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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 1 hour ago, Eff said:

    If you're a full Heartlander (or at least from further north in the Provinces), perhaps you are a Lunar dissident. You've concluded (maybe after seeing the Dragonrise or Harrek's rampage or some similar Lunar disaster) that the Empire has it wrong, is misunderstanding Sedenya's will. Perhaps Moonson has been deluded by his wicked Carmanian/Spolite/Dara Happan/Pelandan/Orayan/Provincial counselors. Perhaps the current Moonson is a fake! You're probably not a pacifistic White Moon cultist, though. You may also have simply gone a little native and started identifying with the Sartarites. You might well be able to get away with it if you praise Orlanth loudly and publicly enough. (Perhaps you've determined that Orlanth has been healed, what with his Ring having all 11 lights in it again).

    Consider that stolen (if you agree). This is very good.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Free INT was alright, although it did limit sorcerers based on INT something that they couldn't improve.

    Yes, exactly. There was solutions, but slow and expensive ones.

    11 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    I like it! Does have one pitfall though. Introducing more skills into an already skill heavy system. 

    Yes, how true.

    2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    It certainly didn't help sales. RQ2 did significantly better than RQ3 in terms of sales.

    I can't speak for global sales, but in France, what killed AH's RQIII was the price. I paid mine over 500 french Francs in 1986. This was well over than the combined price of the ADD PHB, DMG and MM.

  3. On 11/16/2019 at 2:16 AM, Glorion said:

    Atgxtg: actually one area I totally agree with you is that the biggest thing wrong with RQ3, worse than anything else, worse than everything else combined, was trying to take it out of Glorantha, for which Avalon Hill has some but not all of the blame. We all hated that so much that in posting here, I managed to forget that. Well, that is fixed in RQG!


    I personally think that bringing RQ out of Glorantha was a strength. I love(d) the system and each time I GM'ed RQ, it was outside Glorantha. As a player, I like Glorantha, though.

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  4. On 11/15/2019 at 9:46 PM, soltakss said:

    What extra rules are in RQG? Off the top of my head:

    • Runes are used well 
    • Passions are really good
    • The Sacred Time Economy is excellent
    • The Resistance Table is better than before
    • The way that Runemagic and Rune Pools work is really good
    • It is slightly harder to lose a limb in RQG than in RQ2/3
    • Sorcery is redone, probably better than RQ3 but I am not sure, as I haven't really grasped them and won't until I play a Sorcerer
    • Shamans are a lot better in RQG than in RQ2 /3.

    Even if I would have preferred more RQIII than RQ2, I completely agree with this list: All those points are new, and most of them are good to very good. You can add poursuit rules and a good abstraction of economy.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Jeff said:

    I find the Facebook group far more representative of the newer players, whereas forums are much more reflective of the concerns of grognards who still want to gripe about which long-out-of-print edition of the game should have been the basis for the new system - the one from the Carter Administration or the one from the first Reagan Administration.

    As I'm not on Facebook, that means I does qualify as a grognard.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    I don't think this was true in Canada, since the famous coureurs du bois were traversing intense, nearly impassible wooded regions to get to the Plains.

    I don't know how this was ported to english, but french is 'coureur des bois', wich means 'coureur dans les bois', literally meaning 'people that run in forestS' or 'people that go through forestS'. Several 'bois' linked together makes a 'forêt'.

  7. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    Yes if you look at the map above. I used the Lismelder tribe with the details from old Tales of the Reaching Moon, then I used clan creation from older products. They drew their bloodline steads on the map. They wanted a stream, but there was no gap in the Malanni Hills, so it goes into a syphon under the hills into a mineral deposit that turns the stream red - the blood stream.


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  8. 4 hours ago, Puckohue said:

    Not sure what you mean. I had two files in my download section, with different file names and sizes, but both containing the same map:

    When I told customer support, I was emailed the missing pdf named "CHA4029 South Dragon Pass Map.pdf".

    That means I'm missing 1 file and I haven't noticed. Who did you contact?

  9. On 11/11/2019 at 12:51 PM, Akhôrahil said:


    RQG provides runes, passions and a Rune Magic system that actually works. 

    Even though RQG badly needs a second edition made in less hurry, these bits are good enough to warrant using it.

    Yes, Runes and Rune magic system are real strong points for RQG vs older versions. I'm much less enthusiastic for passions.

  10. On 11/11/2019 at 6:33 AM, Crel said:

    The other challenge is that if an adventurer is trying to optimize their access to and use of Rune magic, then the "one adventure per season" paradigm RQG encourages breaks down. For example, I can't just narrate "Weeks pass, and it grows hot as the world turns to Fire Season, when a mysterious courier comes to Pavis..." because my Issaries merchant player will go "hang on hang on hang on! I've got weekly holy days, and I want to be poking around each week to see if there's any new opportunities to Spell Trade with my bonus 1D6 Rune points on those weeks!"

    We had the same problem.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, seneschal said:

    Actually, based on the number, accuracy and age of extant manuscripts, biblical characters are better documented than Greek and Roman sources scholars accept without question.  I mean, researching the original post, the Encyclopedia Britannica and Biography.com (even Wikipedia) accept Jezebel's existence.  Now, you may think Elijah was a nut and Jezebel was a hero, but they are historical characters, not Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale figures.  It is like denying that Henry XIII or Julius Caesar ever existed.

    I really doubt there has been a Henry XIII. As far as I remember, british Henry's count stops at 8, french one at 4, and I know no other kingdom that had a king named Henry.

  12. 1 hour ago, lordabdul said:

    The Mac app store is notoriously unfriendly to developers, with many limitations and weird downsides. I don't think I've seen many games (or any game for that matter) available on it, so I wouldn't hold my breath. If you only have a Mac and nothing else, I would really recommend you don't wait and just go with GOG, since at least you get a DRM-free game.

    Yes, on that part, GOG is by far superior to others.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    If I remember correctly, the average of marriage age in rural peasant societies in the early modern era (14-17th centuries) was about 27 for men, and 20-23 for women. This was not hugely different from the preceding Middle Ages, iirc. The Bronze age might've been different, but I suspect not.

    If I remember correctly, the numbers for France were around 30-35 for men and 13-15 for women from circa 1000 to 1789.

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