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Status of the Prince Valiant Storytelling Game


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I'm posting this here because my understanding is that Chaosium is the most recent license holder for the PVSG. I've been a fan on the recent reprints of the old Prince Valiant Storytelling Game. My current understanding is that nobody has the license to print and distribute the game because of the Prince Valiant IP license expiring. Is that accurate? Is there an interest at Chaosium in making those books available via PDF or PoD? Is it just a dead game at this point?

Thank you for your time.


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Yes, from what I understand from official information, your summary is correct: the license has expired, so Chaosium cannot in any way sell or make any PVSG book available via PDF or PoD. I seem to recall that they expressed interest in renewing/re-acquiring the license, but don't know of any development in this regard.

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If you are a backer of the Le Morte d'Arthur & The Arthurian Concordance over on Kickstarter, one of the add-ons is Prince Valiant (book and PDF). I can't tell if you can join as a late backer or just add it through backer kit later (pre-orders are currently closed). Anyhow, the project hasn't finished yet, so no one has a copy yet. 


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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On 12/28/2022 at 5:05 AM, David Scott said:

If you are a backer of the Le Morte d'Arthur & The Arthurian Concordance over on Kickstarter, one of the add-ons is Prince Valiant (book and PDF). I can't tell if you can join as a late backer or just add it through backer kit later (pre-orders are currently closed). Anyhow, the project hasn't finished yet, so no one has a copy yet. 

The Backerkit site has no pre-order info. You might try reaching out to James Lowder directly.


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