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Who is this ancestor worshiped as a hero by your cult ?

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the first family heirloom  (RQG, p83) could give a good story but need to personalize the ancestor (and not just take the bonus)

I m facing a big question

What is the "level" of this hero, and what can the sub cult propose ?

Exploring the glorantha wiki, I found a large variety of names:

  • founder of clan / renown chief, like Karganar or Colymar ?
  • "new" god like Sartar ?
  • "mythic new" god like Vingkot ?
  • "old lesser" god like Gusbran ? (lesser god = not god in the rulebook)

For the subcult, can we imagine one rune spell, spirit magic, craft secret, passion, ennemy and friend  ?

I have a dream, find somewhere a list of subcults 😛 5000 pages of canonical cults and subcults, spells, ..

thanks for your view

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The Hero could be anyone, really.

The examples you gave are good ones, so it would be OK to use those, or similar ones.

When the Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha I and II come out, you will have a lot of heroes to choose from. That will contain 100 cults, not quite your 5,000, but probably a good start.

Generally, I would ask some questions when choosing a Hero for the Heirloom:

Is this a Cultural Hero of my culture? If so, choose a hero related to your cult or culture.

Is this a Clan hero? if so, choose your Clan Founder, one of the Founder's children or another important person in your Clan's history.

Is this a Hero from a different Culture? If so, choose the culture and choose a hero from that culture.you might need to invent a reason why you have this heirloom.



Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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I'd often go for the very bottom level of subcult, the hero who is not known beyond your own clan.

So maybe they get subcult of Orlanth or Ernalda,  if you are generous they provide an extra spirit or rune magic spell to people who worship at their shrine which only exists in your clan territories. An example would be Bereveneros. If players established and supported a shrine for him I allowed them to get Face Dragons (works like Face Chaos but for Draconic creatures) from him as a subcult of Orlanth. You could only get the spell from his 1 shrine by the Old Grave.














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