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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 1 hour ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    An angel has 200% with his sword. That will let it do 4 attack at 50%. (or 3 attack at 67%)

    Let say he is fight an opponent with 200% in defence (say another angel parrying with his sword), that will let the opponent defend at 200%, 170%, 140% 110%...

    this is unsatisfactory... but so is inflicting -50% per cumulative defence in the general case....

    what alternative rule would you suggest?

    mm... or maybe 1v1 is always a stalemate at those level of skills...

    With RQ3, you would also have to split your parry skill if you want to do several parries. I would stay with a ruleset put attacker and defender with the same rule: Either several attacks and parries with a cumulative modifier, split, or simply only 1 attack and 1 parry.

  2. 6 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I don't think that that is possible. You can cast a spell using external MP storage, CMIIW but you can't replenish your own MPs from them. I've know that to be a houserule in some games using prior editions, and I've ruled that to be possible myself in some games that I've run, but it's not RAW.

    I play it the way you do, but this nonetheless allow all those who have MP storage to start an event with all the storage full, and when they have enough storage, they almost never use their own MP. This was especially important with RQ3, when the resistance roll was MP vs MP and not POW vs POW.

  3. 5 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    So, you couldn't rub/press on a tattoo on your chest, through clothing to use a focus? That would be tactile for me. If it touches your skin it is probably enough?

    Same way, any piece of jewelry in contact with the body is automatically touched, so should count, even if not seen.

  4. 2 hours ago, GAZZA said:

    Specifically, Orlanth and Odayla are associated cults, and Odayla provides Bear's Strength to Orlanth Thunderous. So, presumably, that means that the only Rune spell that Orlanth initiates can get from Odayla is Bear's Strength (and only for the Thunderous subcult).

    I would say yes.

    2 hours ago, GAZZA said:

    Let's say that's true. Odayla and Orlanth pretty much share the same Holy Days (their High Holy Days are different); could an initiate of both gods worship both of them in a single day, regaining Rune Points for both?

    I would also say yes.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Brootse said:

    Does darksense work better through water or air,

    Logically no, because darksense is about darkness variation.

    6 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    does it work better in darkness?

    Logically yes, because darksense is about darkness variation.

    6 hours ago, Brootse said:

    What is the range of darksense? Can trolls sense far away ships with darksense?

    I don't remember if there ever was a rule, but we always played it's range was equivalent to sight.

    2 hours ago, Brootse said:

    Additional question: does Farsee work with darksense? I'd say no.

    Because of previous answer, I'd say yes.

  6. 47 minutes ago, HorusZA said:

    If I parry the attack (normal parry vs missed attack) do I roll my weapon damage and if it’s over 4 (the Jack ‘o Lanterns HPs on its arm) I do 1 point of damage to that location regardless of the APs there? Or is the point of damage absorbed by the armour?

    I understand that in this case, the arm would take normal damage, minus 4 (the armor value).

    49 minutes ago, HorusZA said:

    Similarly, what happens if I roll a special parry vs failed attack? The RAW would indicate that I do more damage the more damaged the location already is. So, for example, an undamaged arm has 4 HPs and I roll a 6 for damage, I’d cause 2 damage to the arm. Again, does Armour absorb damage? I parry the arm later with the same result, I would cause 4 damage to it (6 damage vs 2 HPs)?

    With special attack (parry in this case), the armor counts normally.

  7. 13 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Yeah. I'm still not sure what the "attack is resolved normally" refers to... I understand it as "resolved normally as a melee attack" but it sounds like you understand it as "resolved normally as a Spirit Combat exchange".

    As you, I have understood as 'being resolved as a normal melee  attack, and parried with the spirit combat skill', the normal spirit combat phase being done at SR12.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Today I discovered the French illustrator Philippe Druillet, and I immediately thought of Glorantha. Some of this stuff looks Lunar, the other stuff might be God Time or even Chaos, but pretty evocative stuff regardless. 


    For Druillet, check Salambo.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    Iirc the main conceptual difference in strike ranks between RQ2/RQG and RQ3, is that with RQ2/RQG movement is something that is figured in before engaging in combat, it’s purely there to establish the initiative order. In RQ3 it stretches the concept of movement to continue on to when the characters are engaged in combat as well. So in RQ3 it becomes more of a literal measure of time in the melee round by default as it’s not not just an abstract measure of movement before engagement (as in RQ2/RQG) to determine who goes first, but also through the whole combat engagement itself - RQ3 tries to measure/model  tactical advantages of movement whilst engaged in melee combat. 

    Exactly my point ... and one of the points that makes me regret having used RQ2 instead of RQ3 as a base.

  10. 33 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I've just been reading the combat section of RQ3 and there's nothing that say it's a measure of time, it does say that Strike Ranks are an abstraction:

    Players Book page 45

    Agreed, this is an abstraction, but the moves are per SR (3m per SR, starting the DEX SR), all the actions are per SR, spell casting has a duration in SR, ... We almost have the impulse system of Ringworld, with the exception of the End of Round with no carryover, except for the actions that have a duration of more than 1 round (Spell casting for example). This is why I explained it is easier to explain to beginners (in my experience), because if 1 round is roughly 12 seconds, 1 SR is an abstraction that covers roughly a bit more than 1 second.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Grievous said:

    You know, I'm thinking of just tossing the combat system entirely and bolting on Pendragon's combat. Not a fan really and I'm not sure I want to go the extensive tweaking route. Utilizing parts of Mythras might work, but but. Pendragon is fine, though. There's a few issues to resolve because Pendragon uses d20s. That said, I might toss the d100 and go even more Pendragony... but that's beyond the scope of just combat.

    Gargl. Blasphemy.

  12. 9 hours ago, mikuel said:

    Do you add dex strike rank to your size?  

    You add your DEX SR to your SIZ SR for melee activities. You don't add for missile and magic.

    9 hours ago, mikuel said:

    Harmast has Siz 12 and Dex 16 2 handed spear SR 0

    Siz 12=SR 2 + Dex 16=SR 1 + 2 handed spear SR 0 Total SR=3  

    Yes, 2H spear will be at SR3 (I have not checked if the figures are correct, just the principle of your calculations).

    9 hours ago, mikuel said:

    Which means he can attack 4 times in a round.

    No, a second actions is always started 5 SR later. Moreover, as HreshtIronBorne says, only 1 attack per round (mostly).

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, gochie said:

    No. Strike rank is hard to explain, but generally don't look at it as a measurement of time--just a measure to determine who goes first in a round.

    Again, since it's so strange, sometimes it is a measurement of time (like sorcery magic SR, and missile attacks to some extent). For missiles where it is possible to attack more than once per turn, you have to add 5SR to the normal SR to ready the missile/weapon between each attack. 

    This is part of the reason I prefer the RQ3 way: Here, SR are ALWAYS a measure of time, and it is much simpler to explain to new players.

    • Like 2
  14. 9 hours ago, mikuel said:

    Ok.  How about this one.

    Do strike ranks carry over to the next round?

    In your SR is 8, is the next round an attack at 8, or would it  be at SR 4 during the next round?  

    Only in Ringworld (Old Chaosium BRP game). In all other BRP iterations, there is no carry over, and next round will also be at 8.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 10 hours ago, metcalph said:

    A sartarite farmer mich look askance at a Lhankoring casting sorcery in much the same way as he would view an accountant.  Both are legitimate but their cryptic nature can cause suspicion.

    This is the best answer I've ever seen. I just used it (translated) to explain to my sons.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

    This has always been the case. The only difference with the parry is that it might block the attack or partially block the attack.

    This has always be the case. The exact rules has varied, but a successful parry always has counted vs a critical attack.

  17. 1 hour ago, smiorgan said:

    I've just realized that I have a doubt about criticals in RQG. In the Quickstart rules criticals ignore armor. In the rulebook, however, this is only mentioned in the attack vs. dodge  matrix. So, do they ignore armor or not?



    As far as I have understood, yes, criticals ignore all armor (as usual).

  18. If a roll has 4% of occurring, 2 pairs of rolls mean 15.1% of occurring. In your example of 5 participants on each side, that means almost 66% of occurring each round. Your special (or critical) vs special (or critical) has 81% chance of occurring once in 2 rounds and 57% of occurring twice. That's a lot.

  19. When I'll GM RQG, I will probably use RQIII's combat rules: Separate skills for attack and parry, single parry per weapon, no attack matrix, moves and SR integrated, combat manoeuvers,... (keeping the 12 SR round to avoid having to refactor all the tables and equipment, and the different specials and criticals). The only other change will (not would) be to remove the above 100% reduction in opposed rolls (not only for combat). There are a few other points I don't like much, but the effort of changing is not worth it.

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