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Posts posted by TRose

  1. Here my problem with Vampires s I seen in almost all Movies and games . They act like low grade morons.

    For example take the vampires choice of victims . If I was a Vampire I would avoid having High class beautiful Noble women for dinner , as people tend to care about them. Instead I would prey on the homeless, runaways, immigrants , criminals and others society not going to pay much attention to if they go missing. If you start preying on criminals the local authorities might even turn a blind eye on your activities after they find out you are in town.

    And as far as Vampire power. The fearsome thing about a Vampire should not just be its strength but the fact it has had a long time to practice survival skills. 200 years of studying magic, fencing , and other combat skills and you will get pretty good.

    And of course recruiting followers. Since I have the ability to make people immortals, with a little luck and work I can recruit some first class muscle to help me with my needs. Just make sure they are the type to keep a low profile too.

  2. In my experience, yes. Limiting skill checks and skills were unnecessary in our game.

    By the time my sorcerer had the required skills to claim the status of Magus he had a 90% chance to hit with his primary weapon, staff with damage boost 10 on it. Our primary warrior had about 200% in his primary skills and did far more damage.

    While the warrior was heavily armored my sorcerer relied on a damage resist 20. In order for armor to make a significant difference to any attack that could routinely get through his damage resist it would effect his skills so badly that it wasn't worth it.

    I was going to bring weight penalty too.

    Another thing you could do is

    1) have certain materials , like Iron, have negative effect on spell casting if the caster has any on his body. have say a -1 to cast a spell for every pound or even once he has on his person.

    2) Have certain spells belong to certain magic collages, guilds , societies , etc and these groups are all have certain requirements to join.

    3) Magic user could be required to register with he local government After all if you where the local ruler would you not want to keep an eye on any wizard that walked into your Duchy. So while your warrior can just head over to the local tavern when he enters town your mage has to go deal with those *&^@# bureaucrats at the Royal Ministry of Magic.

    And please remember we require 3 copies of all forms , hand written and not duplicated by Magic , except forms 1a , 1c 4f 7a and 21d of which we require 5 copies.

  3. I like the rule in MRQ where you get 1-5 skill improvement rolls per game . This prevent people from trying to use skills during a game just to get a skill improvement role . Will wait till I get book to make further comments but I do prefer a rather weaker magic system like that traditionally been in RQ to a more powerful one I have seen in Worlds of wonder.

  4. I am working on

    1)Keeping wife happy:)

    2)Playing Call of Cuthulu when time permits.

    3) Trying to find a time to start Rq campaign that does not conflict with too many of other people schedule . Game starts in Knightsfort just after battle of Moon broth . Pharoeh agents are worried about Lunar expansion into Prax and have decided to try to make life interesting for the Lunar garrison. they are hiring Prax nomads, Sartar rebels , Trolls etc. and other proxies to do their work so they can of course deny any involvement

  5. I put I have too much free time but that not really accurate. I work nights and my days off are often in middle of the week ,like today. So not a whole lot to do at home in middle of the week.. Well wife can think of a whole lot of things for me to do while at home alone but they are not very fun.:rolleyes:

  6. Having played in a Champions for many years including one campaign based on the 1940's DC comics. ( I had a blast playing Hawkman ) I can say having characters of different power level in a good superhero games no problem with the right GM. Yes Superman /Thor are the big guys , but the big guys also tend or should draw the big guys from the other side too. So while Superman , Green Lantern and Wonder Woman is fighting the big demons the Nazi magician summoned Batman sneaks behind and pour holy water on the Demonic gate so no more demons show up and I take the Evil wizard from behind. And that how it tended to work out. The big guy draws the fire and the others then go and wrecks the evil geniuses master plan .

  7. Here one thing I was thinking of about firing guns at vehicles and other inanimate objects. While a range of say 1D10 is fine for shooting at people where a 1 is a flesh wound and a 10 is a good solid hit , it does not really work with vehicles. Unless your quality control is total crud most rounds will deliver the same kinetic force more or less to an inanimate object. If you say have an anti tank rifle that can penetrate 15 mm of steel at 100 meters, and you shoot it at steel plates 10mm thick at 100 meters chances are over 90% will go through . and none will penetrate a 20 mm plate at 100 meters. And if a round does penetrate an armored vehicle, say a 50 caliber round the results on anyone it hits are not going to be much different then if was hit while standing outside the vehicle. The armor of the vehicle does not really help to reduce damage of rounds that penetrate the armor. Perhaps guns should be given a penetration value and if shot at a target with a higher armor value then their penetration value they bounce off while if the armor value is lower they goes through and do their damage. for example if you think a 50 caliber round should be able to go through 19 points of armor give it a penatration value of 20 and if goes through then it will do its damage. If you think it cannot give it a value of 18.

    Just a thought I had last night so might need work.

  8. As far as taking out tanks with spears. It been done. OK the tanks where Italian L3 and during the Ethiopian war they where in ambush situation where the Ethiopians would at times flip them over like turtles and stab through the openings.

    And far as damage guns do. I been in the military as a medic and later worked as an EMT . And even if guns seldom kill anyone outright ,most people who get shot dont want to play no more and end up on the ground moaning in pain. If you really want to be accurate most games should have a pain rule that says when you get hurt you need to roll to see if you hurt too much to do anything else. But who wants their character to take one point of damage and then spend the rest of the night having their character going owie , owie owie that hurts? We want our characters to be John Wayne types and shrug oof flesh wound that just amputate one limb with no problem .

    But if some body want to do a supplement that give real details on different guns , type of bullets etc I would encourage them to do so. I still have my copy of The Armory by Kevin Dockery which was written for Espionage and Mercenaries Spies and Private Eyes . Still a very good book after 23 years.

  9. Ok sorry for not getting back with some prices on weapons during Civil war but been little busy.

    Going to start with the big guns. My source is artillery and ammunition's of the Civil war by Warren Ripley. Might add its one of my favorite books and great source of information about American Civil war Artillery.

    For an 8 inch Rodman gun weighing 8500 cost is $825 . Hi states that for large smooth bore that about $1 for every 10 pounds of gun is a good figure.

    For the 3 inch ordnance rifle they cost $250

    A certain Col .Clay of England was selling 8 inch guns for 400 pounds sterling and a 9inch gun for 500 pounds sterling. The Confederates had a low opinion of the ones they bought.

    2 Blakeley rifles of 12.75 inch and weighing in at 27 tons cost the Confederates 10,000 pound sterling each.

  10. As far as Mutants go. Most mutations are in real life fatal and very few offer any benefit. But who want to roll on a mutation table where 90% of the time you die or are handicapped?

    But the nice thing about the Forbidden Zone I would say is whats in there would be up to each GM.

  11. Well in my opinion , the vast majority of the area would no longer be hot , but how could you tell which areas where safe and which where not. The only working Geiger counters would be on the Spaceship that crashed and maybe with the mutants.

    And there the effect that even where areas where no longer hot, there could be poisons in the water and dust, the fact the area was left open to the elements with no plant life of any kind for many years etc, i think a trip across the forbidden zone would make crossing the Sahara seem like a walk in the park.

  12. Here a question Since the forbidden zone was nuked some time in the past , anyone know rules that handle radioactive areas? My guess is one of the reason the Forbidden zone was forbidden in the pass was you got sick and died there in the past and although the radiation level would have gone down over the years, there still might be hotspot around which is why the east coast and west coast apes dont know about each other.

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