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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. Nope, but GMs are encouraged to come up with a restriction if it suits the campaign setting. The combat system isn't that granular. One of the options I'd considered during the writing of the book was to make each individual weapon have a +/- to the basic weapon skill, rather than a base chance of their own that gets replaced by the user skill. That would have allowed more cases where a weapon is better able to do one action than another, or situational modifiers like that. In the end I decided against that (popular) innovation as it wasn't within the goal of the manuscript.
  2. Thanks for the kind words! If you should ever find yourself down in Austin, let me know!
  3. My apologies. My schedule on Interplanetary has slipped by a few months due to a calamitous series of events relating to work, life, and family. (The company I worked for more-or-less went out of business causing me to seek and find a new job I need to adjust to; we're dealing with an ongoing and terminal illness in my wife's immediate family; and a series of vehicle problems that necessitated a new car purchase.) My family and I are fine, but spare time has been hard to find. I talked with Charlie Krank about it at Gen Con and he was understanding, so it's going to be later than planned. However, there's a ton of other BRP stuff in the hopper from other authors, and Chaosium is pretty much swamped with production on those products. In the weeks to come, I'll drop some teaser text when I'm able.
  4. He also visited the End of time... ... and Kane visited the Young Kingdoms.
  5. "Distinctive Features" appeared in Elric! and Pendragon years before there was an OGL.
  6. I would love to see someone revisit Superworld, though I am not so sure that there's a huge market for a superhero game that's not Mutants & Masterminds or Champions. Having worked on one of the less-successful attempts (Silver Age Sentinels), I have some idea of how hard a share of the market that is to succeed in.
  7. I have no idea. I just wrote most of the core book, and am working on a sourcebook. I am unaware of the specifics on the master plan for the line. I suspect that it will evolve with the nature of submissions they receive, publish, and sell. As do I As a reminder, though, Chaosium's release schedule is driven almost entirely by outside writers, so if there's something you really want to see, I encourage you to propose it to them.
  8. Are players prohibited from being Wizards?
  9. That was a bizarre one. The original game was done before they did MRQ, but after the publication of MRQ, they hinted on their forums that they were doing a MRQ version. I spoke with Vincent Darlage, who'd even begun work on it. Then they made some announcement that they weren't doing it.
  10. Absolutely. It makes even more sense to include those in setting- or genre-specific books, though.
  11. I've just dropped the character sheet, system summary, and character generation reference sheets into the Downloads/Systems & Settings folder.
  12. 1,474 downloads

    Here's the system summary I provided... it's got a little bit of Mongoose's Conan inspiration in it (at the time, I was freelancing on the line for them).
  13. 1,342 downloads

    The character creation summary for the Elric!-powered Conan campaign I ran a few years back.
  14. 1,030 downloads

    The character sheet for the Elric!-powered campaign I ran a few years ago.
  15. All of my players had played the d6 version, so they were familiar enough with that system that I just gave it a BRP overlay.
  16. My private group of playtesters and the official playtest group were heavily opposed to such a system. Advantages/Disadvantages of the sort you describe had never been a part of a BRP game previously, and as the BRP rulebook was intended to be a collected and consistent version of the existing BRP corpus, it made no sense to add such a system. Incorrect. Character Failings are described on pages 141-143.
  17. My old notes were posted in the download section quite a while ago.
  18. I actually ran a Conan campaign using Stormbringer rules a couple of years ago. I'll post some of that stuff to the download area when I'm home.
  19. I suspect that those ratings were meant to address Elric's ability to handle himself in the middle of a gigantic mess of warriors, such as the Kelmain Host, attacking and parrying multiple times a round and wiping out dozens, if not hundreds of foes, single-handedly. Giving him a ludicrously-high weapon skill is one way to handle it... it's not necessarily the way I would have done so, but it does emphasize his quality of deus ex machina. Remember that though there are a lot of similarities, Call of Cthulhu and Stormbringer aren't entirely compatible. How they handle skill %s is a huge difference.
  20. No news. Still writing it. It'll then go to a limited playtest/edit cycle, then to Chaosium where it goes at the tail end of a very long list of things to be published. After that: art, cover, editing, and layout... then printing. My guess is Christmastime or thereabouts for in-store or .pdf release.
  21. It was an accident they were left out. I'll check my files when I've got more free time and see if the accident was on my end or Chaosium's. However, the explosives chart definitely should not be in the middle of the artillery section, drat it.
  22. I'll keep an eye out for you.
  23. Oh man.... my heart stopped beating for a few moments there even thinking of such a thing...
  24. Well that doesn't narrow it down much! Heh. No drink necessary, please. I've thrown a recent picture up in my profile thingie on this site. My schedule is wide open now -but I'm definitely going to be at the rpg.net meetup at 6:00 Saturday at Chancellor Suites 3. I'll also PM anyone attending with my cellphone # if they want to call me at the con.
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