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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. For fans of the genre, this seems relevant: paizo.com - Store / Paizo Products / Planet Stories
  2. That one was an oversight - it originally was on the ancient list, then got moved to the historic and somehow got cut between. It's on my list of fixes.
  3. You don't understand my position. [snipped to remove off-topic discussion]
  4. I have no idea. I suspect that it would depend on Chaosium finding an interested publishing partner willing to do the translation.
  5. As has been said a couple of times on this and other threads, there's the default one that is core to the system, and a number of alternate, optional methods.
  6. Beats me. I haven't looked at a copy of MRQ, and would literally give/sell/throw it away unread if it were given to me as a gift.
  7. I'll let you know when I get further along in the writing. It really depends on how much opera you're allowing in your space opera.
  8. I can't remember if it did that, but in SB1, you could add half your Juggle skill to any thrown weapon skill.
  9. The phrase "modern" as applying to a battleship was just to differentiate it from those made in the Age of Sail, just like the "modern" designator applies to a wide range of weapons and armors which originated anywhere in the last hundred or so years.
  10. That was one of those that we went back and forth on, but eventually decided to just fold under an Agility roll's functionality. It's easy enough to create a new skill in BRP, though. I've got the double-listing, and addressed it being used in the caption. And anyone who's played Stormbringer 1st edition will know why Juggling is the skill to have.
  11. SIZ doesn't equate to a 1 SIZ = 1 foot ratio. It's more a measure of bulk and is admittedly vaguely defined. However, it should likely be 3.0, like the sporting rifle, a change I'll note.
  12. My bad... I meant to say "have no trouble" in my post.
  13. I keep reference sheets printed out, and there's of course the core rulebook on hand. Usually, up on my screen at any given time are the following: - the adventure writeup - a character information table - the NPC document - the initiative table (I create a table in Excel with the first column for Initiative scores, the second column for names, and then sort by descending order) - itunes - a .pdf of the rulebook, if available I use a widescreen laptop, and have no trouble tabbing through all of these files when required.
  14. I've actually got the whole line of that old Wizards RPG, but haven't really looked through it. One of those impulse purchases. Starchaser: Legend of Orin is pretty fun stuff... the Sword of Shanarra to Star Wars' Lord of the Rings (if that makes any sense).
  15. I've got no idea if Chaosium will release a .pdf of BRP, but I certainly hope so. Up until the beginning of 2007, I was typing up my notes and adventure materials on my desktop, printing them out, and bringing a mini-DVD/CD player with speakers to game sessions to use for musical accompaniment. Then, after the baby arrived and I lost my office space, I moved primarily onto my laptop. Racked for time, I was often scrambling to type up my notes up to five minutes before leaving for game sessions. Then a switch went off, and I realized: "Hey, we sit around BSing for the first half-hour waiting for people to arrive.... I end up making notes all over my printouts... and it's a pain in the ass lugging the DVD player, speakers, and all those loose CDs. My laptop holds all my notes, itunes has all my music and integral speakers, the screen doubles as a GM screen, and I can even do stuff like Initiative and HP as simple docs rather than a lot of scratch paper. Plus, I can instantly look up stuff on Wikipedia if there's a real-world question I can't answer on my own!" So now, I generally do all of my prep on my laptop, and take it to the game. I save the relevant files onto a thumb drive and email them to myself as backup, but it's worked like a charm. So I buy any rulebook I can in hardcopy and .pdf (if available), if I'm going to be running it more than a half-dozen times.
  16. I don't know myself, but suspect the craigslist theory is the likeliest.
  17. It's more the gondola (passenger/cargo compartment) and engines that have more HP. There are three different types of dirigible; the airbag blimp style; a semi-rigid one; and a fully rigid one. The stats in BRP are a sort of median value representing all three types.
  18. Yes. Generally, vehicles or objects larger than characters have HP = SIZ, sometimes adjusted upwards by quality of construction or other admittedly nebulous factors. HP are rarely modified downwards below SIZ. It's a judgment call, but my rationale was that aircraft, unlike ground ships and battleships, are often as light as possible, and so their HP are equal to SIZ, while denser, heavier vehicles have higher HP due to structural reenforcement, especially thick hulls, etc.
  19. I'm taking a look at it now and will have some clarification before too long. It's mostly a problem of having re-written the Chase system in the summer of 2006 and the vehicles tables in the fall of 2007. However, I've just been dealing with a sick wife and daughter's 1st birthday party so I've been stretched pretty thin these last few days.
  20. According to the Urban Dictionary....
  21. The BRP manuscript uses metric as the default, with only a few spots where imperial measurements are provided.
  22. Though I've got DG and the Weapons Compendium, I chose to refer to Chaosium manuscripts and existing values as the first source where possible. The STR requirement for the sniper rifle assumes the use of either a tripod or a prone position. I suspect that the footnote disappeared when Charlie integrated the tables into the layout.
  23. I've found that old Sears Roebuck catalogs (first printed in 1894) or newspaper advertisements are good guidelines for prices, adjusted of course based on the locale.
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