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Map for Lands of Tristram (Cornwall)

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Hello, among my old files I found the pdf "lands of Tristram" by Jeff Erwin.

I maybe downloaded it so many years ago and I forgot about it. I guess it's all homebrew material....but it looks very good, especially given that I need to send my players to Cornwall!.

Does anybody knows if there was an attached map anywhere?

Thanks a lot!

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Hi. I'm the author.

Lands of Tristram was commissioned by Green Knight but they folded before they could publish or pay me for it. A copy leaked to the web but I had nothing to do with releasing it.

Greg asked me to rewrite it for KAP and it's awaiting the 6th edition. It's substantially rewritten, with scenarios and integrated with the newer books.

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2 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

Hi. I'm the author.

Lands of Tristram was commissioned by Green Knight but they folded before they could publish or pay me for it. A copy leaked to the web but I had nothing to do with releasing it.

Greg asked me to rewrite it for KAP and it's awaiting the 6th edition. It's substantially rewritten, with scenarios and integrated with the newer books.

Thank you! I had no idea that it was a pirate pdf of an officially commissioned work...

I'm sorry about it.

This pdf was in an old hard disk and I frankly do not remember how I got it or who gave it to me, since it's something it was in an at least-decade old folder.

I really hope the 6th edition of this will come up, sooner or later, as this is definitively something that I would buy.

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Pendragon has been around long enough that stuff that was pirated three decades ago is still floating around the web in pirated form. I remember finding some old scenarios in a compilation PDF (I think it was, "The Great Book of Pendragon Treasures") which had a lot of content that had been shared on the old Chaosium listserv and then never published -- house rules, cultures, etc. When collating the adventures, I found that several of the scenarios in it had just been pirated from fanzines. I've probably had that document on my hard drive(s) for better than 30 years and I never knew.

Edited by AlHazred
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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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16 minutes ago, AlHazred said:

Pendragon has been around long enough that stuff that was pirated three decades ago is still floating around the web in pirated form. I remember finding some old scenarios in a compilation PDF (I think it was, "The Great Book of Pendragon Treasures") which had a lot of content that had been shared on the old Chaosium listserv and then never published -- house rules, cultures, etc. When collating the adventures, I found that several of the scenarios in it had just been pirated from fanzines. I've probably had that document on my hard drive(s) for better than 30 years and I never knew.

and the other thing that this stuff, from a graphic point of view, is still in an "draft form". 

No images, no layout, just text.

It really looks like an (incredibly good) homebrew material written by a deeply devoted pendragon lover.

I had no idea it was an officially commissioned book. 

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In Beroul, Tristan is again forced to leave for Brittany when the King’s men
nearly discover him. Kaherdin, meanwhile, is carrying on an affair of his own in
his own country. Tristan aids him, but is struck down with a poisoned lance held
by her enraged husband. He languishes and finally asks Isolde Blanchemains to
ask Isolt if she would attend to his wounds; if the Queen was coming, the ship
she sailed on would bear white sails; otherwise, black. Stricken by jealousy,
Isolde of Brittany lies to her husband; she tells him the sails are black. Believing
his lover had scorned him, Tristan dies. Queen Isolt finds him dead and she
herself dies of love. The two are buried at Tintagel, where Mark permits them a
proper grave; from the ground two trees grow, their branches intertwined.
These events occur circa 537-9.

@jeffjerwinI was unaware of your work at the time. And yet, I choose to follow Béroul's and Thomas version, and the death of Tristan occured in 538 in my game as well. 



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