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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. It could be done with very little effort.
  2. I got confirmation from Dustin that the books that have been shipped already were from a first run that was intended for Tentacles. Unfortunately, they ended up arriving a day after the convention.
  3. I was on Shikoku, in Kagawa-ken, Zentsuji-shi. I was there for six years teaching at a small private university. Shaira was also a former resident of Japan, but alas, we never met one another.
  4. I was thinking of seeing if I could go out to the highway and salute as it rolls by... ... of course, if a book happened to fall off the back, that would be nice, too, as I haven't gotten a physical copy yet.
  5. This is exactly the conversation Dustin Wright and I had two years ago.
  6. Chaosium.com: News - BRP Rollin I've got to say, I certainly can't wait for tomorrow's installment!
  7. Chaosium no longer has the rights to publish material for the Stormbringer/Eternal Champion license, having sold those rights to Mongoose.
  8. I would love to see a BRP (or hell, non d20) spy-based game. It's one of the saddest things to me about Chaosium losing the Eternal Champion license... I wish they'd found the time to do a Jerry Cornelius game.
  9. I am certain that this is not the case. My guess is that Chaosium got some initial copies from the printer, and sent them to the farthest-reaching customers, thinking that it'd arrive for them the same time as everyone else. When I lived in Japan, I occasionally had freak mail occurrences, like when my grandmother sent me a birthday card and forgot to put postage on it. Not only that, it wasn't sealed. I got it in less than 72 hours, complete with a check inside from Grandma. (Which made me crazy because I couldn't cash checks in Japan.)
  10. abebooks.com is the place to look. Lost Worlds: Zothique, Averoigne and others Volume 1: Clark Ashton Smith: 0586039643 ZOTHIQUE.: Clark Ashton Smith.
  11. I'd love to see a Zothique RPG. I remember a while ago lamenting with Dustin that they hadn't turned Dreamlands into a full-fledged RPG rather than keeping it as an extension of Call of Cthulhu. An alternate might be one based on William Hope Hodgson's The Night Land.
  12. EMBR (Even More Basic Roleplaying), my "personal" version of BRP that I use for one-shots and introducing non-gamers to the system, uses the 1/10 critical and 100% skill cap.
  13. When I was long ago working on a revision to Superworld, we discussed the notion of success values, before the project got abandoned. I re-evaluated the design elements once more during the writing of BRP, and abandoned the notion again for the following reasons; It was a radical departure from the current system, and I didn't want BRP to be incompatible with previous editions of BRP-based products. In my opinion, the mechanics broke when applying them to skills above 100%, especially when using skills radically in excess of 100%. For example, a character with a skill of 150% would automatically score at least 5 success levels, no matter what he rolled (assuming he didn't fumble). The notion of having to accommodate that level of progression for result charts felt impossible. It didn't scale well with settings that allowed skills of over 100% and those that didn't. By contrast, the normal special/critical system continued to work fine.
  14. Both are correct. A bleeding attack or a poison attack need to do at least 1 point of damage. It makes bleeding attacks less immediately powerful, to be sure, but the ablative effect of a steady HP drain (potentially requiring immediate medical attention) balances it out.
  15. I've just registered for Gen Con US, in Indianapolis, Indiana, for this year. I'm not sure if I'll be hanging around the Chaosium booth or if I'll be at the con just kicking back, seeing friends, gaming, and networking, but would enjoy meeting with those of this forum who'll be there. I may even want to run a game or two. Anyone else going to be in attendance?
  16. I'm not sure how much overlap there is, but the Metabarons RPG was partly inspired by Moebius' work. Here's an old press release. I've got the core book, GM screen, and universe guide (this last one in .pdf). It's a pretty interesting little game.
  17. I am fairly certain it's just the box set, and hasn't been modified. Ditto. I'd bet Chaosium would be quite interested in supporting a new Superworld, but I can say sadly that past efforts by freelancers to revise Nephilim have met with little interest. Times may have changed, though. Anyone interested in either project should contact Dustin at Chaosium.
  18. Not exactly. The text has been proofread. The missing footnotes for the equipment tables are finally present. The rules for psychic combat are present. There are some clarifications and reorganizations.
  19. As a warning, the review was written in 2004. I just looked at Hogshead's website and it hasn't been updated for almost as long.
  20. I'm not the biggest fan of the font, either... it reminds me too much of beer-garden menus from the 80s.
  21. In Reader, go to File > Properties. It will open a multi-tabbed window. "Fonts" is one of those tabs. Goudy, Legacy, Palatino, Hobo, Minion, and some various dingbat fonts. I suspect that Palatino is the core text font, and Hobo is the header.
  22. I suspect the timing is specifically to have an adventures book ready and for sale at Gen Con to sell alongside the core rulebook.
  23. I've had lunch with him a few times when my old company was going to license one of his products for a computer game, and he was surprisingly decent and quite aware of his unfortunate reputation in the industry. This even went so far as him hiring a guy specifically to run interference to keep him from messing things up with business partners. Of course, naturally, he admittedly couldn't handle not being involved, so that guy was out, and in the months to come, a minor contract issue killed the deal. It's a pity, as the project would have been tremendously fun to work on, and filled an interesting gap in the marketplace.
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