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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 23 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Unfortunately, this is part of the problem - the Humakti will shred spirits way faster than the shaman can. The shaman does add flexibility, though.

    Spirits can be negociated with. An Humakti can shred them, but can not do much except fighting them.

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  2. 19 hours ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    I would have said on a crit  of 18 dam vs Normal parry,  that the weapon would be at - 6 hps, ( taking the full rolled damage directly) and 6 hit points would go through as damage ignoring armour. 

    No (for me): If the weapon goes to -6 (I agree with you on that point), nothing goes to the arm. Damage i done to the limb (without armor, I agree with Soltakss) only if the weapon goes to -12. Then it is broken and can not be repaired.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    On the other hand, the art for the French edition of The Haunted Ruins had the most bad-ass looking trolls I have ever seen (except perhaps for the Orlanthi troll in 13th Age Glorantha). 


    "Trollinets" are french RQ3's Trollkins. And this one is a real bad-ass looking one.

  4. 3 hours ago, Corvantir said:

    There were also some articles and adventures in a french magazine called Runes. In spite of its name, the magazine was not centered on Glorantha.


    Rune is much older. I can ask the author of some of the articles if he has some list or index (I do not own the papers themselves). Note that a good part of Runes's team ended up in Casus's team (in fact, several of Casus Belli's founders were Runes editors).

  5. 15 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

    I don’t want to further derail the Wind Words thread with this, so I’ll post it here.

    Apart from the Japanese covers, I also tracked all the covers for the French edition of RQ3 and HeroWars. It might be of interest to some of you. 


    Any French members of this forum are more than welcome to correct any mistakes in my post. 🙏😁


    As far as my bad Spanish allows me to understand, what you wrote on Oriflam products is correct (and very good). I do not own the other covered products so can not answer on them.

    48 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    Oriflam also pusblished RQ3 material in their Tatou magazine, for instance :


    However, StormBringer, Hawkmoon and later Cyberpunk, all published by Oriflam, were more popular, so they had more covers than RQ.

    In my humble opinion, the articles from Tatou were far more interesting for complete beginners like me to understand Glorantha than encyclopedic works like RQ3' Genertela...

    Yes. Quite a number (especially in the end) were translations taken from  "Tales of the Reaching Moon".



    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Loïc said:

    Old hate between two clans (even feud), desire of one party to force the hostage to embrace an initiation opposed to his desire, or even to spoil the initiation... Imagine a hostage whose parents are challengers of their own clan chief: what would be the agreement between the chief and the other clan?...

    Yes, in that case, the 'agreement' would be difficult to obtain. And in case of no agreement, everything goes.

    My personal take is that the initiation is something so important that nobody would dare to interfere with the gods will.

    • Like 2
  7. I see those hostages more the roman way. Hostages are 'voluntarily' sent to ensure peace treaties are not broken, more than forcibly taken during a raid.

    To answer the second part of your question, I would say the ransom is a fraction (perhaps half) of the one of the father/mother.

    For the third part, hostages are considered guest under the Orlanthi hospitality rule, so their initiation has to be considered, probably by an agreement between the partie.

    • Like 2
  8. 16 hours ago, Loïc said:

    To all gaming-parents : it's a great opportunity to make your children discover tabletop RPG. Just don't forget it's not a good idea to slay a 7 years-old kid's PC ! 😜

    My eldest son (15 years old) discovered tabletop RPG a few years ago (both parents are/were players), but he tried online before me (last week, because of the impossibility of face to face meetings).

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  9. 1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    Aeolian are first orlanthi then malkioni : everybody can become priest/runelord (no cast restriction for the gods, but of course social pressure and politic  as any orlanthi culture) but the zzaburi "bloodlines" are authorized to use sorcery and can join any cult as any position

    This is my understanding, after rereading Jeff's comments in another thread, except that Orlanth's cult does not allow for sorcery usage for his members.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Thaz said:

    Should be fairly rare. I mean most people are not going to use a crushing weapon with negative dam bonus unless it's in extremis or improvised. However at that point I'd rule the negative dam bonus went to minimum loss so the crit does the max possible damage for that person.

    So shall we say they're doing 1d10+2 Weapon "plus" -1d6  dam bonus I would rule :-  10+2-2 = 10 and ignores armour. 

    Just IMHO of course. 

    Almost all trollkins.

  11. As far as I have understood, you can strike with magic or iron weapons only on the spirits you can see. That means the ones that are (spirit) fighting you, the ones that have manifested and the ones you see through special means (spells, powers,...). The rest, you can't strike.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Well, sacred time is sacred time and if the occupation has any relevance to sacred time (hero quest-y) situations...munchkins being munchkins...

    Even without munchkins. If the gods tells us it is sacred for them, why not believing them.

    • Confused 1
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