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Everything posted by frogspawner

  1. Hi. Personally, I'd just use the 'Difficulty Modifiers' variety (for which the 'fractions' are really simple: either x2, x1/2 - or Auto-succeed/Auto-fail!). The +X% 'Modifiers' seem too fiddly to me. I'd only use them when some other rule/spell insisted on it.
  2. Or move it from the "Natural Animals" section into "Fantasy Creatures", because there are great herds of the darned things on certain fantasy worlds...
  3. RoleMaster had a good long list of magical herbs (including weird insect-juices etc) which might be helpful for a start. But lists define what is possible and what is not, setting limits. It would be nicer if The Green's variety of herbs was limitless and unknown/unknowable. Maybe you could develop a series of tables for the properties of herbs/etc that might be found...?
  4. Don't get too excited, it's just Spirit Combat renamed. I may have to do some House Rules to beef it up a bit...
  5. Um, we are... down in the SharedWorld sub-forum (despite the fact that Chaosium have now stolen The Green from there...). Feel free to contribute, everyone!
  6. Woo-hoo - a donkey! Now we can average it's stats with a horse's and finally get a Mule! (Or even many types of mule, depending on the breed of horse involved... Another chapter for the Horses & Ponies RPG! )
  7. I'd forget EDU, even for PCs. Just give 'em an INTx5 roll, if they have a skill relevant to the area of knowledge in question.
  8. That's a brilliant idea. I haven't actually read any CAS, but the best GM I ever knew rated him most highly. The idea is perfect and poetic - following HPL's Call of Cthulhu horror, the progression to his friend CAS's Zothique fantasy just seems so... right. That symmetry alone should ensure it's success!
  9. This problem looks to me like another good reason not to use the 'HP Per Location' option! But if d6/1pp was too cheap, why jump to d6/3pp - why not d6/2pp? Or is d6/3pp for multi-target 'blast'-type effects?
  10. You're welcome. Celhan's "Noble Steed" stuff is great, too (I particularly like "Bloating"). The "Horses & Ponies RPG" can't be far off now!
  11. Thanks! That's reminded me what I should be working on is conversions from other systems...
  12. Thanks for the confirmation - you can't get much more official than that! It strikes me that Swords should be a sensible weapons choice - just on their combat-effectiveness (not for social constraints, which would vary between campaigns). But as the rules stand, battle-axes and light maces are better, or at least equal, in every respect. Now you may well be right about the Martial-Arts schools - if swords were the only weapons with which such expertise was possible, that would indeed make them the weapon of choice for heroes and would-be heroes! Anyone ever heard of martial arts that use maces, axes, or whatever?
  13. Are you sure? I've heard tell of axes being pretty nasty - and they're 'just' slashing weapons too. I'm not convinced of these points. Would swords not have to be handed-in too? And any weapon can have the Martial Arts ability applied to it, under the rules as they are, so that doesn't help (unless we say that should be restricted). Might not the advantage of swords be that they could be used in an impaling manner, when circumstances allow? (Though this isn't within the rules either - yet).
  14. Thanks. I thought so too, but it seems to make slashing weapons rather inferior to crushing ones - because of that other Crush special effect, stunning. And other types, in fact - because their specials either make armour irrelevant (entangle, knockback, crush/stun) or help to punch through it (impale, crush/damage). Maybe the slash special should be a bit more effective - perhaps, doing 1hp damage minimum regardless of any armour...? I know that's the official way, but it means a single deadly-poisonous snake is virtually no threat at all. I currently require a roll (something like CONx10) to avoid poisons, even if the bite/blow doesn't penetrate. That seems to me to restore the right level of fear... (Using my suggestion above might make this unnecessary, though). I see what you mean - it's a glitch caused by carrying the table directly over from RQ2. Slightly disappointing. But treating it as poisonous acid, of whatever strength (perhaps reflecting the 2d10 result, perhaps not), which has the rolled poison-potency if/when it gets through the armour, seems like a good fix.
  15. Are 'Bleeding' effect specials intended only to work when the blow actually penetrates armour and causes 1hp+ of damage? Other specials work irrespective of armour (including the Crushing 'stun' effect, I think). Similarly with poisons. If a snake's d2 bite has to get through armour to have any effect, it doesn't seem likely enough to happen.
  16. Since my own d100 rules have evolved separately from BRP, they're somewhat different (though broadly similar) in almost every way. So now I'm trying to work out how to integrate as many straight BRP rules as possible, without the players crying "too many changes"!
  17. I only meant the Major Wound table is unchanged (aside from it's layout on the page) between BRP0 and BRP1. But while we're on the subject, could we have that list of differences now, please Mr D?
  18. OK, from the article in WD42 (stats are for RQ2): Horses ADARI (Far Point, Adari, human occupied areas between) 4000L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d4+10*, SIZ 3d6+12*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6* Notes: Highly favoured by Dwarf adventurers, due to their low height (most of their size is bulk) and ability to adapt to harsh climates. BREVAN (Native to Grazelands, also bred in Sartar) 4500L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d4+10*, SIZ 2d6+24*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d8+2* Notes: Grazelanders must buy this horse, if they want a warhorse. CHURIAN (Far Point) 3500L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 3d6+12*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+3* Notes: Short, stubby-legged horse, not very fast; charging rate 21(?). DUNSTOP (Lunar Empire) ?L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+12, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6, Move 12, AP1. Notes: As RQ rules; the Lunar equivalent of the standard-bred. GRAZELANDER (Grazelands) ?L STR 4d6+12*, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+6*, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6 Notes: Small, hardy horse, given to barbarians only; charging rate 10. JALDON'S HORSE (No Man's March, Better Place) 3500L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d4+10*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+2 Notes: Charging rate 10. KIANG DONKEY (Barbarian Town and area, e.g. Sounder's River) 3000L STR 4d6+12*, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 2d6+12*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6 Notes: LArger than modern donkey, fast for it's size (Move 12), exceptional swimmer. KLEPPER (any major city) 10,000L STR 1d6+30*, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 2d6+24*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6 Notes: Riders must be SIZ 14+ and have 50%+ Riding ability to get on! After a charge, the Klepper must carry on for 20m beforestopping. A veritable tank. ROCKWOOD MOUNTAIN PONY (Rockwood Mountains) 3750L STR 3d4+18*, CON 2d4+10*, SIZ 4d4+10*, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6 Notes: Ridden by dwarf adventurers of these mountains, also by many ducks; charging rate 10. SARTARITE (Sartar, Dragon Pass generally) 6000L STR 2d6+24*, CON 2d4+10*, SIZ 3d6+18*, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6, Move 12, AP1. Notes: A very good fighting horse. STANDARD-BRED (any city) ?L STR 3d6+18, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+12, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6, Move 12, AP1. Kick(SR7,5%,d8+2d6) + Bite(SR7,5%,d10) / Rear&Plunge(SR7,5%,2d10+3d6)/Trample(SR7,25%,3d6) Notes: Bite will only strike limbs; Kick may knock down (65%,-10% per 6 SIZ over 12); Rear&Plunge will knock down (100%,-10% per 6 SIZ over 12); Trample only if directed. The result of much cross-breeding. TARPAN (or KONIK) (Defender's Shore, Head Acres, River of Cradles) ?L STR 2d6+18*, CON 3d4+6*, SIZ 2d6+12*, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6, Move 12, AP1. Notes: Barbarians oly; same breed called by different names; charging rate 10. WINGANNA (any large city) 8000L STR 2d6+24*, CON 2d4+10*, SIZ 2d6+24*, POW 3d6, DEX 2d4+10 Notes: Riders must be SIZ 10+ and have 50%+ Riding ability. An exceptional fighter, much sought after. [Warhorses start at 5% attack with a rider but can learn by experience.] My comment: What about the MULE ??? And from RQ2, I think: OTHER RIDING ANIMALS BISON STR 3d6+24, CON 3d6, SIZ 3d6+24, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6, Move 12, AP3 Butt(SR8,50%,2d10+3d6) / Trample(SR8,50%,6d6 to downed foe) Notes: Surly and intractable. HIGH LLAMA STR 2d6+24, CON 3d6, SIZ 3d6+24, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6, Move 12, AP2 Bite(SR8,25%,2d8) + Kick(SR8,45%,2d6) Notes: Like llamas but of great height; riders roll d10+10 for location. IMPALA STR 2d6+6, CON 3d6, SIZ 2d6+6, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6, Move 10, AP0 Kick(SR8,25%,2d4) - won't fight unless cornered; when running away Notes: Small deer ridden by pygmies SABLE ANTELOPE STR 3d6+12, CON 3d6, SIZ 3d6+12, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6, Move 12, AP1 Butt(SR7,35%,d12+2d6)/Kick(SR7,35%,d6+2d6)/Bite(SR7,25%,2d4) Notes: Also known as "lunar deer" for the shape of their horns. BOLO LIZARD STR 2d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 2d6+12, POW 3d6, DEX d6+12, Move 12, AP1 Bite(SR7,25%,d6+d6) + Kick(SR6,25%,d8+d6) Notes: Like small dinosaurs; run on two hind legs, bearing a small rider. Avoid combat if possible. RHINO STR 2d6+30, CON 3d6, SIZ 2d6+30, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6, Move 8, AP5 Butt(SR8,50%,d10+4d6)/Bite(SR8,25%,d10)/Trample(SR8,75%,8d6) Notes: The juggernauts of Prax; vicious creatures; bad vision; have a penchant for charging. TUSKER STR 3d6+12, CON d6+12, SIZ 4d6+12, POW 3d6, DEX 1d6, Move 10, AP4 Gore(SR8,50%,2d6+2d6) + Trample(SR8,75%,4d6) (cannot gore and trample same target) Notes: Gigantic boars, ridden by Tusk Riders only; fierce and ill-tempered but love their masters. UNICORN STR 2d6+24, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 2d6+18, POW 2d6+12, DEX 2d6+6, Move 12, AP1. Kick(40%,d8) + Gore(SR6,50%,d10+3d6)/Bite(40%,d10) / Rear&Plunge(40%,2d10+3d6)/Trample(75%,3d6) Notes: Ridden by Amazons; horn can Heal (1 POW per point). Otherwise, as horses. And from somewhere on the web (hence minor duplication, but this is for RQ3): Runequest Horses Name : Chislan (any city) Price : 1200/1600/* Characs : STR 4d6+19, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+19, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6, Move : 9 Notes : a strong but rather slow breed, popular because of its reasonable price and found mainly near urban settlements. Name : Churan* (Kralorela only) Price : 1500/2000/3500 Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+17, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6, Move : 10 Notes : Only a few of the Kralorelan cavalry regiments are outfitted with this breed. Name : Common Horse (anywhere) Price : 1500/2000/* Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6. Move : 10 Notes : the result of much cross*breed, this is the standard Runequest horse. Name : Darkmane* (Fonrit) Price : 2000/3800/* Characs : STR 4d6+16, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 5, POW 2d6+6, DEX 2d6+7. Move : 12 Notes : the favorite mount of fonritian nobles and leaders. A great racer. It come mostly in dark colors but even the rare white ones have a black mane. Name : Daron* (Central Sea Empire Areas) Price : 1800/3200/5200 Characs : STR 4d6+20, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+22, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 10 Notes : Bite 50%. a vindictive and powerful horse, it was the horse of Seshnelan nobles until the rise of the Swadal destrier. It Is still widely used because he is cheaper and more easily trained than its successor. Name : Demon Horse (Black Horse County) Price : */*/8000 Characs : STR 5d6+20, CON 1d6+14, SIZ 5d6+20, INT 8, POW 2d6+6, DEX 3d6. Move :10 Skills : all attack skills ( except trample ) at + 20%, 6 points of natural armor. Notes : can be obtained by a minor heroquest open to the followers of Sir Ethilrist, although some are available to be bought when their master is dead ( in this case they must be domesticated like a wild horse, a chalenging proposition indeed ) . These are often made into familiar by their master when he reaches sorcerer status. Name : Fronan* (Black Horse County, Fronela) Price : 2000/3500/6000 Characs : STR 3d6+24, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 3d6+26, INT 4, POW 2d6+6, DEX 3d6. Move : 10 Notes : Bite 50%. the standard mount of western knights, good fighter and enduring. it is the result of careful selection over several generations of Fronelan Chargers. It knows how to make a horsemaster task chalenging. Name : Galana (Ralios, Maniria, Slontos, Dragon Pass) Price : 600/*/* Characs : STR 2d6+10, CON 2d4+10, SIZ 3d4+14, INT 5, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 8 Notes : a good climber, reputed for its docility and placidity. Popular amongst dwarves and ducks because of its low size. Climb 30%, add 10% to the rider score. Name : Grazelander (Grazeland, Tarsh) Price : */2000/* Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 2d6+7, SIZ 3d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6. Move : 10 Notes : a small but sturdy breed used by the Grazelanders. Jump 60% Name : New Hyal (Goldeye) (Grazelands only) Price : */3500/7000 Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6+6, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 7, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+7. Move : 12 (13 by Grazelander) Notes : revered by the Grazelanders. Violence against a Golden Horse in grazelander territory is punishable by slow death. They are often the targets of raids by horse stealers. These horses all have yellow colored eyeballs, hence their common nickname of "goldeye.". Glittering in sunlight equivalent to a shimmer 3 spell, unless it is protected by armor (only effective if riden by a Grazelander). Jump 60% (75% if riden by a Grazelander). Name : Jaldon’s Horse (Western Prax: Pol*Joni, Sartar) Price : */2500/* Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 2d6+18, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+5. Move : 11 Notes : the descendants of the famous hero’s mount, these are the standards horses of Pol*Joni nomads. The hero Jaldon can command ( as per the divine spell ) any horse of this breed automatically. Fast and enduring. Name : Jillaran* (Jillaro only) Price : */4500/8000 Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 5, POW 3d6+1, DEX 2d6+7. Move : 14 Notes : This famous breed of racer is the fastest horse alive. Name : Kiang Pony (Holy Country, Storm Mountains) Price : 1000/*/* Characs : STR 2d6+12, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 2d6+16, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6+1. Move : 8 Notes : An exceptional swimmer (Swim 100%), found in Dragon Pass since the First Age. The commonest beast of burden in the region. Name : Palfrey* (Seshnela, Maniria, Fronela, Ralios) Price : 1500/*/* Characs : STR 4d6+16, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+6. Move : 9 Notes : Placid and faithful. The standard riding mount in all western Genertela. Bite 30%, Kick 20% Name : Sered* (Peloria, Pent, Kralorela, Fronela) Price : Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+14 to 4d6+17, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 9 Notes : this breed comes in many colors and variations of size. Name : Silverfax (Peloria, Tarsh) Price : 1300/1600/* Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+5. Move : 10 Notes : a breed native of the Oslir river valley, imported by the Lunars in Tarsh during their conquest. Its good value for money ensure its wide distribution. Name : Skyjumper* (Pent) Price : 1800/2600/4500 Characs : STR 4d6+20, CON 2d6+10, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6+1. Move : 10 Notes : the most common horse found in Pent and used by the horse nomads. Large herds of wild Skyjumpers roam the plains. Jump 60% Name : Swadal*/Western Destrier (Loskalm only) Price : 2500/400/7000 Characs : STR 5d6+18, CON 1d6+12, SIZ 5d6+20, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 11 Notes : the mount of great loskami knights, prized by jousting champions. Only one regiment, the best in the Loskalmi, use it for warfare. all attack skills ( except trample ) at +10%. Name : Tarpan (Defender’s Shore, River of Cradles) Price : 1500/2000/* Characs : STR 4d6+18, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+1d4. Move : 10 Notes : a strong and solid breed, well suited for the hot weather of Prax but restricted to settled areas because of nomad hostility and lack of water. Name : Vuanso* (Kralorela, Pent, Teshnos, Seshnela) Price : 1800/2500/* Characs : STR 4d6+16, CON 2d6+3, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 5, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+7. Move : 12 Notes : a fast but fragile breed originating in Kralorela where it was prised by the aristocracy. Now more widespread but its fragility makes it rare outside his natural habitat. Name : Whitemane (Bush Range, Tarsh) Price : 1300/2000/* Characs : STR 4d6+16, CON 3d6, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+7. Move : 10 Notes : these nimble horses are mainly used by the Bush’s Children. They are easily recognized by their long and white mane. Smell 40% Name : Whizzer* (Pent) Price : 2000/3000/5000 Characs : STR 3d6+20, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+16, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 2d6+7. Move :11 Notes : native from Pent, they would have been driven into extinction by the Skyjumpers because they breed much more slowly. Fortunately they are herded by the horse nomads who value them greatly. They are the mounts of chieftains and warriors and a symbol of status amongst the tribes. Name : Winganna (Dragon Pass, Holy Country) Price : 1600/2400/4000 Characs : STR 3d6+24, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+18, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 10 Notes : a lower breed of the Western Destrier used by the warriors trying to emulate the western knights. The most common warhorse in Dragon Pass. Name : Greater Zebra (Pavis) Price : 1800/3500/6000 Characs : STR 3d6+22, CON 1d6+12, SIZ 3d6+22, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 10 Notes : a cross*breed between Golden Horses and wild zebras of Prax engineered by Joraz, a friend of Pavis. Much used by the rich and powerful lords of Pavis and the Rubble. Name : Lesser Zebra (Prax, Pavis) Price : 1500/2000/* Characs : STR 4d6+14, CON 2d6+6, SIZ 4d6+14, INT 4, POW 3d6, DEX 3d6. Move : 11 Notes : a sterile cross*breed between Greater Zebras and wild zebra. The standard mount for cavaliers in Prax, notably for the Pavis Survivors. (*) These are some famous breeds rarely if ever found in central Genertela but widely reputed or otherwise worthy of notes. Some very powerful characters might display their status by riding such expensive mounts. The prices are given for their region of origin, don’t hesitate to extract twice or thrice that amount from your players if they think their status can’t suffer an humbler mount I also remember seeing somewhere a table to give horses personality (e.g. "chews fences" ), but I've no idea now where that was from.
  19. (Re: Major Wound Table) Text is the same.
  20. Just the Major Wound Table, but that seems a bit meh to me. I'm intending to do an enhanced version, which may be more like what you want, but not sure I have the time just now.
  21. An article in an old White Dwarf gave RQ stats for a dozen or so breeds. And I'm sure I saw a similar piece on the net a while back. They're not 'official', but I could probably unearth them if you think they might be useful...?
  22. So, no name-calling - but reasoned persuasion. It'd be good to have the good reasons set out clearly, but matter-of-factly, without attacking anyone's beloved system. What do D&Ders see as its virtues? (3.x and/or 4e) What do we see as BRPs advantages? Let me give another example: D&Der: My paladin is 15th level... but he's a 3.5 character, so I can't play him in 4e. BRPer: The game I play can accomodate him, with a bit of conversion - let's see, he'd probably have over 100% skill in his main weapons, 15 points of re-usable Divine Miracles... or D&Der: My 4e paladin is 30th level... so I can't play him anymore. BRPer: The game I play can accomodate him, with a bit of conversion - let's see, he'd probably have over 200% skill in his main weapons, 30 points of re-usable Divine Miracles...
  23. He has a point y'know. Galling though it is to lower ones standards, it may well be the only way. It just needs a longer-term view. Remember: "If you can't beat 'em, join (and subvert!) 'em..." Hey! How come your guys aren't 'juiced up' on how BRP1 will play? :mad:
  24. Thanks for that - now I do too! I only have the Adobe Reader, but find I can do that too. Very useful. Thanks Chaosium!
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