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Rivers of London - Roll20


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Hi there, is there a Roll20 character sheet for RoL on the Chaosium to-do list? Wondering if it's in the "weeks" or "months" or "not sure" zone.  I have a hunch it's possible to use the CoC Roll20 character sheet in the meantime - it has the stats we need and the skills can be edited. VTT is so important for those of us without face to face groups - having character sheet support is an important factor in which games my groups will play. I'd love to get RoL to the (virtual) table.

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Let me just point to the (not perfect, but rather nice!) RQG sheet on Roll20.
AFAIK it's entirely fan-produced.

Unless RoL starts substantially out-selling RQG (which I suppose is possible, Ben A has a substantial fandom!) I don't expect to see @Chaosium putting in more effort on RoL than they do for RQG.
[ IMHO EvilHat's Dresden Files RPG is a decent predictor -- 2 corebooks, 1 supplement, a couple of freebie-adventures; and DFAccelerated, with AFAIK zero followups/supplements.  😭  Luv me some DresdenFiles, I do!  But I'm unclear that RoL is inherently any more a RPG'ers setting than DF is (OTOH I am mostly-complete with DF, and just getting started with RoL) ]

Also, there was a recently-released interview with Ben A & Lynne H where they both made it clear that future plans are entirely contingent upon sales of this book; so until they have several months' sales-data, I doubt they will be taking any official stances (yea or nay).

One caveat (to my pessimism above) is contractual obligations.  Chaosium may be contractually-obligated to support a VTT (in which case comparison's to in-house IP's are invalid, and I expect they will do so (but also, I fully expect the contract is written to follow the sales-data ('cos Chaosium are business-savvy, despite being Real Gamers)).

But, mine is the POV of a fan, not a member of Chaosium, I have only inference & speculation, not knowledge.  There may be major issues I'm entirely blind to!

Edited by g33k

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On 12/6/2022 at 4:05 PM, g33k said:

Let me just point to the (not perfect, but rather nice!) RQG sheet on Roll20.
AFAIK it's entirely fan-produced.

Unless RoL starts substantially out-selling RQG (which I suppose is possible, Ben A has a substantial fandom!) I don't expect to see @Chaosium putting in more effort on RoL than they do for RQG.
[ IMHO EvilHat's Dresden Files RPG is a decent predictor -- 2 corebooks, 1 supplement, a couple of freebie-adventures; and DFAccelerated, with AFAIK zero followups/supplements.  😭  Luv me some DresdenFiles, I do!  But I'm unclear that RoL is inherently any more a RPG'ers setting than DF is (OTOH I am mostly-complete with DF, and just getting started with RoL) ]

Also, there was a recently-released interview with Ben A & Lynne H where they both made it clear that future plans are entirely contingent upon sales of this book; so until they have several months' sales-data, I doubt they will be taking any official stances (yea or nay).

One caveat (to my pessimism above) is contractual obligations.  Chaosium may be contractually-obligated to support a VTT (in which case comparison's to in-house IP's are invalid, and I expect they will do so (but also, I fully expect the contract is written to follow the sales-data ('cos Chaosium are business-savvy, despite being Real Gamers)).

But, mine is the POV of a fan, not a member of Chaosium, I have only inference & speculation, not knowledge.  There may be major issues I'm entirely blind to!

 <sigh>  indeed

Very well aware of the excellent RQG character sheet. Without it I wouldn't be playing RQG at all.

I have a hunch that online support is a consideration for some GM's in whether to buy a game or not. A VTT character sheet is pretty much part of the marketing budget, rather than line development. I hope RoL succeeds but relying on face-to-face play without enabling online seems counter-productive.

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On 12/6/2022 at 8:14 PM, Numtini said:

Honestly, all you need for most investigative games is the character sheet. Personally, I don't need any VTT support past that. I put in a request on the roll20 forums for a volunteer to create a sheet. 


I've just put a request in on Roll20 myself, must have missed yours. I've just got the game and really like the look of it. Not played any Chaosium games since CoC 2nd edition or thereabouts so an 'official' Roll20 character sheet would be great.

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17 hours ago, Silverfoxdmt73 said:

I've just put a request in on Roll20 myself, must have missed yours. I've just got the game and really like the look of it. Not played any Chaosium games since CoC 2nd edition or thereabouts so an 'official' Roll20 character sheet would be great.

Hey there!
Welcome to Tribe... or is that "welcome back"?  😃

In other Chaosium news:
Runequest entered kind of a "golden era" in the past few years, and is getting a wealth of incredibly high-quality product.  There's a free "Quickstart" PDF, and a "Starter Set" with tons of high-value playable content.
CoC is up to the 7th edition; many people love it, and it too has an amazing new Quickstart & Starter Set availble... but also, if you want that retro vibe, they just re-launched Call of Cthulhu Classic in 1" box & 2" box versions.

As you probably know, most Chaosium games run some version of their "BRP" (skills-based d100 roll-under) rule-set, so if you know any of them, any of the others is a quick learn.

In any case... welcome!

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone heard of any character sheets for RoL on Roll20? 

I've seen people mention the BRP sheet, but it's not a match for the stats and skills used in this game and I'm not familiar enough with BRP to know the specific differences. Anyone created a sheet themselves or know of an 'official' one that's available?


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 year later...

A friend put together a River of London character sheet for Roll20.  We are currently using it in a game and it seems pretty good to me.  It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the official 7th E Cthulhu sheets.   But as far as I can see it has all the functionality you would want rolling with advantage/disadvantage/hard success.  He had a chat to some Chaosium people at Chaosium Con but they were strangely reticent to take on the support of someone else's code.... 😉  At the moment I'm hoping I can convince him to jump through hoops of submitting into the community sheets of Roll20.

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