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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. -- We know quite a bit of the magic in Magic World. Among other things we know that there are alchemists, enchanters, necromancers and wizards. We also know that there is a Sorcerer's guild that accepts students depending on there age, there ability and how much they are willing to pay. Finally we know about at least 25 spells.


    Max Tillberg

    We could do with some more spells for the Magic rules in BRP. Spells such as Cure Disease are missing, though you could enhance someone's CON to fight off an infection it does not seem the same, and I hope that soon to be published monographs will fill this gap.

  2. . IMHO elves, dwarves and trolls do not fit in with that.

    The "malignant or chaotic force/sorcery/religion in the Green called the Une" does sound good! :thumb:

    From what I've read there aren't any elves or dwarves in The Green. The Bog Trolls I'm sure you could convert to something suitably Lovecraftian or not.


    They're a kind of Dreamlands creature. I am guessing Conrad misread my post, assuming I do want it to fit in with the Dreamlands, but I do not. So Zoogs should not be in The Green. ;)

    I didn't misread your post. I'm trying to say that the background to The Green is versatile enough to fit into any fantasy setting, including Lovecraft's Dreamlands.;)

  3. The thing is I would want to use The Green as a place my 1920s CoC investigators could travel to and it should not resemble anything that may be found in the dreamlands. I guess that's rather specific.

    Nevertheless, even if it turns out not to be what I'm looking for I am sure lots of people will love it, because the idea is really cool and exciting.

    Having been priviliged to read some of the prepublished files I'd say that

    The Green reminds me most of Runequests Glorantha in its cultures, though Zoogs might not be out of place there and I think I'm going to put the little beasties in my game of The Green.:thumb:

    The ideas are really cool and exciting. I think that Puck should have gone to Chaosium to get this done as a proper publication, not as a monograph. But that would delay its release for a much longer time.

  4. Big change number two. Parody is gone, Homage is in. After discussing it with Dustin we came to the conclusion that it will sell better as a homage to classic dungeon delves and frankly I think that’s great. I wanted to make this change myself but wasn’t sure how to approach Dustin on it after being given the go ahead on parody. I had a lot of fun coming up with all the parody at the beginning, but now I’m at the “oh my god, how can I make this thing sound funny” and “wow, I cant think of anything funny to say about the frost giant, what am I going to do about the hill, fire, cloud, storm etc” stage.

    I'm glad that the parody is out and homage is in. May Gygax the Great guide your hand and Almighty Arneson inspire your writing!:thumb:

  5. . One of their biggest channels (Paizo), not only refused to follow 4E, they launched a huge year long playtest to build their own OGL (Pathfinder - and it's pretty neat).

    Every gamer I talk to prefers Pathfinder to 4e. I'd prefer to run Sword & Spell (when it is published)than any version of D&D though.

    In the end, this move won't kill Wizards. I foresee a stronger push toward MMORPG gameplay powered by D&D 4E rules. Tools that allow DM's to create purely digital scenarios, without a degree in graphic arts. 3rd Party Licensees of a 4E digital game engine, and an incidental market for players who insist on taking 4E to the kitchen table with paper and pen.

    The rest of us will still play D&D the way it has always been played. With or without WotC's permission.

    D&D as a mainly online game looks like a good prediction to me.

  6. Right now the Green is in a horrible mess of different files that are very slowly getting edited and shuffled into something near organization. At this rate it will be years before it is ready to go.


    Please get out those gardening shears and prune those files down. ;-(

  7. A stop eejits cluttering up other threads with their ramblings


    Guilty as charged there:o. I really should learn the difference between a monograph and a proper Chaosium publication. Not that it makes that much difference when you're reading or running them.

    I hope these are monographs:

    The Green ( I could do with some wood and blood in my games):)

    The Merchant's Scale ( Intrigue and dark forces! Count me in!)>:->

    Sword & Spell ( Who can resist a dangerous dungeon?):D

    The Covenant of Justice ( Some time in the future I'd like to run a superheroes game, and this might fit the bill);)

    Good luck to each of the authors in getting them published ( in whatever form).:thumb:

  8. It's not a monograph. It'll be a full product with editing, art, layout, and cover provided by Chaosium, etc.

    Whoops! Sorry about that:o. I've got monographs on the brain, seeing as there is an explosion of them surging up the product pipeline. I'll have to drink more camomile and relax after visiting the BRP Central home page.

    I'm not as close to done as I'd like, but it's chugging along.

    Though I can't wait to see a copy in my friendly local game shop, I have the time to save some pennies for when it is published.:)

  9. Sounds interesting and a little Moorcockian.

    One of my players tells me that The god Machine setting reminds him of the Silverheart setting by Moorcock and Storm Constantine.

  10. The Merchant’s Scale:

    The Islands of the Crescent Moon rest upon the rim of an enormous underwater volcanic cone—a ring-shaped tropical archipelago of Infernal origin. The water sheltered within covers a vast abyssal crater of unknown depths. It is believed among sailors that ships sinking here do not stop their descent until they have reached Hell itself. The ancient and decadent city-state of Sepherin is located on one of the largest islands in this archipelago. For a price, anything can be found within its walls, any desire satisfied no matter how bizarre or extreme. Vine-shrouded serpentine statuary looms in the jungles beyond Sepherin’s walls, the remnants of a fallen civilization, forgotten before Sepherin was raised. The savages who live in the jungles tell a legend of an ancient, powerful race of reptilian beings capable of taking human form—the chothlahsah. Some believe that these creatures still walk among mankind.

    The author is Steve Devaney AKA LivingTriskeleon the forum. ETA: April ‘09

    Of all the monographs being prepared this one interests me most.:happy:

  11. from their perspective, it isn't as rewarding as "overcoming an opponents defenses". They roll same old same old, and hope the NPC fails his roll - subtle distinction, but I can see their point.

    I offer my sympathy to you that you have such players. But their so called criticism is one of the lamest I've heard. In fact it is chuckle inducing just thinking about it.

    If you make combat encounters interesting enough, then your players will be too busy trying to defeat the opposition to notice that their respectable level of swordsmanship (70%) is boring.

    Easy for you to say - we're shopping around for a new system. :(

    The system is not at fault.You and your players just don't appreciate it. Thats all. Maybe if you'd read the spot rules you might have noticed ways of altering the to hit roll, such as putting your players on horseback in combat. Good luck with finding a new system.

  12. Sadly, Chaosium isn't the owner of Different Worlds.

    Sadly, that issue is sold out. You might have luck emailing them, though.

    Thanks for the link Jason. My chance of buying that issue of Different Worlds doesn't look good, but I will e mail them.

  13. I've just dug the issue out and it's much better than I remembered, as it happens.

    Though short, it's a scenario/campaign setup for Magic World wth a swashbuckly sort of setting, with a cast of eight major NPCs described in around 30-50 words apiece.

    The "plot" is mostly a series of rumors about what is happening or what might happen. It doesn't really nail down which are true and which are false, but it does provide a lot of gist for creating adventures.

    I would love to get a copy of the article, but the magazine isn't on sale anywhere. It would be good if chaosium sold pdfs of Different Worlds. I will have to wait for one to become available on Amazon.

    Thanks for telling me more about it, Jason.:)

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