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Everything posted by Scout

  1. Ah right. In that case I think I'll for for RQ Classic
  2. Is this the quickstart for the upcoming RQ7? https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-quickstart/
  3. Thanks Steve There was a time not long ago I'd have been disappointed that RQ7 might be bundled with Glorantha, but that's changed and I'm quite looking forward to it. Perhaps it makes sense to go with RQC and then dovetail into RQ7.
  4. Thank you very much for that in depth reply Joerg. At first blush, it looks like RQC is my best bet. As an aside, do we know if RQ7 is going to include Glorantha as a default setting?
  5. I would like to get into Glorantha and I have two choices: HQG or RQ2 Classic which has just been released. Both games look interesting but I have some reservations I'd like to ramble on about. RQ2C I really like RQ but not sure what's in RQC. I dislike systems where you have one skill (for example) 'Melee' and that covers everything from 2 Handed Greatswords to a fist punch. I love hit locations but found the healing/damage rules in Mythras too fiddly. As it goes, I dropped Mythras because I found combat required too much bookkeeping. I also dislike the Resistance Tables but I can live with that. I like a character to have lots of improvement before they reach a ceiling (it aides longer campaigns, which is something I always look for in an rpg). HQG I like narrative systems but there are errors in HQG so I'm worried it might not make sense to me. I'm also not entirely happy with the way HQG automatically raises difficulties every four sessions and how the pass/fail system is a rule for the GM to fudge things in order to maintain pacing and drama. I mean, I understand it, and I can see how it makes sense storywise but I can't help shake the feeling it's a bit heavy-handed and diminishes the effect of a character's attribute/skill ratings. Lastly, I love feudal settings. I think there's a lot of roleplaying possibilities when you have a feudalistic system in place. There's a social pecking order and you'd better know yours. Am I right in thinking Glorantha doesn't have a setting where a feudal system is in place? I understand Glorantha is based on myths and that they colour most everything a character does, but are there settings where a feudal society is in place? Any advice?
  6. Scout


    I bought HQG and was watching a Youtube review that said there were a few mistakes in the rules. Has an errata list been compiled? Thank you
  7. I want something akin to 'Feats' for my MW campaign (I'm the GM); it's an area I think d100 games could really benefit from. To that end I've found this game: Sabre It has something like 200 'Talents' in it and I'm slowly converting them over to Magic World. One thing though, what does Magic World use for an 'Acrobatics' skill?
  8. That's clever - thank you
  9. Page 15: STR /2 for dodge don’t seem right. Wouldn't it make more sense under DEX /2? Would it break anything if I opted for DEX?
  10. I'm not very good at maths. 1/5 of a number is the number divided by 5? 1/20 of a number is the number divided by 20?
  11. Thank you tooley1chris
  12. What settings have you brought to life with MW? What have you ported from other d100 games into your MW? I would like to include cleric type spells, what could I port over to do this? How are shields used in MW? Thanks all.
  13. Scout

    PDF Prices

    Good points, thanks both
  14. Scout

    PDF Prices

    Chaosium lists (pdfs): Magic World at £14.92 Advanced Sorcery at £9.17 Rpgnow lists (pdfs): Magic World at £18.73 Advanced Sorcery at £10.10 Any reason why, is it to encourage you to buy from Chaosium?
  15. I just bought the game and was wondering if there's an official character sheet out there. I found one in a link to an rpgmeeting website but not sure if it's the latest official one Is there one? Thank you
  16. One thing I've thought D100 could benefit from are things like 'Feats'. Perhaps not exactly like D&D but similar. Something other than skills to make one warrior different from another warrior. Does RD100 have this?
  17. I really like the sound of all that Thank you
  18. Did Revolution D100 use 'Action Points' (as in Mythras) in combat? I sincerely hope not as they have a tendency to unbalance fights. 3 AP v 2 AP can be overly significant
  19. Scout


    I'm sure this has been asked before but here goes I've got the May 2008 print edition of BRP (recently bought it off Drivethru) and I was wondering if there's any errata for it. I did look but all I found was an unofficial pdf that was 17 pages long. I was hoping the 2008 print run had been updated. Thanks all.
  20. Hi Does anyone know what print run we are in with the 4ed BRP? I want to make sure I get the lastest pdf with all the latest errata updated Thank you
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