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special effects compatible with brp?


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got some good advice and then the BRP universal and i think im all set on my question above.

anyone have custom shield or rules that do away with combat styles they'd like to share?

im thinking about weapon skills by weapon type and a small amt of weapon Base %. i might not need to adjust the chargen rules too much to accommodate for the weapon Base %  as PCs will need to spend more XP rolls on 2 or 3 combat skills vs a single combat style skill. might use a pyramid style point assignment ala mythras companion with lower numbers and a cap on weapon and shield skill point spends.

im also thinking of giving the shields a big Base % for parry only and a block missile shield option giving the attacker a negative modifier to its ranged skill based on shield size.


Edited by zzabal
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thanks. ill prob stick to using combat styles for the rest of the current campaign and then make some changes to combat styles after going through the BRP book and some other BRP rulesets. we are using a totally different ruleset (Mongoose Conan d20!) for the next campaign so i have plenty of time to do some reading. 

i think the part of the appeal of Mythras combat styles to more BRP experienced GMs is the simplicity coming from other rulesets and i (and thankfully my group) want the opposite there. i definitely want to keep the tactical combat aspects of Mythras in place no matter what i end up changing. works great with grid combat. 

Edited by zzabal
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  • 2 weeks later...

After playing both and agonizing other the differences between BRP and Mythras I feel qualified to comment! 🙂

- BRP has 3 level of success, giving you perhaps, a bit too many special effects?
- BRP already has some sort of special effect (except you can't chose, it's always the same) but they are way more potent, like special impale does double damage in BRP... In general BRP damage can scale like crazy and it's became increasingly obvious that using location HP in BRP is for the sadistic or masochistic...
- I like the per weapon skill of BRP though, but I guess that Mythras purposely reduced the number of skill (think magic grimoire or combat style) because levelling skill with XP is slower than levelling all skill that have a check mark?

I am contemplating a mix system, where check mark can be used to gain 1%, checkmark+XP can be used to gain D4+1% or 1% if failed, and just 1 XP only gain D4%. But I think player will just game the system, so I might not bother and only use XP.

I think I would stick with Mythras. Mythras is better overall. Apart from Magic System of both that are "not very balanced" and I have a slight preference for BRP Magic (a controversial and possible subjective opinion), but Mythras is more balanced with weapons, location HP and combat I'd say. However, I prefer this forum to the Mythras forum, here people are more open to rule tinkering, and it's also a more active forum. Finally, I found what I would call a "balanced magic and pseudo class system" with Classic Fantasy (Mythras edition).

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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  • 3 weeks later...

Some additional thoughts that came later... 

Nothing prevents you to use the skill list of BRP (which slightly different, there have more skill - they don't use XP - and the experience roll has a category bonus instead of always INT), but only use Normal/Crit (like Mythras), use Mythras weapons tables, Weapon combat rules and Mythras STR+SIZ bonus damage. And localized HP. In fact thinking of doing that for a scifi story.

As for action points or do like BRP, 1 action and any number of reactions (with cumulative -30% for any reaction beyond the first).. I am slightly conflicted. On one hand Mythras prepare the rule for nicely showing off fast creatures. But then hardly no-one / and no-race routinely achieve 4+ action points.. not even the super hero from Destined.. So might do like BRP and have rare perks for additional attack and give them to boss monsters.

As to whether to use Magic vs Willpower or POW vs POW save.. still agonizing about my favorite choice here. But skill vs skill might be the one that ultimately causer the less grief. Although every wizard would be weak with every spell but their favorite, mm.. tough one.

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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