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Question - help a Keeper out!

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Thanks to the third Flotsam and Jetsam scenario, I now have a pregnant female investigator - is there, or have there ever been, any official Chaosium rules as to how to deal with a pregnant woman so as far as how long she can investigate and/or issues along the way? This is a Pulp Cthulhu build, so I'm assuming she'd be a bit tougher than the average woman. 

One of my players suggested Mallory Archer, giving birth in a bar in Tangiers while shooting at KGB agents... *laughs* But I"m wondering if there's any actual gameplay rules in this area, or if I'm on my own.

All suggestions welcomed and appreciated!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Women are tough.

Pregnancy & childbirth are natural things.  It's really mostly a modern perspective that says we should treat these women as "patients," and being pregnant as a "condition" to be "treated."

Yes, there are some "rough"pregnancies.  Those are the exceptions not the general case.

I wouldn't make any special rules for it, unless you have reason to.  I might apply some penalties in late-stage pregnancy, for strenuous tasks...  Or maybe not.

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On 12/18/2019 at 1:03 PM, Sheryl Nantus said:

Thanks to the third Flotsam and Jetsam scenario, I now have a pregnant female investigator - is there, or have there ever been, any official Chaosium rules as to how to deal with a pregnant woman so as far as how long she can investigate and/or issues along the way? This is a Pulp Cthulhu build, so I'm assuming she'd be a bit tougher than the average woman. 


Sheryl I would go with MGF here rather than rules, what would be fun to do... Especially seeing as fun has little to do with pregnancy (after the fact, that is <mind out of the gutter g33k>) in our world.  And then I actually look at g33k’s reply to find... surprise, surprise, once again, we concur.

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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On 1/13/2020 at 12:58 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

... <mind out of the gutter g33k> ...


Barbarians, eh?

Wotcher gonna do?

First, they drags ya inter their gutter; then, they kicks ya back out.


C'es ne pas un .sig

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are no direct rules that I can find in CoC or BRP, so you are on your own.

That being said.  I had something similar many years ago, however it was a significant NPC, the wife of one of the PCs, that became pregnant.  The issues lay in planning what was happening based on the stage of pregnancy, CON of the mother-to-be and the possibility of harm to the baby by the actions of the players.  This led to CON, SAN and ability checks.  It helped that one of the PCs was a medical doctor.  Perhaps the most interesting thing for me was the paranoia that built as the birth got closer.  Though in my scenario there was a little bit of the plot of Rosemary's Baby.  This made the PCs very invested in protecting the mom.  It certainly changed the direction of the game.

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