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Combat Flow Chart and Quick Reference for Mythras


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I made a small interactive quick reference for combat flow in Mythras.  It contains brief descriptions of actions in combat and points to more detailed description page in the rules.  Not all the document links (that refer to the charts in the Mythras Charts page are working yet but they will eventually. It could be useful already. How I use it myself: mark the page as a favourite in iPad browser and during combat if I do not recall the rule option, click the link.

Below is an example from mid page - what attacker can do.
..and here is the content of the Falling link

You can find Mythras combat flow page here

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Tactics of selecting combat special effects in Mythras - a result based visualisation - next generation


After using the result based visualization and listening to feedback - here is an update on how to select the special effects.


Changes are


  • it fits into a single a4 - one for offensive and one for defensive special effects.
  • strangle special effect from Fioracitta added
  • all the special effects that are firearms only - marked so
How I use this - I printed it out and put it under plastic protective sheet - one to each side and a stiff cardboard in between. Now it is easy to keep on the table, text is big enough to see even on a4 and you are looking only at 1 a4 instead of 4.
Here are the defensive special effects and here the offensive special effects.



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