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Posts posted by TRose

  1. The only caution I would offer is that there is a pretty good Necromancy system as an extension of the Sorcery system available in the now OOP Bronze Grimoire supplement for Elric!/Stormbringer, so it's conceivable Chaosium might re-issue that material reworked to be non-setting specific (as they did with the RQIII Magic Book): indeed, if there is an old BRP game supplement that's begging to be "BRP-ified" and released to support BRP it's The Bronze Grimoire (closely followed by Liber Ka for Nephilim).

    Contact Dustin - there's certainly an opening for such focused supplement at present.


     I have a copy of the Bronze Grimoir and love it.. I BRPized the Rune system in it for my game and would love to see some one do the rest of the bok.

  2.  Since I use the magic system  from the Magic Book I don't have any trouble with Balance.. A Wizard has 4 skills he has to devote skills to , and that is not counting spells while non Wizards can learn spirit magic to boost his power.

     A top level Wizard is very powerful but you are talking about a long road to get there..

  3.    First I would like to say I like a variety of magic systems in my game. At present I am using the Magic systems from the Magic Book( Or RQIII) as my main magic system with the addition of the spells from Mongoose Runequest Spell book.

      In addition I added the Magic system in the Big Gold Book for Witches( For BRP Witches and called witchcraft in my game)  and Runes from the Bronze Grimoire as additional magic systems..

     I have also ruled that people can only learn one advanced(Non spirit magic) system So Wizards and Witches cannot learn Divine spells or if you learn Rune carving  spells you cannot learn Wizard Spells.

     I am now looking at both Enlighten Sorcery and Advanced Sorcery and the Legend spell books from Mongoose and wondering how they would fit in. I might add I don't like Sorcery from the Gold Book as I want Magic to be a learned system. I am also worried that a Sorcerer built from either Advance Sorcery or Enlighten Sorcery might make a a Shaman or Wizard built from the Magic Book look like Comic relief.







  4. My two cents.

     First I I should say I run Elves and other based on Stats from RQIII am not familiar with Racial stats in other settings.

     So Human tend to be the best race outside some of the very rare races.

     And I have allowed my players to play any sentient race they want but I warn them that they are in an ancient society , not a modern Politically Correct World. So strange and unusual races are met with distrust and you will often take a hit on your social skills. So you can play a Morocanth if you want to, but don't be surprised if a child goes missing the local villagers   accused you of eating it.

     Also weapons, armor and other equipment is designed for human use for the most part. So although a Dark troll might not have problems with a human made mace, finding a breastplate that fits is going to be hard, and finding a Smith that wont try to gouge the funny looking wealthy tourist almost impossible.

  5. One thing to keep in mind when training Animals its easier to train social animals then those that live solitiary lives.A wolf and a tiger might have the same intelligence but the wolf is program by instinct to follow the alpha wolfs direction, while a tiger is program to take orders from no one.

  6. I Voted for Renaissance but in truth I would like one a century later in the Age of exploration of the new world. The Conquistadors are almost perfect for role playing. Pizarro took on the Inca Empire with just 17 people at one point. That's easy 6 players and 11 hirelings. And De Vaca was down to just 4 people in exploring the Southwest.

  7. One thing you might want to look at if you want to keep magic both rare and balanced is look at Mongoose RQ rune magic since its free to download now I understand. Since you need the right rune to cast the right spell and the Gm can control which spells are out there by limiting what runes the players have.

  8. Few things I have tried.

    First is a low magic world where magic did exist but took twice the power and 3 times as long to cast any spell and some spells simply did not exist.

    Or you can try to run a Musket and magic campaign. I been toying with running a game set in the 15 century New world where the player would play conquistadors but the Native American would have real magic to counter the European steel and gunpowder.

  9. Also remember location and demand will determine price.

    In Ancient Egypt Silver was more valuable then gold because Egypt had gold mines but had to import silver.

    As for ships you would have to factor in what wood was needed to build ships and where the wood came from . And was there a ship building industry around .

    Also for a ship , how soon do you want it. Big ticket items like ships where often built to order and not lying around in case some body wanted to buy one. Wood would be needed to be cut and seasoned , nails made and workers hired.

    Hmm just thought of A new spell .Season wood : when cast shortens the time needed to season wood .

  10. As pointed out , one big difference in my opinion between D&D type games and BRP type is that intelligent monsters can be way harder to beat then a larger and so called more powerful dumb monster. A group of trollkin , led by a cunning and combat experience superior trollkin can be a pain that no group of kobolds would be in your average D&D game. And can be more of a challenge then a Cave Bear .

  11. One thing I do is at times is I apply a minus to some one dodge skill if the players is in a cramped area such as being backed against the wall , in a narrow corridor or a WWI type trench Might add if you where fighting in a Macedonian type phalanx , dodging would also be disapproved of as you would have a chance of messing up the formation.

  12. Another Elric supplement you might want to look at is the Bronze Grimoire. It has a Rune magic system already in place. In it you draw the rune , cast the spell and then the spell goes off when needed or or fades away in 1d8 years . For example if your Warrior had Hell's razor , it could be cast befor She sets out to travel and if she gets in a fight a week later , Hell razor then goes off.

  13. As far as Demon weapons go. I think you also need to put a few points in size( Not many) based on how big the weapon was and in con to determine the weapons hit points.

    But demon s and demon stuff was pretty powerful and main drawback I think is that your average demon was not the most loyal and dependable creature out there. I preferred elementals which although not as powerful tended not to twist your requests in every way possible.

  14. This is a question for those who know more about horse riding then me.

    I am going to assume that the riding skill is based on having proper equipment such as bridles, saddles and stirrups.

    But two of the settings listed for BRP ( Rome and Warlords of Alexandria are set before Stirrups where around. And if you playing ancient Egypt you will not even have a decent saddle. .Not to mention the person who steals a horse and rides in bare back.

    So what penalties should apply if you go horse riding in these earlier times.

    I am thinking of not allowing one to use a horses strength in combat if one does not have stirrups with a minus 10% to riding skills

    And also applying a minus 5% if one has a primitive saddle and a minus 10% for no saddle.

  15. For my people, after I have sacrificed much to the wood pulp god, I come up with a slick, made to order character sheet, specific to class and race using the Microsoft Word program and, via liberal and laborious used of the Tables and Text Box options, add some decorative "ancient" looking fonts, and then the paste-de-resistor...I print it in my own little HP printer using color-specific-to-class parchment paper. :D

    Oooo...Ahhhh...Ohhhh...Te-he-he! :cool:

    Thing that sucks is that most players in my group have lap-tops and one yay-hoo created a Exel spread sheet, shared the wealth and now they all use 'lectronic sheets rather than hard-copy. Bastards! ;-(



    But they now have to worry about the evil Demon, computer crash sucking their character into Limbo

  16. GM needs to know judge power level in BRP and watch what monsters he throws out. A couple of Great trolls with halberds will kill players even if only wearing a loin cloth and a 20% chance to hit. But two characters wearing plate going at it, well the fight can last for ever till a crit shows up. And if they have magic protection on top of armor fight can go all night.

    Might add I dont use crits as written It ignores armor but rolls normal damage.

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