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Posts posted by Shiningbrow

  1. 5 minutes ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    this is really common in mythology, though: spirits are incomprehensible except to talented individuals (i.e. mediums, shamans, priests) except in special situations, such as as possession or dream space. it's not that it's a special language, it's that you can't understand them. they're dead, they're somewhere else, the veil makes understanding them implausible. that's why we have shamans and mediums and possession in the first place.

    That's fair...

  2. 10 hours ago, JonL said:

    Ducks are tragic, because they fight a never-ending guerrilla war to contain the threat of an immortal necromancer, quietly shielding the lands of the humans who look down on them (or worse). To better fight the undead menace, many of their warriors must ritually sever their connections to the very families they fight to protect.

    Ducks are comic, because they're anthropomorphic ducks. 

    The ironic juxtaposition between these tragic and comic elements makes both poles more impactful than either would be alone. 


    Those are only a particular group of ducks...

  3. 3 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Nice -- although I was a bit confused at first because you called it "Life" instead of "Fertility" (which is the term RQG uses). Also you have some "Conditions" instead of RQG's techniques? (Command, Combine, Separate, Summon, Dispel, Tap). Was this for a previous version of RQ maybe?

    I think that assumption will very quickly be proven false. Take the very first sorcery spell in RQG for instance: "Accelerate Healing" (Fertility, Command). I'm pretty sure we can come up with at least a couple other spells that would have the same runes as their base.

    Moonfire... 2 elements.

  4. 1 minute ago, Joerg said:

    It might be a problrm of lacking the organs to create sound, or to perceive it, so spirit speech may be a different form of communication, using a different medium carrier.


    "Spiritspeech is used to communicate with friendly or neu-tral discorporate spirits. Spirits with INT might also know a mortal language (particularly if they once were mortal or are worshiped by mortals). "

    Although your logic makes sense... But, the idea that a recently deceased suddenly knows a new language (even in such a magical place as Glorantha) is (to me) odd.


    Is this new ability common or rare? Or medium rare?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    Spirit speech is used to speak to spirits, who are ... dead. You can't talk to the dead unless you have this ability, which like shamans and stuff have.

    It's not a language, but you can understand anyone dead with it regardless of the language they spoke while alive (I think? I'm a little rusty).

    So, it's not a language, but an ability??

  6. Yo! 

    I'm just wondering if anyone is aware of mods (or modders interested in doing) for Glorantha for RPG games, e.g. Mount and Blade, or others... 

    I'd seriously love to have the money for a full Elder Scrolls mod...

    (Before ppl say - yes, I know KoDP, and the upcoming release. And I know one of the developers for ES was an RQ fan... Neither help the question)

    • Like 3
  7. On 8/19/2019 at 7:44 PM, davecake said:

    A divine magic user in a relatively major cult that has access to all common rune magic after a reasonable amount of play (say, 8-10 rune points) has a really pretty wide range of magic. A bunch of useful utility stuff (such as heal wound, spirit block) and a few cool specialty things, and can flexibly use their Rune Points to care it all. Sorcery gives you some interesting options basically at character creation, but essentially after character creation it is prohibitively expensive and impractical to raise a spell skill to the point where you can reliably cast it in play (rather than taking hours to days to push your casting chance up). In practice, the interesting possibilities of sorcery are illusory - you pick some good spells at character creation, and mostly stick with them. There is a good reason why the cultures that have master sorcerers are mostly immortal, it’s the only way to have a broad selection of spells under the rules! 

    The Common Divine magic list is certainly useful... But I'd argue that sorcery is even moreso, especially since you can create your own spells. Make Logician into a ranged spell, and you've got something that's going to be used very regularly, and for a LOT of money! 

    If you have Logician, next step is to do something similar for other skills (or categories)... And, obviously, Enhance X. 


    Which brings me to a question (GM fiat)... Have all spells players could think of already been invented/created? Or are there some that can't be found anywhere? What about HQ - would anything a player can think of already be available to Lhankor Mhy, and thus could be taken as a,reward?

  8. 4 hours ago, davecake said:

    The difference is that in RQG, it is unlikely for a Lhankor Mhy sorcerer to have more than a couple of those at a level where they can cast more than 2-3 of those at a reliable, in fact the game rules don’t really support making that effort ever. 


    It should be rare for the sorcerer to have to desperately get off that spell right now such that they don't have time to meditate, use practices, etc.

    And, every successful cast is another skill check!  If you're a bullshitter philosopher and /or Lhankoring, you get occupational skill increases every season... just like most other skills.

    • Like 1
  9. I think...  there isn't a problem here unless you're continually running hack'n'slash adventures.

    Sure, sorcery takes a back step to the others in sudden, sort of unexpected melee with only a couple of enemies to take down.

    But outside of that situation, sorcery reigns supreme (if you have the right spells, of course). Look at the list of Common Rune Spells and see how many are particularly useful a lot of the time. Even look at each cults special spells and consider when they'd be used. Now compare those to the sorcery selection of Lhankor Mhy... 


    And going back to my first point, LOTS of combat situations will actually have a lot of time to finish, and lots of preparation time. Especially if it's more than a handful of troops. And also if they're preferring ranged combat over melee.

  10. 3 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Becoming a lay member is the pre-requisite to receive these Read/Write lessons at all.

    And being an Initiate of an Associate Cult automatically makes you a Lay Member... 

  11. How do your players read their character sheets??? Let alone the RQG books. I'm surprised that people with access to the internet still can't read... 


    Ok, seriously... It's obviously too late, but one of the 10% starting skills could have been thrown into R/W something. Now that they've started, one season would be enough to start learning the basics (at least script, if not full language)

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, g33k said:

    I know y'all don't love to ETA a project very far out, so I'm not really expecting an answer when I scream "When is soon, dammit, Janet?!??"

    But p'raps you'd be willing to tell us which product(s) the particular Jonstown fans might await with particular... antici-






    ... pation... ?

     (don't make me go to the vault for this one!)

    Let's do the estimated time-warp agaaaiiiiinnnnnn.... 

    • Like 1
  13. 18 hours ago, Brootse said:

    "The pen is mightier..."

    Said the sage, just as she realised she was standing in front of a Humakti Sword.

    "... than, ummm, a... A pencil?? Hehe...". <gulp>


    (Edit: speaking of which, would a troll Lhankor Mhy scholar have a temple/library in The Castle of Lead Pencil?)

  14. 53 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    That's borderline God Learnerism! You know what happens to those people

    They become really knowledgeable, powerful and rich... 😁😁😁


    53 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    although these measures are most likely in other units in the game world -- like "stones" for weight, or "cubit" for sizes

    Absolutely!!! And different terms in different places and languages. And the terms will even have different values in different places... If Lhankor Mhy scholars can't even decide on an indexing system within one single library, there's no way measurements will be uniform across a world!!!

  15. Q: are cult ties more important than tribal/clan ties? And/or - who gets free reign for travelling?


    I presume any Rune Master of Ernalda gets awesome hospitality everywhere. Stormbull (possibly even only Lay Members) are avoided, and delicately handled by everyone. Do Lhankor Mhy and Issaries initiates get special treatment, and allowed anywhere (including hostile/enemy clans?)

    • Thanks 1
  16. 32 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    IIRC the only comment we ever got was that splitting attacks doesn't happen enough to warrant extra rules to solve this, and that the authors implicitly encourage GMs and players to bend the rules when it would make more sense.

    From the people who expect characters to be heroes in the Hero Wars... 🙄

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