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When Do Childbirth Rolls Happen?

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I'm probably missing some obvious indicator, but I'm a little confused about the relationship between when you sleep with a character and when you roll/apply the Childbirth roll. Like, if you marry or sleep with a woman during your adventures earlier in the year, do you roll for Childbirth that year, or next year? I know that things essentially round to "everyone is born and ages in Winter" for bookkeeping reasons, but I'm unsure whether you round up or down a winter as far as what year the kid is born.

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If you go by RAW, yes, you roll Childbirth at the Winter Phase of the same year. Generally adventuring and so forth happens during Summer, so you technically might have the nine months before the next Spring rolls around (mid-/end of March).

My rule of thumb is that if you get married in Autumn, let alone in Winter, then you do not get to do the Childbirth that year and will have to wait for the next year. I apply the same criterion on any sleeping around as well.

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However don't limit this to marriage.  Sex can happen in any season - and it seems to me that since gestation is slightly  less than a Gloranthan year [ I don't recall where i can reference that] , the childbirth roll for an Earth season liaison ought not to wait until the second Sacred Time.  I favor rolling it in the first Sacred time, and if appropriate announcing to a male player "she's knocked up!" Childbirth can happen next Earth Season, or perhaps Fire Season depending on the week.  A female player involved will find out earlier of course.

Naturally if they don't cohabit for long I will reduce the odds of pregnancy.  This seems to me to be a better simulation.




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But in KAP, the normal calendar is followed. If the assumed adventure portion of the year (40 days owed to Liege, plus any extra, from Spring to end of summer, say), and the Winter Phase (harvest to spring), I usually do not have the childbirth roll, unless the couple have slept together in the non-chaste fashion.

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