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Posts posted by Shiningbrow

  1. 14 hours ago, Wrestlepig said:

    You also get Befuddle, Ignite and Demoralise, which are all very useful in a combat situation, and can learn Bladesharp from associated cults

    You realise that it's not a matter of "you also get", it's just that those spells are offered by the cult to initiates for reduced prices (sometimes free). You don't need to go to an Associate Cult to get Bladesharp, but it's probably more convenient.

    Most cults will allow you to use and purchase most (spirit) spells from somewhere (Chalana Arroy being a really obvious example of cult that's not so liberal) - even from shamans.

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, monkoflords said:

    Currently any Spell with the Illusion rune, so I presume Sorcery. Glamour...being a spirit spell doesn't quite fall into that. Not sure if that's too wide or narrow. (I also don't want a laundry list of spells it counters)

    Sorcery has a Neutralise Rune spell, so it would essentially be the same, just more powerful (being a Rune spell) - so you odn't need that laundry list. Just a straight out "any spell that uses the Illusion Rune" (although, that would bring about a complication - what about spells that can be cast with Illusion or some other Rune?)

  3. 19 hours ago, soltakss said:

    That is why smashing the temple idols is a good way to reduce the temple's power.

    Not to mention, a great way to get killed :D  


    Artefact - old, usually magical, item of some significance. Probably important to someone, but not necessarily holy or sacred.

    Regalia - item that is used in ritual (whether magical or not - eg, temples or ruling monarchs, etc), and often containing magic. Usually holy or sacred to a group of people.

  4. Does Dismiss Illusions only work on spells called "Illusion"? Or on any spells using the Illusion Rune (eg, Charisma, Clever Tongue, etc)? And what about Glamour? Or Sorcery spells using the Illusion Rune?

  5. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Kill the priest who holds the connection to it. Actually that might only work for clan/tribe wyters.

    p287 suggests you're right...

    "The community may vary, and wyters have been associated with everything from villages, military regiments, temples, clans, tribes, and cities. Any community with an associated Passion has a wyter." (my emphasis)

    "A wyter is bound to a single person, typically the leader of the wyter’s community, e.g., the king of a tribe, the chief of clan, the high priest of a temple, etc... "

    But, "The wyter can be transferred to another priest;"... probably only temporary setback.

    12 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    Bind all Wyters in giant, solid blocks of stone...check!

    That too! "A wyter must reside in a specific sacred thing in the mundane world, such as an idol or dolmen,..."

    Also a temprary setback, but for the short term, your PCs shouldn't worry.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    On a slight tangent...how do you defeat a Wyter like that? I mean, in the current rules, ignoring houseruled heroquest abilities. I can see an extremely powerful shaman maybe challenging one, but 42 POW pretty much makes it immune to magic. 

    Destroy the object it's in.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Zo Fo Draziw said:

    Everything has been done to show you the content!

    I think you had the page still in your browser's cache. Click here. External Link Turnout (this is what you should always see, when you click an external link in my archives) and then choose the Web Archive Link! No 404!

    Thanks, but I was referring to the Glorantha website having current links working, and current material - not needing to get older material available through archives.

  8. 8 hours ago, g33k said:

    Don't forget the Sun Dome'rs, very Sparta (also mostly VERY patriarchal!).


    I always took the Dara Happans as Assyrian/Babylonian... although, that may just have been because of a picture of the beards etc, plus the pyramidal buildings, and clothes, etc etc.

    Perhaps the Sun Domers from down south took in somewhat of the local culture, and changed a bit?  Or, after the Lunar Empire??

  9. 15 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Shaman is singular and plural like sheep, although RQG refers to them using the alternative shamans. Shaman these days is used genderless, shamaness used to be used, but much like actor and actress. Shamanka is avoided as it's just shaman with the Russian -ka for female ending. Indigenous tuvans, evenki and other transpolar cultures consider it offensive (Russian oppression of shamanism).

    My bad!

    I'm just remembering from Shamanic Voices from many years ago... (or similar - but I thought it was in that one).

    (I wonder how they feel about the "cultural appropriation" of their term?)

  10. 17 hours ago, Crel said:

    I don't know if moon rocks generate the effect of the moon (AFAIK the only description of them is in the Bestiary where you quoted), but summoning Lunes was the main purpose in my mind for placing rocks around the temple. Checking those pages, there's no price associated (just "expensive"), but a minimum of ENC 6 is required to summon a 1m Lune.


    Ah, I missed that.

    I'm recalling from RQ2, I think... maybe......

  11. 15 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    The question relates to the Shield spell that the Seven Mothers get from her as an associate, and to cast Shield you need to use any Rune of the deity granting the spell, hence the question. So a Seven Mothers priest who gets Shield from HD can cast it using their Movement, Moon, Light (Fire/Sky?), or Harmony (if they're from Jillaro) runes. I think that's the only case where an unpublished associate gives a spell that means you need to know their runes.

    why do you say "any" Rune... Virtually all of the Rune Spells list only one Rune from each deity that has that spells. I don't think Shield should be an exception. Just because they're not listed (don't know why... I'd say because it's a leftover from RQ2 when Shield was readily available for most cults). So, HD needs to pick which Rune is used for this spell... (well, ok, the GM or Chaosium do...).

    Note that Shield doesn't have the R-Magic Rune ... which signifies that any of the cults Runes can be used.


    15 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    @Shiningbrow, your suggestion would grow this list to include all the unpublished associate cults that give spells that have more than one rune. I'm not saying it's a bad suggestion, I do think it is worth considering, just pointing out an issue with it. I would probably not imose the rule due to the additional complication, Shield is bad enough already as quite a few cults get that from an associate so you need to look up the associate's runes and/or doodle them in next to the spell on your character sheet.

    As per above, it's going to become much less of a problem when it's only one Rune - and not just any. (It'd be nice if the associated cult's Rune for casting was listed when GaGoG comes out..


    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Zo Fo Draziw said:

    I admit the link turnout is not not very clear, I will make this more obvious when I have time to. For now take a closer look to the text and both links: The 1st link tries to find the "original". That is a 404. The 2nd link calls the time machine, and they have a copy from 2008.

    I understand why the 404 happened - external sites trying to link to pages that have been removed - not a lot you can do about that without spending huge amounts of time!

  13. On 5/15/2019 at 5:02 PM, Zo Fo Draziw said:


    I am the maintainer of glorantha.steff.in, and I made it behave better in finding external links. As I know most of the stuff is quite old, the links are likely to be outdated. So I inserted a link turnout that lets you choose to search the wayback machine for that page. Try it, it finds pages to all three links!

    Have fun!

    I clicked your link, and then went to the link about gender discrimination from Greg. Unfortunately, that goes to a 404 :(

    I figure it's not your responsibility, as it's the Glorantha site, but just want to mention

  14. Not helping a lot, but remember that a minor temple has about 500 Lay Members and Initiates - and the Lay Members aren't likely to be a major part of the ritual (and thus, the minor temple won't need to accommodate all of them at one time).

    Secondly, don't Moon Rocks grant the effect of a Full Moon?

    Can't go past a good Lune for the Lunies... And Madness.

    Bestiary p181/2 & 176

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I let the apprentice shaman (and "man" here is not the same root as our word so "shamans" is better) in my game just attack the spirit after discorporating with the rune spell. I'm not sure if there should be more to it than that.

    It's going back a few years, but IIRC it's Shaman/Shamanka... and not sure about the plural form. (although, shamanka could be the plural, and I've forgotten the feminine)

  16. 2 hours ago, Crel said:

    I feel like I read somewhere that it was mostly Storm Gods who resulted in bronze bones (born of earth/copper and sky/tin), but I don't know where that was, or if it was even from something canon. I've got Borderlands & Beyond and there's nothing specified in the Godling Bones entry in Plunder (p.215). But from what I think I'm remembering you'd be right, most bones are of the proper metal. The most common bones are bronze bones because the storm gods/godlings/etc are fighty lil bastards and lots of 'em died.

    I had not heard that one!

    What happens when they swap over? So, would Elmal leave behind Gold or Bronze? (yeah, I know, he's not dead!!)

  17. Just curious - why are the bones of the Gods all Gloranthan Bronze?

    Why wouldn't each deity's bones be made of the Element(al Rune) for which they connect?

    In a way similar to the discussion about their blood having specific Power Crystals... (eg, Arroin's Tears)

  18. 10 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Okay, I am getting extremely tired of coming to 

    Do spells have a visual component (when they don't obviously have one)?

    only to find we are not talking about spells, we are talking about 

    Blah, Blah Blah, charisma, Blah, Blah Blah charisma. 

    Could we possibly let this thread go back to its original poster and his original topic "Spells" and perhaps create a new thread about "charisma"... so those of us who never want to read another word on this topic as long as they game can avoid the thread For the sake of all the gods. please!

    I know it's frustrating Bill. There is a certain logic behind it though... and it does directly related to the thread.

    Charisma (and Lie and Clever Tongue, Glamour) can all be used on/against friends and allies in an attempt to 'manipulate' them to get them to do what you want.

    Bladesharp having a visual aspect mostly doesn't matter (except for aesthetics, and occasionally stealth rolls).


    And that's all I'm going to say on the C-word matter.

    I don't think spells like Disrupt, Demoralize or Befuddle should have a visual component... but that's very much my idea. Seeing someone casting - absolutely. Not knowing what they're casting, and at who/what makes the game more interesting. (ie, have they just upped their defences? Have they upped their offence? Have they just tried to summon something? Did their spell succeed or not? Why is Bill hanging back and not attacking like the rest of us?)

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