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Posts posted by TRose

  1. Many of the rifles used at this time in China would have been musket or single shot rifle class. I would use Rifle, Musket and Rifle, Sporting with attacks of 1/4 and 1/3.

    Now, that doesn't preclude something revolutionary being there at the time, but I would only give them to major npcs.


    The first British percussion musket came out in 1839 a converted Brown Bess

    Brown Bess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    How long these took to get to troops in the field I dont know.

    Many of the British troops would have been marines. Rifle would have been few and none I think would of been standard issue, but ship Captains where know to buy a few on their own for selected marines.

    Not sure about the Chinese , but as late as 1895 (Sino Japanese war) many Chinese still lacked fire arms and where using crossbows.

  2. This is true of the US Army throughout the latter half of the 19th century, due to some unfortunate thinking by desk generals. However, lever action rifles were extremely common amongst everyone else.
    The Spencer and other rifle where taken away from the troops in 1873 and replaced with the single shot Trapdoor Springfield .

    this was a muzzle loading Springfield converted to a breech loader by the Allen patent. The reason was economy as it thought the troops would waste ammo if they had a repeating rifle.

    BTW at little Big Horn the US Cavalry was armed with Trapdoor Springfield's, while the Sioux had a large number of repeating rifles.

  3. US did not use bolt action till end of century true. But the US did use lots of Lever action rifles such as the Spencer, Henry and Winchester starting in 1860.

    I can fire faster with a lever action rifle then I can with a bolt action rifle , but bolt action is more sturdy then lever action.

  4. Yeah, there are a few moves I've seen that involve shooting it forwards then rebounding it back between your legs...!!!

    You know in most Japanese Samuria movies I seen , flexible weapons seem to be wield most often by woman warrior types. Wonder if thats why?

  5. I dont have the rules yet( My local game store keep saying next shipment ) so I dont know how the rules handle entangling weapons.

    But here what I see is the main drawback of entangling weapons. Its all nice when you score a hit around the Human guard captain ankle and can pull him off balance. But what about when the Great troll puts his left arm out and lets it get entangled on purpose? He going to go for a strength versus strength contest next round versus Go-Go . And my money is on Uhglee the Troll . perhaps a rule where anyone entangled can make a strength versus strength roll if entangled, but with a minus 20% versus a special hit and a minus 50% on a critical hit.

  6. One date to keep in mind for fire arms is 1854 , the year the Crimean war start and the Minie ball came to the world attention. the minie ball was invented some time during the 1840's but I read the French considered it top secret til the Crimean War ,where it was used for the first time in a major War

    Before the Minie ball rifle where slower to load, after the Minie ball , it took about the same time as a smoothbore musket.

  7. A local garden supply store near me has a dragon( Asian type) I been wanting to buy for my game. Granted its a little heavy as its made of cement, about 5 foot long and about 30 inches high and a foot wide. There was no price tag on it but my wife told me " No dont even bother to ask".

    but could imagine my players faces when I told them , this is what you see and brought out the Dragon

  8. To get new players show up at your game store ready to run a game, and remember to be gentle with the new players. BRP caan be quit deadly to new players who dont know the system and if you kill off everyone first time, chance are they wont come back. so no trolls with Halberds even if you only give them a 20% chance to hit.

  9. I view magic as much as an art as a science. So i feel the more types of magic the better amd have no trouble using the various type of magic systems in the D100 system. I do tweek some to bring them in line with the bacis Rq magic system( such as the Elric magic system in my Rq world) for play balance.

  10. I should be picking up my copy of BRP tomorrow and Looking what else was available beside my old stuff and Dark age of Cthullu caught my eye and I also remember ed Reading about Stupor Mundi.

    So I was thinking a Historical fantasy game might make a nice change and was wondering how well they would mesh if I bought both.

  11. Some writers on the MRQ line are very good others are very poor. Some of it is beautiful, some of it is a dog's breakfast. I've never seen anything like this. As long as they keep putting out good stuff I won't get too upset at the utter mess they made of the core rules (and yes I do like some of the changes like dropping the resistnace table - you BRP types are living in the past)

    Right about that . I buy a good amount of Momgoose stuff even if I often have to re work some of it to fit my needs.

  12. As far as writing your own material goes , Most Gm I know just use the written material as a guide.

    I started my campaign out of Knightsfort( 3rd age ) on the border of Prax because I had a pretty free hand in the are as not much has been publish on the area , but there was still enough information that I did not have to start from scratch.

    It was also I might add one of the few places I could think of where Sorcerers, theist and spirit worshippers could be found together and not start off by killing each other if in the same party.

    Might add my campaign takes place just after the battle of Moonbroth and the players are working for the All Seeing Eye( My version of the Pharaoh's secret service) who want to make sure the Lunar forces in Prax are kept busy and have an interesting life in Prax.

  13. Hmmm, the stats are interesting. It seems as though these are not particularly big dragons, even the colossal one wouldn't be a match for a 15m giant. I don't think the STR/SIZ ranges are big enough.

    Having said that, they are great for quickly rolling up dragon NPCs.

    As for dragon SIZ, I tend to think of dragons as being similar in scale to crocodiles - loom at the stats for big crocs and a dragon will have a very similar length. Of course, that only works up to the length of the biggets croc, though.

    Well Modern salt water crocodiles grow to 33 feet which I consider small for a dragon

    But then there the extinct super croc that grew to 40 foot

    "SuperCroc" Fossil Found in Sahara

  14. Depends if you want 2nd or 3rd age. For 2nd age the Mongoose books Players guide to Glorantha and cult books are a good place to start. For 3rd age I would suggest Moon design Cult compendium and River of Cradles books are a good start.

  15. Not as much as you think. You show a mutilated body to someone who's seen death first hand like a NYC Cop or a Child Soldier from the Sudan, and they wouldn't even blink an eye. If you grew up in a Fantasy world full of magic, monsters, and bloodshead, your not going to be as effected emotionaly like us Earthlings as it's been the way of life ever since you were born. Even if you never seen a Dragon first hand, chances are you've seen some evidence of it; either flying off in the distance or seen it's head mounted above the Kings Throne like an Elk . Even your Grandfather pointing to a dark old mountain saying, " That's where the Dragon lives" will have a degree of merit on you to believe and be ajusted by something that terrifying is living close by.

    I agree with this and can speak from personal experiance. I have worked in the healthcare field for over 30 years now(EMT then as a tech ) and at first people bleeding out all over bothered me. Nowadays I can order lunch and eat just after cleaning a few pints of blood and guts off me .

  16. Ok now that we have a large number of different horse , how about stats on different breeds of sheep for all those kilt wearing barbarian types. Don't forget to include appearance/charisma as its very important to them.

  17. In my opinion sanity checks should be made for things that are against the world view you grew up with. Your barbarian chaos fighter would not make san checks against some slime demon because he was brought up knowing such creatures exist and has his magics and Gods behind him when goes to fight them. On the other hand transport him to a modern city with all the noise and strange devices such as cars and escalators and he might crawl into a fetal position whimpering.

    Another interesting example would be a space explorer en counting some Cthulhu spell casting monster . He would expect to meet funny looking life forms but of course he would also not believe in magic. He would explain any spells as some advance technology or psychic power as every rational man knows there no such thing as magic.

  18. One thing that would be different with children would be how sanity works. Kids can often be more fragile and more resilient then adults Kids might not be freak out over meeting a Yeti thinking he is an overgrown teddy bear. Yet watching some one get their head ripped off could leave trauma that would remain in the subconscious for years.

  19. In old gloranth Rq Human where pretty much the best race. Trolls had better stats but then they where also allergic to Iron. Only the Agimore , who where primitive hunters , and Ogres , who where lynched if they knew who you where had better stats.

    And a 200 year old Melibonean should have less skill points then a 30 year old human since he has spent the last 180 years in a drug induced haze.

  20. Well if you want something nice to look at you can go for a runaway or an immigrant. not hard to find some that are pretty there.

    Or better yet a high class call girl. They tend to be pretty. often highly intelligent , and many already have the perfect personality to be a Vampire. and they can even keep their old hours.

    Or be patient and wait for some thing nice to fall into your hand. For example there been a change in the power struggle and a certain Noble family is in disgrace. you grab the families pretty daughter befor executioner gets to take off her head and train her to be patient about her vengeance.

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