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I've been working on (well on and off) some rules for handling demolitions and explosive damages for different types/amount of explosives. As I've been working of stuff for capital ships and the big guns (stuff like 16 inch/406mm cannon), I am trying to get it all to work out consistently.

Plus, I haven7t got the blast radius for 1,000,000 tons of TNT to match up with the raqdius of a 1MT nuke....Yet.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Are you including things like breaching and shaped charges?

Proper claymore treatment is always nice too.

I'd be looking at these things myself but at as I mentioned over in the auto thread I have no immediate plans for a moderm BRP game. That may change in the not to distant future though.

Help kill a Trollkin here.

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Are you including things like breaching and shaped charges?

Oh, yeah. I've got a couple of ways to do it. What I'm try to do is to simplify things down form real world formula (Army technical manuals are nice for that) to a X amount to breech a SIZ Y, Armor Z object.

The tricks are in keeping the numbers reasonably close to reality, and making it all consistent with the other stuff I'm writing up for BRP, not to mention consistient with the actual BRP rules. For instance, I don't want to have 10kg of C-4 doing more damage than, say, a APC shell from the U.S.S. Iowa.


Proper claymore treatment is always nice too.

What I should do, and will try to do is a "basic" rule that is consistent with the core book, and a "optional" rule that might be more complicated but more accurate. In the case of a Claymore, it would mean treating it more like a shotgun blast, but then that would mean differentiating between buckshot and solid slug.

I'd be looking at these things myself but at as I mentioned over in the auto thread I have no immediate plans for a moderm BRP game. That may change in the not to distant future though.

I hope to have something rough, but usable in the near future. I've got some promising formulas, but got to see how it holds up to examples. Right now, my nukes are doing damage out too far. But then when something does 13000D6 damage...

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Do you have anything preliminary we could look at? I'm still looking for those shape charges too.

I'll look over my notes and see if I can put something up. Are you interested more in blasting through stuff or doing damage?


That line just made my day. Damn nukes, I only wanted to take out the dragon....

Seeing that you are the forum member who lives the closest to me, you should be the last one to laugh. You7re the one who is going to suffer the "fallout" of my error. :eek:

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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I'll look over my notes and see if I can put something up. Are you interested more in blasting through stuff or doing damage?

Smaller blasting stuff at this point. I'm going to run a 1 shot soon with a small merc unit hired to recover some "lost" biological materials.

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Right now, my nukes are doing damage out too far. But then when something does 13000D6 damage...

13000D6? Your formula is way off. I'd put it at 12990D6. :)

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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13000D6? Your formula is way off. I'd put it at 12990D6. :)

Did you remember to round to the nearest? :P;)

Seriously, nukes are an extreme example. Of just about any topic.

But for explosive effects in BRP, since the damage drops of 1D6 per meter, the minimum radius of an explosive is it's damage dice in yards/meters. The listed "burst radius" given becomes relatively unimportant at a certain die size, as the sheer number of dice take over.

Plus it is alwayas good to have an idea of how far away one needs to be when using explosives.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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There was an article in Different Worlds, I think, that detailed the Thermonuclear Hand Grenade - instructions: Take out hand grenade, pull pin, chicken out ...

Good with a teleporter, though.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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There was an article in Different Worlds, I think, that detailed the Thermonuclear Hand Grenade - instructions: Take out hand grenade, pull pin, chicken out ...

Good with a teleporter, though.

Or a Storm Bull buddy.

SOme of the big damage values are sort of academic. I work them out to try and make sure things are consistent with each other. For instance, making sure that the rate explosive damage increases makes sense compared to the rate cannon damage increases.

Because it can get silly if a demo charge does more damage than a howitzer.

Some of the big damages might prove useful for tings like ships (sea or space).

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you have anything preliminary we could look at? I'm still looking for those shape charges too.

Here is something preliminary for breaching charges. I am working on some comprehensive Demolition rules but can't quite comprehend what what would be the best approach yet.

Just in case anyone doesn't know better, this is all for gaming use, not for use in the real world. All the numbers have been rounded off for ease of play.

Basic Rule: To breech a concrete wall, use a number of pounds of TNT equal to the cube of the walls thickness (in feet) amount of TNT. For example, to breech a 8 foot thick wall, use 512 pounds of TNT!

Other Materials:

Material (amount needed)

Loose Earth (x1/4)

Timber, Poor Masonry (x3/4)

Good Masonry, Rock (as per concrete)

Dense Concrete (x1.5)

Reinforced Concrete: (x2, will break up the concrete but won't cut the reinforcement)

Placement (amount needed)

Ground, untamped (x1)

Ground, earth tamped, shallow water, or elevated (x1/2)

Tamped or stemmed, shaped charge, deep water, or placed inside center of mass (x1/4)

Explosive Modifier (if you are using something other than TNT)

Black Powder (x2)

Ammonium Nitrate (x2)

Amatol 80/20 (x.8)

M1 Dynamite (x1)

TNT (x1)

Tetyrtol (x.8)

Tetryl (x.8)

Sheet Explosive M118, M186 (x1)

Nitroglycerin (x.66)

Composition B (x3/4)

Compostion C-4, M112 (x3/4)

RDX (x3/4)

Picric Acid (x1)

Guncotton (x1)

Dynamite (x1.25)

Optional Thickness Modifier (to better match up with real world amounts)

Wall up to 1 foot thick (x3)

Wall 1-3 feet thick (x2)

Wall 3-5 feet thick (x1.5)

Wall 5-7 feet thick (x1.25)

Wall 7 ft+ (x1)

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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