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Posts posted by Newt

  1. Its fully written. Unfortunately the author has decided to take a break from RPG writing at the present moment and I'm uncertain of when he will return :( Seeing as I need his participation to complete the book, its on hold for the time being.

    Over the Christmas holidays I'll be working out how to progress with The Company - whether to commission any new supplements and adventures without Rik being around to be Line Editor or just simply leave it as a rather magnificent standalone game.

  2. So River of Heaven, what’s going on with that then?

    Well first off its ‘s John Ossoway’s (Cthulhu Rising/Savage North) D100 Sci-Fi magnum opus. Its sat on my harddrive ready to go into layout, we just need art. Art which is the mighty Peter Frain (Fate System Toolkit, Duty & Honour) is going to do. Art which if the game successfully crowd sources will be numerous and colourised icon_smile.gif Oh and we have a ‘soundtrack’ done by the immeasurably talented Keef Baker . Its awesome, I’m listening to it now icon_smile.gif All wrapped up with a lovely cover by Jon Hodgson (Cubicle 7 art supremo, One Ring etc). Its been a good 4 years in the making. When can you get it? As soon as the crowdfunding campaign funds all backers will get the sans-art draft in pdf, with delivery date of early Summer 2014 for the full game.

    The River of Heaven starts flowing on

    1st Jan 2014

    on either Kickstarter or IndieGoGo (still deciding which works best for it).

    Check back here for more updates.

  3. There's a preview pdf up on the D101 website


    I've no intention of releasing any more preview material. If you back the KS you'll get a full draft of the game as soon as it funds :)

    OpenQuest 2 goes on general release tommorrow via Drive Thru, so I'm looking to get the KS up and going in the first two weeks of November.

  4. D101 Games is proud to present the first of its UK Masters Modules for Crypts and Things:

    "Tomb of the Necromancers" By Paul Mitchener .

    “The ruins of the Unknown City stand at the edge of the Death Wind Steppe, surrounded by the foothills of the Wolf Head Mountains. They are a monument to a once mighty city. Few now know the city‘s history, and how it fell. The city‘s old name, Tetronis, now belongs to a village of simple fisherfolk standing amongst the ruins.

    The force behind both the old city‘s greatness and its destruction was the god Orlusz.”

    A Swords and Sorcery romp for four to six characters of level 6 to 8. It takes place in the frozen north of the Continent of Terror and sees the characters pitted against ravaging barbarians, who seek an ancient weapon for their mistress. Further exploration leads them to the forsaken temple of an evil sect of Necromancers.

    Although written for Crypts and Things it is compatible with other Old School Class/Level based games.

    Available through DriveThruRpg.com in both pdf and print formats.

    Buy UKM1 Tomb of the Necromancers from DriveThruRpg.com

    Cover by David Michael Wright.


  5. Battle Magic as Heroic Feats is something that came out of play of OpenQuest 1. In a run through of The Savage North, one of the players whose character was an axe swinging Barbarian liked the idea that his magic was more a personal expression of the character's power. Other groups independently came up with the idea and let me know, so I thought it something that I could include as an option in OQ2.

  6. OpenQuest is at a bit of a disadvantage here in the comparison stakes, because its not currently available. That is something that I'm currently working on at the moment, with a solid release date of early to mid August for the pdf. A couple of months later you'll be able to check out the free version, OpenQuest Basics, and download/view on line the Developers Kit (which is in essence the entire text of the game). This way you'll be able to compare and contrast to your hearts content :)

    I also think RQ2 without the hit locations and RQ3's three magic systems (with Sorcery being much simplified) is a better summing up of OQ if you are going to compare it to previous editions.

    But as Ben says you really can't go wrong with any of the three D100 systems ;)

  7. Just to pipe in quickly to say I inherited the movement rules as is from the MRQ1 SRD. I've not cleaned them up, in fact I've handwaved and made quick guesses where I've needed to (say movement rates of monsters), because I'm firmly in the Narrative camp of BRP Gming. I nearly expressed movement rates as "Normal (human), Fast (Double Normal), Slow (half normal human)" until someone pointed out that for backwards compatibility this would be a bad thing.

    However it doesn't mean that I'm not open to a well thought out and quick movement system for folk who do use minis. This is the OpenQuest way :)

  8. Just sent out to pre-order people

    OpenQuest 2 June 2013 Update

    Hi all

    OK been a month since I contacted you about OQ2's progress, so some form of update is in order.

    Last month I thought we were about to cross the finishing line regarding checking errors. However its turned out that we need more time to fine tune the document. Being realistic I'm now aiming for an August release, by the very latest.

    Along side the final check on OQ2, I'm putting the finishing touches on the new content for Life and Death and The Savage North. Here Be Dragons is also about to go into layout.

    I hope to have more to show in the next couple of weeks, so expect an update then.

    Thank you for your patience.

    In the meantime here's a preview of The Savage North's revised cover by Jon Hodgson :)


    ;O) Newt


  9. Just to confirm once the expanded version of Life and Death that I'm creating as part of the OQ2 campaign goes out to pre-orderers, it will be available in print again almost immediately via Drivethrurpg.com as both print and pdf.

    If you want a copy now of the 1st edition, I have just discovered a small pile of them in my attic. I'm happy to sell you one at a heavily discounted price (£5) +P&P. Please pm me if interested.

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