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Posts posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Are you allowing for retroactive use of the funds, such as they're allowed to spend some on Bless Pregnancy to.get highest stats?

    Can they spend on training for stats?

    Powered (or even dead) crystals?

    Spell matrices?

    Or even blessings or buffs? (E.g., sorcery)


    Less personal, paying for votive images in shrines (a 100L image gives one extra RP return per season).

    Or... Host a large party, including expensive sacrifices, ensuring a famous bard/story-teller is there to sing praises for years to come! Invite influential nobles etc. Give lots of shiny gifts... Rule of hospitality and all! 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, Rob Darvall said:

    I'm a volunteer firey in Australia. (Fortunately I've only had to stand by so far)
    Thanks for the LoL I needed it.

    (And I'm thinking of raiding Dubbo Zoo for their rhinos)

    Stay safe! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Videopete said:

    Man Glorantha changed the way I imagined elementals, from rock monsters, to just graboid waves moving through the ground. Maybe on the spirit plane they might look like the pictures.

    That's what I was thinking when I wrote my post above.

    But I've found this on many occasions with the latest RQ books - the images don't match the descriptions (captioned or in text)

  4. 1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Actually I am sure it could not, I believe gnomes must remain in the soil, but I could see it pushing the earth which would push the stones above the earth... Again I think an understanding of magic rather than rules munchkinerry is the answer here. If the rules say the elemental can not deal with an substance, it probably can not, at least directly.


    ETA just did a bit of reading and the Bestiary says that gnomes can indeed move through rocky soil the problem they have is with quarried rock and straight up rock. They can not move through or be summoned in these terrains. Loam and sand offer a few caveats in the attack area. So they can move rocks in soil, but can they gather rocks? I suppose, what skill they would use lacking DEX I am unsure, As to heavy stones they can not travel through, could they push such? Good question.

    Relevant passage, on appearance.

    page 179 of the Bestiary.


    Ok, my bad... 

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/30/2019 at 9:47 PM, prinz.slasar said:

    In the Quickstart, there is a text passage, which reads ambiguous [Quickstart, p 28].

    "If she is with the adventurers, Yanioth could put her summoned earth elemental to use at this task."
    The task, to put some heavy stones together or the task to dig a grave in solid, rocky earth?

    Certainly the Earth Elemental stat block makes it clear that the elemental could only work in soil.

    But it can come out of the earth and pick up the heavy stones with its pretty high STR.

  6. On 9/22/2019 at 2:52 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    . I mean, with the exception of our antipodean friends, I’m looking at you MOB, most of us come from or live in colder climes some of us even like it.


    On 9/24/2019 at 10:21 AM, davecake said:

    Actually Melbourne (where MOB lives) is regarded as pretty cold by Australian standards! Still warm for most of you - ie does not get snow - but nothing compared to a Perth summer, and then there are the really hot parts of the country, some of which make Death Valley look comparitively lush. 

    Melbourne city rarely gets snow, but the outer suburbs sometimes do, especially in the hills. A little further north are the Snowy Mountains - not ironically named. 


    I was going to say as an attempted joke - you have to fight the cold. But being Glorantha, that can be literally true.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    I'd trust the practical knowledge of Gustbran or Humakt over the theoretical knowledge of LM if my life depended on it. LM might be able to recite lots of stuff about the history of iron-making, who stole iron from the dwarves, etc. But Humakt knows how to make a sword.

    So, you're saying it's two (quite) different pieces of knowledge... 

    What about Alchemists? Perhaps swords and armour aren't its only use??? Or they have another way to manipulate the metal? (Or clean it of impurities, if we're considering it to be similar to RW iron).

  8. 27 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    A: Practice

    Let me clarify. Do they actually have basically the same knowledge about the same thing?

    Or are they different secrets?

    It was mentioned previously that LM would use Mineral Lore (or perhaps a more specific Metallurgy Lore) and/or Alchemy. Humakt and Gustbran just use their smithing skills. So, if an initiate of one joined the other, would they actually learn something new, and thus be pretty awesome? Or basically just have a better understanding of what they already know?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    I do think that this is how it is written, it is how I read this to work. It lacks my statments above expressis verbis, and it might have saved some space in individual spell descriptions if presented as the general way sorcery spells work.

    The meta-rule for sorcery spells overcoming the resistance of the victims with the points in the spell has not been spelled out as such in the general description of sorcery, which makes my conclusion not necessary the way that the authors have intended sorcery to work.


    The spell works on spirits that don't have any awareness, so the answer does appear to pop up in the caster's mind. Probably in writing.

    The last bit (not the "probably in writing" 😋) I have to question... Especially since the caster won't know what it is. 

    Unless you mean, "also works on spirits without awareness". In which case, I concur. 

    As I wrote above, to me it reads more like a Divination, so no resistance roll required. The range factor adds to this... You could cast it on a spirit 500m away, and still have the answer pop into your head.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Overcoming resistance:

    Sorcery doesn't match the caster's POW with that of the spell target. Instead, the intensity of the spell is matched against the target's POW to determine whether the target is affected.

    Effectively, a sorcerous spell is a magical creature created by the sorcerer that attacks the spell's target, not very different from a Shade or Lune attacking a victim.

    In this case, it is a magical entity of interrogation, forcing out core secrets of the entity probed that way. The equivalent of a stressful interrogation by police detectives in a mirrored room.

    The basic cost of 3 MP may work on a bound spirit whose binding overcomes any of its resistance, but it won't work on spirit in the wild. The resistance must be broken first.

    I know it probably *should* be that... But that's not what's written. Nor even implied, given how other spells have those details.

    The other questions still remain - does the spirit provide the answers, or do they just magically pop into the caster's mind? Is the spirit aware? (Unlike the police interrogation)

    You see - I can read this spell more like Geomancy, Pierce Veil, Identify Spell (we could argue it), Reveal Rune (also debatable), or Divination, Soul Sight etc. And thus, no requirement to overcome anything. It's like it's just reading the aura to get answers.

  11. IOE for short, is both Active and Temporal. In the description: The caster must ask a specific question about the spirit—such as the nature, identity, true name, genealogy, comparative power, or abilities of the spirit. If successful, the gamemaster gives an answer of up to seven words per point of spell strength.

    Given it's both Active and Temporal, does that mean you can ask several spirits questions? Or the same spirit many questions? Or is the Temporal shorter than usual? (Or should really be Instant?)

    Also, there's no mention of needing to overcome POW/Resistance... What's the significance of "If successful", other than the casting?

    It also seems to imply that the entity is not answering, and is completely unawares of the interrogation. 

    The significance is that, perhaps, 3 MPs and about 15 seconds can get you a spirit's true name... With no consequences or significant limitations.

  12. On 1/1/2020 at 3:50 AM, lordabdul said:

    It might be, but if you roll under it, you are compelled to give the Chaotic creature a stern look, pointing your finger at it, and then walking backwards slowly to safety :)

    Looks of reproach and disappointment can work also, as long as you shake your head while looking down/away correctly. Add in a good sigh.


    Reproach Chaos.


    Ranged Temporal Non-Stackable

    If the Chaotic victim's POW is overcome on the resistance table, it is unable to attack, and willingly just stands there and takes more. It is completely unable to defend itself as it looks deep within, considering its life choices and how much of a disappointment it's been so far.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    Yes. In the example I gave, you start with a total of 2 techniques, 3 runes, and 6 spells when combining the benefits from your occupation (philosopher, +1t, +1r, +3s) and cult (homebrewed Aeolian, +1t, +2r, +3s). I don't know why you're restating that.

    Firstly, it's homebrew, so clarifying. Secondly, you can add the % from the first 3 to the second 3 if you wanted higher scores on your most precious spells.


    5 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    I wouldn't allow a sorcerer to master more R&Ts during character creation than what they get from their occupation and religion.

    This has been discussed, and at least some feel that the 3 POW you get in RPs can be traded for Runes/Techniques.


    5 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    You seem to be implying that being a philosopher precludes joining a cult, which is not true.

    Nope, not at all.

    5 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    And you don't need to be able to fight spectacularly - with your buffs the party should be able to pick up the slack. Most homelands grant decent weapon skills anyways, which are augmented by your necessarily large INT (and possibly POW) as a sorcerer. Just plop in a +10 and you should be able to help out somewhat, but it's not your main job unless you're travelling alone (and any sorcerer who does that is an idiot).

    If you rely solely on that, then you're only looking at 10 (weapon base) + 10/15 (culture) + 10/15 (on average for skills)... And then maybe +10 (freebie). 40-50% is bad. Less "help out", more "make things worse".

    You're not playing a *pure* sorcerer. You're playing an *adventuring* sorcerer. Philosophers are the current "pure" sorcerer.


    Please note - I'm only considering this angle from starting character perspective. And having that character survive long enough to pick up the other Runes, Techniques and spells later in their career. One hit (that you can't parry) and it's new character time.


    5 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    It's the job of the party to keep you alive -

    No. Not unless you're paying them to do so. If *any* die, the party is losing an asset.

    It's the party's job to keep the party alive. As you've described your sorceror above, they seem much more suited to staying at home and just doing up buffs as needed, rather than being out adventuring.

    ETA: the adventuring sorcerer I have in mind is a Noble initiated into Lhankor Mhy (until we get more information on other cults). Has good combat skills, some ok generic (Lores and most other skills  backed up by Logician), and the bonus skills spent on buffing sorcery spells (the LM sorcery bonuses used for the "need now" spells... Everything else can be cast relaxedly). Should give about half a dozen (at least) spells, with at least 1 around 60% (25 LM + 25 freebie + magic modifier) - probably Identify Entity. A couple of others around 40%... And the rest about 25% (before meditation). Also starts with good armour! 

    This will allow the character to survive out on the road long enough to build up, and not just wait behind the other characters to "do their job". 

    I'm just saying that sorcerers have two *huge* drawbacks (4 if you include the need to master Runes and Techniques, and each spell is a separate skill) - long casting times for useful/effective spells, and the magic point bottleneck. The second will eventually be lessened. But that casting time is never to going to be reduced - meaning your best in-combat spell is going to take at least 2 full rounds to get off (and be useful). The only two spells you might be casting from your list for this is Protective Circle and Ward Against Weapons*. The Ward can be cast as a buff days/weeks/months in advance. The Protective Circle is almost useless - it'll finally be up around 2+ rounds after combat has started, needs another spell on top of it to be useful (which, if it's your WAW, means another couple of rounds lost), and then it's a resistance table roll. Also, it means everyone needs to stay in the circle to be safe. You *could* do a lesser version (than your full strength), and rely on the other characters to charge it with something, eg, Shield or Spirit Block...Still, that's maybe halfway through a lot of combats.

    (*Spirit Warding is more likely to hurt than help, as unless you've got a couple of good MP batteries, you're using your own MPs - which is really bad for surviving Spirit Combat. Wall of Fire would be a much better spell choice!)

    You're still left with that MP bottleneck in your early career. At least having a good weapon skill (or 2... or 3) and using sorcery as a backup means you're almost always a useful member of the party!

    Of course, if you want a pure sorcerer - go for it!

  14. 33 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Boon of Kargan Tor: 94%

    Enhance Intelligence: 71%

    Solace of the Logical Mind: 84%

    Logician: 54%

    Identify Otherworld  Entity: 30%

    Geomancy: 23%

    Why so high for BoKT? It's usually cast when you've got plenty of time to meditate/ritual practice...

    Identify Otherworld Entity, though, is something I'd normally consider a "need right now" spell... (although, I do wonder about it being Temporal rather than Instant... Does that mean you get to ask lots of questions? Or lots of spirits?)

  15. 5 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Thanks, did so, but I really mean "sex" rather than "gender", as gender appears to be defined meaning behavior whereas sex means plumbing.

    If you didn't, then it may be confusing, as sex (the act) often results in pregnancy 😋

  16. 7 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Speaking which time to go to work the NY concert and fireworks (-4 do I need a sweater under my fall coat, well I’ll take it in case it goes down to -10)

    Happy new years all!

    BJ is about the same latitude as New Jersey... 

    But, yeah, that happens to all kids everywhere in China when winter arrives (the season - not the weather. "Oh, the calendar says it's winter now, so I have to put on lots of clothes.. ")

  17. 16 hours ago, Videopete said:

    Claiming to be chunky unicorns.

    Either A) some trickster *Lied* to him and no-one has been able to convince him otherwise, or b) he *is* a trickster, and uses that Lie regularly... Official documents from the Pavis authorities stating that he is, indeed,  a unicorn. When the LM priests come to confirm, they also agree...  

    • Like 2
  18. 6 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    * Beijing? For the winter Olympics, how did that happen?


    Not sure what you mean... Beijing has snow. And not much further north a lot more snow and mountains.

    Unless you mean... Politics! (I wouldn't be surprised if that also meant deals and bribes)

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