to pick up some Pendragon in advance, too. Just sayin' :)
  5. Managed to score my first ever game of Pendragon at the upcoming ChaosiumCon; would love for this to be available at the Dealer's Room then.
  6. I did a flip-through of the paperback version; it's ridiculously well done! The hardcover should DEFINITELY be an insta-buy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNk1xsFwSok - Bill
  7. Thank you for your kind words, John! They do keep me going and keep me fueled! Here's another wonderful Miskatonic Repository scenario, "The Lost Temple of the Vethalam"! Instead of Arkham, Innsmouth or even Egypt, take your Call of Cthulhu Investigators to 1920's India for bit of digging and sanity loss! - Bill
  8. Should you purchase the new "Japan: Empire of Shadows" sourcebook? Absolutely YES, and I'm going to prove it:
  9. Mail call today brought the BRP Universal Game Engine HARDCOVER! Spoiler Alert: It's GORGEOUS. Bonus: I rant about the games or campaigns that I would love to see created with this system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR9TOU4uqZ8 Thanks as always for your support! - Bill
  10. The new folks over at the Call of Cthulhu sub-reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/callofcthulhu/) are making me a bit salty, so I had to make this quick video to help them out!
  11. I think that you could put something in the discovery section of the scenario that mentions people going missing, as opposed to directly calling out the slaves and their handlers. Instead of the slaves, it could be just various and sundry folks. Hunters, trappers, folks who live on the outskirts of town, homeless people, etc. It's an easy fix, I'm thinking. - Bill
  12. It's just not a Call of Cthulhu without a crazed, evil cult to give your Investigators a run for their money! Let's use Chaosium's "Cults of Cthulhu" to make one, shall we? We shall!
  13. To Fudge, or Not To Fudge? That is the question! I have an answer, and BONUS STORY TIME! Enjoy and thank you all for Subscribing and sharing! - Bill
  14. Another quick video! A day late and a dollar short, we flip through the first issue of Bayt-Al-Azif and I show you all the wonders it contains and manage to name drop half a dozen other people and creators and publishers! Enjoy and thank you for your curiosity and support! - Bill
  15. I don't know what the actual font they use is, nor the license, or anything legal like that, but there are fonts out there that come close to the Call of Cthulhu look. Look at Beaumarchais Regular and Columbus Regular. - Bill
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