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Everything posted by Soccercalle

  1. Yeah. I will try to adapt the Colymar Campaign to the period. The Eleven Lights will be harder as it doesn't really work together with Six Seasons/COTD. But I will use Return to Apple Lane and maybe some other scenarios.
  2. I start with 15 year olds in 1623. I skipped their personal history and only kept that of their forefathers. I had an 80 cap on Runes and passions. You need to be older to be more aligned with a Rune or to have a very strong passion. The usual rules gives the players four +25 skills and five +10 skills with a maximum of 100%. I changed that to four +15 skills and five +5 skills with a maximum of 90%. I kept the skill points that are based on culture, occupation and cult.
  3. I see that many posts discuss XP. I am a friend of rolling the dice for skill increases. But I am also struggling with spending time on this when all the sessions are online and people are quite busy. I trust my players but are thinking of a compromise where the you roll för increases in the skills you are using during a scenario. But where you just add some points for the seasonal skill increases. I am thinking of a system that replaces the "Experience Btw Adventures" rules on page 416 in the core rulebook. You can choose four occupational or cult skills. And maybe also two runes or passions. If they have 90-%. They can add 1% If they have 70-89%. They can add 2% If they have 50-69%. They can add 3% If they have 1-49%. They can add 4%. This will also make it possible to increase Lore skills witch cannot be increased by adventuring. I guess that an adventurer can spend time reading or something like that. I may also rule that they can't choose skills that have been increased by adventuring. I may also decide that this experience will not happen if where has not been enough "down time" during the season. (For example if they have played 2 or more scenarios or been traveling).
  4. Thanks! I hadn't read the last part in detail. Saving the souls seems much more convenient than a resurrection.
  5. I am starting a campaign in 1619. It will be based on Six Seasons in Sartar and Compnay of the Dragon. But I would like to add somw extra adventures. The scenarios in GM Screen and the Starter Set seems to be very post-Dragon Rise. The Apple Lane scenarios are very much ”post-Gringle”. Are there any other scenarios that are easier to play in the 1619–1624?
  6. I am starting a RQ Campaign tonight starting in 1619. I will base it on Six Seasons in Sartar but will try to incorporate the Colymar Campaign from Sartar - Kingdom of heroes. I wonder if any one has played the Colymar Campaign with the adventurers resurrecting Hofstaring. What happens to him later? Wilö he be tribal king again? Are you having him as a rebel sidekick to Kallyr. I am thinking of him going into exile (still hunted by the Lunars) and being a bit crazy after spending time in Hell. But I guess he will return after the Dragonrise.
  7. I see that Chaosium is having a sale of the 13th Age Glorantha book (and the pdf). I am not interested in the rules (I hate class- and level-based games) but wonder if the scenarios could be translated and used for RQG. Any takings?
  8. A question. This sounds great. Unfortunately some of us lives in different parts of the world. Will it be possible to at least listen to the seminars online?
  9. Thanks. Is there an official (or at least "semi-official") write-up of Drogarsi or Donandor anywhere?
  10. I player wants to create a character that is sort of a storyteller/musician/jester that makes funs songs about the adventurers. My first thought was that Eurmal is a good cult. But I later realised that Eurmal tricksters can be hard to roleplay in a group. I will start with the "Six Seasons in Sartar" campaign so it must be an Orlanthi god. What can be good alternatives to Eurmal? Lhankor Mhy (master of lores) or Issaries (good of communication)? If Eurmal I think that the character should be some kind of apprentice to the Eurmal skald who is part of the leadership in the Haraborn clan in "Six Seasons". The player is a very experienced role player but new to Glorantha.
  11. Do you consider them initiates (as described in there rules) to the wyters or something else. I think that guilds and cities should be treated fore as "waters" than as full cults.
  12. I have a questions about being a member of different cults. I can understand being a lay member. I guess that most Orlanthi, at least the men, are lay members to Orlanth even if they are initiates of for example Lhankor Mhy. But there sometimes seems to be cults for cities, guilds, occupations, regiments and even tribes. In the (excellent) "Six Seasons of Sartar" all adults are initiates of the clan. I get that Glorantha is a magic world where Gods are important. But should for example one expect a person to join all available cults? Are a member of a guild seen as being an outsider if he is not an initiate of the guild? Is a city-dweller a "bad citizen" if he is not an initiate of the City and so on.
  13. I accidentially looked in my old book ”Dorastor: Land of Doom”. It actually describes the rules for Illumination better than the text in ”Cults of Terror”. They are the same but with better text. But it lacks some of the backstory about the Arkat/Gbaji wars.
  14. Thanks for all the replies. Fortunately I had bought the Cults Compendium so I could find the Illumination rules from Cults of Terror. Quite good rules even if the details should be updated. I am of course still interested to know if Jeff could elaborate on the Gamemasters Guide with the promised rules for Heroes, Heroquesting and Illumination. Or if they will come in another book.
  15. Well. It was promised in the new rulebook from 2018. Chaosium has released other non-essential books since then and it is not mentioned in the posts made by Jeff and other representatives for Chaosium. I really hope that it is. But I don't really care if they are published there or in another book like the Cults book or the RQ Campaign. But maybe Jeff or someone else can clarify. (Even if I know that Chaosium don't like to take about when different books are coming. But I guess this is something else when the book was clearly promised in the core rulebook).
  16. Hi, Illumination rules was mentioned in the core rulebook and promised to be included in the Gamemasters Guide. As that book no longer seems to be in the plan I wonder if Illumination will be described in the Cults book or the RQ Campaign Book. I have the ancient text "Gods of Glorantha" with some basic rules for (Lunar) illumination but that is based on skills that don't seem to exist in RQG. Or are they published somewhere else where I can have missed them.
  17. A question. When I look at the art this seems to be much more of a 13th century medieval time than the dark ages 6th century. I know that many movie adaptions of Arthur uses color and armor from the 13th to 14th centuries. But when you read the best books they are much more dark, gritty and "dark ageish".
  18. I am starting a Sartar based RQG campaign with new players. They have huge RPG experimence but havent played RQG or in Glorantha. I have given them links to free stuff like the Soloquest in the Starter Set and the Quickstart rules. But they also wants to get som basic info about their place and culture. They will be playing members of an Colymar Clan (I will start with Six Seasons in Sartar). Can anyone suggest a good and free introdiction text describing Sartar and the Orlanthi?
  19. Good point. My thought was that the adventurers had learnt to admire Kallyr during their early adventuring years. And maybe that I could give them some hints that Kallyr - before she was killed - started to see the dark sides of Argrath (even if her hate of the Lunars were greater). But this is not a decision that I need to do now - it will be up to the players. Other options are Chief Colymar or Sartar.
  20. I am thinking about starting a new RQG campaign. I love the adventures in the starter set and the GMs screen pack but is worried about time. Time in the sense of playing the adventures more quick than the content. And worried about getting to 1630 (Glorantha time) without any good source material. So I am thinking about starting in 1619 with the "Six Seasons in Sartar" and having the adventurers growing up in a Colymar Clan that perishes in the end of the campaign. They will after that play "The Company of the Dragon" for 5 years (Glorantha time) with maybe two to three adventures every year. I am also think about using some materials from the "Coming Storm" and "Eleven Lights" that may fit into the structure. Mostly to get the players to learn about what is happening in Sartar during the Lunar Occupation. I want the players and characters to be invested in the Hero Wars. With that as a start I think that I will start playing the "modern" campaign based on the new official source material in 1625 mixed with some of Nick Brookes material ("Duel at Dangerford" and "Black Spear"). This will probably happen in early or mid 2023 (our time). Play order could be: Broken Tower (Quickstart) Defending Apple Lane (GMs screen) Duel at Dangerford All scenarios from the Starter Set (Jonstown after math for the battle at Dangerford) The rest of the scenarios from the GMs screen I am seeing a possible future where the adventurers realize that Argrath is becoming the "Mad King" (like Dany in GoT) with the adventurers trying to do a hero quest to try to resurrect Kallyr Starbrow. The goal should be to get a less crazy leader for the Orlanthi. An alternative would be to have the adventurers do more stuff in Prax or other non-Sartar areas close to Dragon Pass. Any takings? Pros and cons?
  21. This is great. But a question. Should the rest of the world always wait some extra weeks for new products just because the British people voted for Brexit? I get the idea of world wide releases on the same day. But the Brits can only blame themselves for the mess they have created.
  22. I understand that. But I think most GMs prefer to get the rules sooner with less art instead of waiting years to get the best art. You already have a system where the pdf is released before the hardcover books. Why not have a first version of the pdf without all the art. That would also help with the cashflow.
  23. 2 and a half years of "wrapping up the text". I think you need a new editor 😉 This is one of the most important source books for a GM and I think its better to get it out than to make it "perfect". Going from 99 to 99.9% of perfect is rarely a good way of using time or other resources.
  24. Any news on the release date? I will try to start a new RQ campaign and it would be great to start with this set.
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