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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. The resistance table stops at 24. For numbers that are much higher, like two super-strong supers, are folks just reducing each number down by the same ratio to get the numbers onto the chart?

    I have the Superworld and Superworld companion books somewhere on PDF which may help elucidate things.

    The resistance table in the latest version of Call of Cthulhu (page 55)goes up to 31, if it is any consolation.:ohwell:

  2. I'm currently working on producing a RQ Sci-Fi SRD based on the RQ, Traveller and D20 Modern (Future) SRDs. I converted some of the weapons from the Traveller SRD using some things from BRP, but yours look a lot better.

    Would you mind if I used them for the RQ Sci-Fi SRD? Credit would be given, of course.

    The unfinished SRD is at www.soltakss.com/rq_scifi.doc and neds a lot of work, but it's getting there.

    You have been busy Soltakss.:shocked:

  3. All the scientific stuff I've heard about galaxies say that would be impossible, since the closer you get to the center of a galaxy, the faster the stars and stuff rotate. Matter near the galactic core rotates near the speed of light.

    Where did you get this information from? I've read nothing to substantiate such a claim. I know that astronomers have detected stars in orbit around what may be a huge black hole but these stars were hardly rotating anywhere near light speed.

    The problem with having planets near the galactic core that are inhabitable by our kind of life is the high levels of radiation from nearby stars and supernovae. Planets risk being ejected from their solar systems by close encounters with nearby stars as well.

  4. Since we have fusion detonator and fusion grenade, we can interpolate the damage for the antimatter grenade from the antimater detonator.

    I think it should be 5d10 (half of 10d10) and a radius of 2m


    Even though your weapon stats aren't "official" I still think that they're logical( and useable) and my players will be falling over themselves to be the first to go up in a blaze of gamma rays. Thanx Jean:thumb:

  5. It was an accident they were left out. I'll check my files when I've got more free time and see if the accident was on my end or Chaosium's.

    However, the explosives chart definitely should not be in the middle of the artillery section, drat it.

    I have no qualms about the explosives chart being in the middle of the artillery section.I've got players looking forward to blowing up their characters through overconfident misuse of antimatter grenades, and I'd like to see some damage stats if you can find them (or make them up) please Jason.>:->

  6. Sounds a bit like Citys In Flight...

    Also, there was is/was that animated show on... Cartoon Netword/Nickelodeon/Something... I can't remember the name... where the Earth has been reduced to floating chunks... with huge skyships prowling around and fighting each other.


  7. Any resemblance to kaiju living, dead, or currently on film schedule hiatus are purely coincidental. :innocent:

    All credit to Michael Dziesinski's "Secrets of Japan" for "Call of Cthulhu". Whether you play "Call of Cthulhu" or not (and why aren't you?), this is a valuable resource for BRP gaming in modern Japan. The stats presented are within the confines of the "Call of Cthulhu" rule set. BRP offers a more robust ruleset and I would advise the GM interested in converting "Gazira" for use in a superpowered campaign to do so (see my Suggested/Optional Powers below).

    Gazira would make a good adversary for the giant robot on pages358/9 of the new book.:eek::eek::thumb:

  8. On page 249 0f the new book antimatter grenades are mentioned, but on the advanced explosives table (on page 267) only antimatter detonators are listed. Was the entry for grenades on page 249 an error or were the stats for these grenades left out by accident?

    Conrad the mechamunchkin:shocked:

  9. A needle in the tip of the blade shoots out the frozen ball of gas which instantly balloons to the size of a basketball, freezing organs.

    The American-made weapon is sold to hunters and divers and injects the frozen gas when the small handle-mounted trigger is pressed.

    This sounds similar to this futuristic weapon from the Orion's Arm background:

    Chemknife: Advanced construction places a hollow duct within a knife blade; this essentially turns the knife into a giant hypodermic needle. The handle contains a low-pressure piston and a fluid reservoir. Upon activation the piston drives the fluid through the duct and into the victim. The usual payload is a toxin or disease agent, but corrosives have been used for anti-cyborg or remote applications. Suspended nanotech agents are equally effective against both androids and biological organisms. Chemknives can be made with only medium tech, and assassins on medium tech worlds have been known to use them.

    There are more sci fi weapons here:


    :eek: "GM please give me the hyperdiamondoid neutronium coated stasis field armour!"

  10. According to Chaosium's poll, 20 % of the voters want a Science Fiction set-

    ting for the new BRP

    If the poll is trustworthy, almost 300 persons have already declared that SF

    would be their favourite setting, and this should be good enough to try a PDF

    monograph with SF material, I think.

    And Ashes to Ashes could well be an example that Chaosium is able to move

    faster than a glacier. With Worlds Beyond, Ringworld, Future World at hand

    it should not be extremely difficult to produce a PDF within an acceptable

    time frame.

    The poll might not be all that trustworthy if a certain SF fan repeatedly evened up the score with the fantasy voters.:o

    Maybe Cthulhu Rising should be given higher status than just being a monograph? Maybe Chaosium would do well to issue it as a lavish supplement?:thumb:

    Ashes to Ashes is fantasy by the way:focus:

  11. On the other hand, it could be useful to "test the water" with a generic BRP

    Space PDF monograph, and it could create important feedback for a possible

    later printed version with the improved rules from the monograph plus a set-

    ting, I think.

    Such a thing would be nice to see, but is there even a market for such a supplement? A few of us posting about such a thing may not give Chaosium the impetus to publish even a monograph. And even if it did you know how slowly Chaosium is in publishing such stuff.

    We may be better off getting our heads together and cobbling a BRP Space supplement together ourselves.

  12. I'd like to make a suggestion on this open forum to Chaosium, which I also e-mailed to Dustin, but present here in more detail and invite your feedback. Call it Chaosium Prime or Chaosiumflix. Here it is in larval form. Be gentle, it's a youngin'.

    So how about it Chaosium?

    But is Chaosium even listening? Will Dustin reply to your suggestion? Or do we waste our time in suggesting things to our favourite games company?:ohwell:

  13. I used to think a generic SF rules companion* would not be commercially viable, until I looked at how popular GURPS Space is. The advantage of putting a "BRP Space" out sooner rather than later is that it provides a unifying basis for people to go off and write their own, fully BRP-compatible setting books under the Chaosium license or directly for Chaosium itself.

    *Everybody knows a BRP rulebook needs a companion :thumb:

    GURPS Space popular? With astrophysicists?;) The main failing of the current edition of GURPS Space is that it has no background that is ready to use.

  14. Don't get me wrong, if someone wrote and Chaosium (or a licensed third party) published a "BRP Space" I'd probably buy it - but I think that those of us who did would be a relatively small, select few I'm afraid.

    On the other hand a strongly presented, coherent BRP SF setting, that resonates well with currently popular written SF ideas even if it's an original creation and not a licensed property? That I think would sell very well. That to me seems the best route forward in the currrent climate, with perhaps a "BRP Space" as a monograph.



    Just generic "BRP Space" rules I don't think would sell as well as generic rules plus a few space opera backgrounds with it.

  15. I suspect there's a dance of resources that go on here; there are complicating issues with big books, and if it doesn't sell well, you take a bath; with two smaller ones, you're less likely to have both not sell (because someone didn't want to spend money on a big book they weren't going to use half of) and as such you're a little safer.

    I like the sound of a book of generic space opera rules ( ship design and combat and world generation) plus a few different backgrounds ( an updated Worlds Beyond plus an updated Future World possibly?). The generic rules would be essential to any of the backgrounds so that all the book was useful to the GM.

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