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Jason D

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Posts posted by Jason D

  1. 21 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I say this not to pick nits, I think the lesson here is, "GMs, it's ok to be generous in character creation, don't follow the numbers too slavishly".

    I don't have his character creation worksheet any more (my piles of paper go into the recycling bin periodically) but I didn't bend the rules for any of the pregens. If there are too many skills, it is inadvertent, not fudging. 

  2. 23 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Mago has two different values for Spirit Combat, under Weapons it says 55%, under Magic it says 40%. If he has taken +15 as a cult skill choice, then  55% is the correct value. I can't see any other skill that might have had the +15 so I think that's it.

    That was an inadvertent copy/paste error from moving characters over from the old format to the new. It's been fixed in the original file and will go to print corrected. 

    23 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Also under Manipulation, it repeats his weapon skills but it says "1H Spear" instead of "Javelin, Held".

    1H Spear is the weapon category. 

    Javelin, short spear, and lance are all in that category. 


  3. On 4/16/2021 at 8:47 PM, g33k said:

    But as the Starter Set is explicitly a simplified ruleset, one can never be quite certain if one has found the "real" rules or the "simplified" rules.

    Arguably, it doesn't really matter.

    Arguably, one could simply use the Starter Set *AS* your primary RQG rulebook (only cracking open the corebook if the SS has no answer).

    Arguably,  [ grognards X social-media ]  =  infinite argumentation.


    You could use the RQ core book and play with all of the Starter Set content. 

    If you are a new player, you could almost play any scenario using the SS content, but would run into troubles where spells aren't described, etc. 

    You could also not create a new character using the SS. 

    The only instance where I just made things simpler/different was to just say fumbles are simply dropping a weapon rather than rolling on the table. The skills, combat charts and spell descriptions are otherwise identical. 

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  4. 52 minutes ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    I really enjoyed the Quick Start adventure and format, but a few small things like the summary of parry vs attacks were slightly different to what ended up in the core. Whilst I understand the need to abbreviate rules, I don’t think this particular variation in the QuIckStart helped new players. In this instance, the core is no more complicated, and probably easier with the chart/table.

    Will the starter set use the same basis as the core rules here?

    The Quickstart rules were based on a still-in-development version of the RQ rules set. Some things ended up changing between that and the core book's release, just as we've had some errata and rulings that have changed since then. 

    The Starter Set rules are an updated and expanded version of the Quickstart rules, but with all corrections and updates made. Aside from a few streamlined bits, it is current (and in some cases, slightly more accurate than) to the core book. 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    I'm not sure I follow. If Mago can summon the Small Air Elemental using Summon Cult Spirit, what does he (or anyone) even need the separate Summon Air Elemental (Small) spell for?

    The Starter Set presents a simplified, easier-to-grasp presentation of the rules and information, so Mago's spell list explains exactly what he can do with that spell. In this case, he can summon a small air elemental. It didn't make much sense to say "Summon Cult Spirit" as the spell and then have the player have to wonder what that meant.  

    Adventurers can learn Rune spells - such as elemental summonses - other than those taught directly by their cult.

    It's surprisingly commonplace, though associated cults and though Spell Trading. In those cases, they would use the elemental's Rune. 

  6. On 3/26/2021 at 6:26 PM, PhilHibbs said:

    Any that we don't have rules for yet? I'd love to expand my Google Sheets adventurer creation to support as many races as possible. I need to think about how to more easily accommodate unlisted races.

    There will probably be a dragonewt and a Fox Woman among their number as these one-off nonhuman adventurers.

    However, we're still wrestling with how to present dragonewts as viable longterm player characters for the upcoming Elder Races set. They may remain NPC-only. But as a single-use sort of character, they're not going to cause too much damage. 🙂

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  7. 17 hours ago, Manimati said:

    Very nice. I think that Mago the fierce will soon find a place in my campaign as a NPC.

    Looking at the character sheet, I noticed that Mago can summon an air elemental not only with the :20-element-air:rune but also with the :20-form-beast:and :20-power-death:ones.

    Is that a mistake ? Did I miss something ?

    You can summon your cult elemental with your cult's Runes, not just the Rune for the elemental. This is straight out of the rules (see page 317, et al): 


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  8. On 4/1/2021 at 8:32 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    Is there any subtility provided in the first parts ( rules and glorantha) that we don't have in the core book or can I skip them without any risk to have a rule/lore expert answering me "starter set p xxx" when I will ask any question ?

    The Starter Set is not a replacement for the core book. It's an introduction to the game and the world.

    All rules and Glorantha content, other than Jonstown, are in the core book in a much more detailed form. 

    • Thanks 2
  9. On 3/31/2021 at 8:23 AM, g33k said:

    Let's ask some brass-tacks questions, then (rough-estimate answers are fine) -- 
    Are the Homelands write-ups abbreviated?  By (roughly) how much (e.g. about half the size of the core; or 175 words max; or whatever) ?  Are any Homelands in the Core book NOT in the Starter Set?

    The homeland writeups are very brief, just enough for you to get an idea of what they are and how they relate to one another. All are named. 


    On 3/31/2021 at 8:23 AM, g33k said:

    Are there any deities in the RQG corebook that are not in the Starter Set?  How many are not?  Are deity write-ups substantially shorter?

    The descriptions are very short (a sentence or two). Deities who are not covered in the SS materials do not appear. You will not get a grand picture of RQ cosmology in the Starter Set, nor are there rules for promoting to Rune Master.

    That's beyond the scope of an already pretty-expansive Starter Set. 


    On 3/31/2021 at 8:23 AM, g33k said:

    Are there spirit-magic and/or rune-magic spells that are not in the Starter Set?  How many are not?  Do any sorcery rules appear in the Starter Set?

    The only spirit magic spells appearing are those possessed by the PCs and NPCs. Same with Rune spells. 

    Sorcery is described in brief. Sorala is the only adventurer to use it, and her spells are summarized. The NPCs with sorcery have their spells named (for players/GMs with the core rules) but there is no need, in the Starter Set content, for the NPC sorcery spells to be defined.

    If one of the NPC Lhankor Mhy sages is somehow out of their temple and throwing sorcery spells, you have gone beyond the scope of the Starter Set

    We also don't provide rules for naval combat. 


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  10. On 3/28/2021 at 7:28 AM, creativehum said:

    I ran the Quickstart for friends and we have enjoyed it. I have bought the slipcase and it seems like a lot. 

    I was looking for more information about the product between the Quickstart and the full game.

    And that was kind of weird.

    The Starter Set, as the table of contents shows, can serve as an intermediary between the Quickstart and the full rules experience. You get an abbreviated set of rules (based on the Quickstart rules, with more added), a great deal more of the setting, a solo adventure, more pregenerated characters, a starting hub for adventure, and three full adventures, plus seeds for more. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, AndreJarosch said:

    The cover of book one looked familiar. 
    Now i figured out why ("Die Helden des Schwarzen Auges", Rulebook of "Das Schwarze Auge 2nd Edition" 1988): 

    That's an interesting coincidence, but utterly unintentional. I've never seen that image, I'd be surprised if Jeff has, and I'm pretty sure Andrey hasn't either. 

    This is the source image we sent him: 



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  12. 13 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    thanks jason. I hope the new boss is not the dragon who  destroyed the redmoon ! (oops spoiler)

    That would be a hell of a Starter Set scenario. 

    • Haha 2
  13. On 3/22/2021 at 9:27 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:


    Seeing the map of rainbow mount, I have a question about this scenario

    Is the scenario the same than in previous version (bandits, statue, the xxx unable to be read except by you know who - don't want to spoil anything -) or something new ?

    Some stuff has changed, some things are still the same.

    "Meet the new boss..." 

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  14. On 3/10/2021 at 5:04 PM, Rick Meints said:

    Many gamers who are relatively new to roleplaying are very willing to try another game system IF they don't have to invest too much time or money in trying it AND get everything they need to give it a try. Thus a $29.99 starter set with everything they need to quickly get playing (including some dice), that teaches them the rules, and has a solo adventure so they don't even need a group to get started, is what THEY want. 

    Adding to this, I cannot even begin to count the number of times while working the booth at Essen, Gen Con, and Dragonmeet, fans looked at the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set and asked if we would be doing one for RuneQuest.

    When we said "Yes" the answer was always enthusiasm, often along the lines of "I'll buy multiple copies and give them away as gifts."  

    It is also a very popular question with our foreign partners. 

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  15. 16 hours ago, Runeblade said:

    After careful consideration I am sold. Seems like there might even be a few high quality blank character sheets if my eyes aren’t deceiving me. Always nice as I don’t own a color printer. Curious of that adventure also. Funny how the little things can tip you over. Might wait to get some reports of what the adventures are like though.

    All will be revealed in future installments of the development blog. 

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