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Everything posted by kalidor

  1. Good morning, questions about the basmoli. Basmol has de Beast and the Earth rune, why the Earth rune and not the Mastery rune or the Death rune?. Basmola is not canon anymore? Is Basmol a spirit or a God? or maybe both. What is his relationship with the lion god of Peloria?.
  2. I hope you put a description of Ronance Well in your book, but i understand that you have to prioritize. I have the guide and the idea came from that. The player is using the old Ronance Roads to open the mythic territory and where the road finish he heroquest. The objetive is to link the whole territory.
  3. Thanks David. I was planning to heroquest a myth called "How Ronance married his wife" so one of my players can marry the spirit/goddess of an oasis and put the oasis and its people under his protection. He is a rune lord of Ronance (Wandering Lord) and the oasis would be his base of operations.
  4. Hi david, is there a god/goddess of the wells in the wastelands/prax? or are the water spirit in every oasis on their own?
  5. Forget about rain fertility effects in our planet. Earth powers to sustain life have being badly damaged. It is not a question i think about "matter" is about energy and myth.
  6. I mean, no soul, body or powers left behind. Death by chaos. I was wondering about what is left of Yamsur, Seolinthor, orani and hothmir (after being beheaded by tien). If there is something to save.
  7. Who killed Orani? The Devil? Ragnaglar? another god with Death powers? and was it an "entropic death"?
  8. Is it posible for a goddess to have the illusion rune in prax and not be a trickster/imp? Like seseine but without the caotic/lust powers? The Canon says that many entities survived in the paps.
  9. kalidor

    Soul Winds

    just right now there are not mechanics for this power, so i will use it. Until a "Canon mechanics" appears.
  10. I saw once rules in RQ for a shaman to create Soul Winds. Now i dont remember it. Can anyone help me?. Thanks
  11. Hi David. is the "copper knot" canon? are you going to include it in your text?. I think it was the praxian version of the "EWF Battle Banner". Thanks
  12. What runes do you think it would be more apropiated for her cult? earth and harmony? i am not so sure she would be able to restore the fertility of the wastelands. Harmonize the powers of the land to make life easier like "Fertilize" spell of caladra and aurelion?. Heal the damage caused by chaos and generts fall is a bit radical i think. thoughts?
  13. Waha and the Statues. What is the story? if you can spoil it
  14. kalidor


    Which of the runes describes better the idea of " Everything is connected one way or another"? thanks
  15. What about Artmal and daliath cults? i think both have the fate rune in guide of glorantha.
  16. well, in glorantha you cant guess the future, the gods are alien to the concept of Time. The rune is like Harmony rune( three parallel lines) and communication rune (two parallels and one crossed), Fate (three crossed lines). So i think is more about "links".
  17. Hi, i am starting a new campaign in prax and i want to use a "fate rune" for a cult. what kind of powers can you get from that rune in the new RQ?
  18. Hi, are the gold wheel dancers guardians inside the giant cradle? are they tied to the movement/change rune? thanks
  19. Hi, is posible to recruit Cooper Warriors or Wanderers Rangers? will they be spirits? If it is posible, is a Heroquest imperative?
  20. Is Tada's greisly portions profecy canon? where can i find it?
  21. where did you find it? or is in your game only?
  22. "contain is the name of Genert's daughter who was never allowed to be the land goddess of what is now the Wastes" is posible to find her and learn her knowledge?
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