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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. Chaosium still owns the rights to any English-language version of the game. Despite interested developers, they have chosen not to release a new version. This might change in the future, but it's unlikely. Consider that until their sale earlier this year, they still had copies of most of the core books in stock, 14 years after the game's release. Not the best-selling line they've ever published. There has been recent interest from an outside source (at least, I've been in contact with someone who is considering making Chaosium an offer on it), but time will tell if it comes to anything.
  2. Liber Ka basically said "We don't like the system from the core book. Here's a completely new system to use instead."
  3. As the book will feature: a) a campaign in which the characters are pitched in a dangerous battle across the solar system, including a stop on each planet and a cover undoubtedly featuring a iron-thewed warrior in jeweled battle harness, fighting a towering alien under an exotic sky ...I think the title is still appropriate. Remember that I've said there will be some space travel, it just won't be a focus, and it certainly won't involve (as I've said) teams of jumpsuited space corps officers rocketing around in a ship in defense of the Earth.
  4. I am quite fond of the promise of Nephilim, less so about the game that was released. There's some recent discussion about it on rpg.net, and I believe it comes up on gamingtavern.eu from time to time. The magic system from the core book was woefully wrongheaded in that it attempted to be a representation of Western magic. It was replaced by the system presented in the supplment Liber Ka. If you want an alternate magic system to the two presented in BRP, it would work (with a little finessing), but if you're looking for something approximating what people think of as "real world" magic, stick to Liber Ka. I would absolutely love to see a new English-language edition of the game that rethought the origin of the Nephilim, redid their relationship to their human hosts, and emphasized the "modern incarnations of mythological beings" aspect rather than trying to glom a Western occult conspiracy game around them. The success of the entire White Wolf line demonstrates that there's a market for a game featuring semi-human immensely powerful beings living in secret amongst humanity engaging in a secret war with one another and other forces.
  5. It looks like the site's up, with two important bits of news: a) the official new BRP character sheet is now downloadable. official confirmation that BRP is at the printer. Woot!
  6. The genre is also called interplanetary adventure, interplanetary romance, interplanetary stories, etc. I didn't necessarily want to use the "romance" label because the term is a bit dated, and I liked the punchiness of a one-word title. Planetary, however, has already been used for a long-running comic from DC.
  7. There's a whole "news" part with all sorts of information about new games, as well as a ton of support material for Call of Cthulhu.
  8. Neither of these are planned. What kind of rules outside the BRP core book do you think would be essential for that?
  9. Their site was hacked a week and a half ago. They've been trying to get it up and running, but they're a smallish operation and are in the middle of a few other things, like trying to get BRP out the door, some Call of Cthulhu stuff, etc. Plus, the GAMA Trade Show was last week, so they were out of town at that (at least, I'm pretty sure they were there).
  10. If you'll look upthread, you'll see that the date of my suggestion to Chaosium was 10/15/07, about three and a half months before Dark Heresy shipped. While I would have loved to have had my hands on a copy of Dark Heresy back in October, such was not the case.
  11. Here's the mailing from Chaosium regarding the website:
  12. There are plenty of spells that can enhance weapons (technically "weapon buffs") but only a few spells directly targeting an opponent. The magic system, however, is full of straight-damage spells.
  13. Apparently you're not familiar with the genre this sourcebook is about. Words like plausible aren't remotely applicable to interplanetary adventure stories.
  14. That was specifically to accommodate one of the PCs - a distraught engineer named Korrick Salvaridar (try saying that fast) who was eager to join the Rebellion due to his work being utilized by Seinar Fleet Systems in development of the Death Star. He wanted a skill to represent his being able to throw together technological devices, and other feats of engineering. With around half of his body replaced with cybernetics, he was essentially a Star Wars version of Tony Stark. That campaign was a lot of fun. But this is really off topic, so I'll end the discussion here.
  15. 953 downloads

    Old rules I cobbled together using the old Elric! rules and a variant of the WEG SW game Force rules. This is the character sheet.
  16. 962 downloads

    Old rules I cobbled together using the old Elric! rules and a variant of the WEG SW game Force rules. These are the Force Dice rules.
  17. 976 downloads

    Old rules I cobbled together using the old Elric! rules and a variant of the WEG SW game Force rules. This is the gear file, containing weapons and armor.
  18. 1,259 downloads

    Old rules I cobbled together using the old Elric! rules and a variant of the WEG SW game Force rules. This is the combat overview.
  19. It's been a long time and several computers since that campaign, and I've lost most of the original files somewhere, but I think I've still got the character sheet around here. I'll see if I can find it and will post it to the files section, for kicks. EDIT: I found those files and posted them. Enjoy!
  20. I should also clarify that I wasn't intending to start any MRQ vs. BRP sort of discussion... it was just a "Please don't confuse them" request. I saw the header and went "Oh, cool!" and then saw that it was about and went "Not interested!"
  21. Dustin's email was affected by the Chaosium domain woes... I got an email from him Wednesday morning saying he'd only had email back for a couple of hours. I'm not sure what the status of the website is, but I know that they're pretty busy trying to get the site up and running. Responses are going to be a bit slow(er).
  22. If it's being based on the OGL version of Mongoose's version of the Runequest system, it's not a "BRP" game. Basic Roleplaying is the name of the new core book based on the core system used in Chaosium games for 30 years. Chaosium and Mongoose have been very careful to distinguish the two games. There may be a high degree of compatibility, but the systems are not identical. I am told that the Mongoose game diverges from BRP in many ways.
  23. I dunno. Hopefully as soon as possible.
  24. Send Dustin an email at dustin@chaosium.com and he'll fire you a copy of the contract. It's not a big secret what the terms are. I'm just not a Chaosium employee, and don't want to be in a situation where people are asking me to negotiate or explain their licensing terms. I can say that the terms are (in my opinion) extraordinarily generous.
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