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Raleel last won the day on October 19 2017

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  • it isn't D100 if you can't lose a limb


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    Everything. Been playing since 1978
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    Mythras, fate of the Norns, cortex plus
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    I'm considering using Skalla as a nickname.

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  1. Some of them are no longer countries too, referring to Yugoslavia. I would start with a time period you want to look at and go from there. There have been many changes over the years and continue to be. The ethnic and religious divisions can mean more than the nationality ones.
  2. It does, but I don't think in a way that is going to hurt them overly. I think the noun represents internal power. something that is static in there until you do something. Thus, the delineation because doing something is a verb. You might have several skills in verbs, say. You might be good at "damage with" but poor with, or not even have, "move with". If you somehow acquire a different flavor of internal power (the noun), your ability to hurt with it is still there. Now, I suppose you could allow a roll for noun, but I'd only allow that without the verb, and sort of view it as opening the box. It doesn't take any skill, but you can't control what comes out. It's the sort of thing that a powerful and untrained caster would do in extreme circumstances, and might hurt a lot of things around them. at least, that's how I think about it. Ultimately, your system still 🙂
  3. Ah, I wasn't suggesting two rolls. Just just roll the what you can do, the other is just a static number to measure relative power and ability
  4. I've been looking at doing something similar with mythras sorcery. My idea is to replicate Mage: The Ascension's magic. My current thought is to use Invocation (the roll for spell casting) as Arete and split out Shaping (the control) into the Spheres, so you might have Shaping (Time) and Shaping (Matter). The scope of how much you can effect is controlled by Shaping. In Mage, it's essentially all the parameters into a 5 point scale (perception, manipulation, control, command, mastery, which maps to sense, personal, others, big stuff bigger stuff). I'm thinking of splitting it out so each Shaping component has its own pool of shaping points and you build the spell like that. for Components, some come with spheres. Magnitude, range and duration, for example, come with prime, correspondence and time respectively. Combine is free and imposes no penalty. Particular spells come with spheres as well - animate and sculpt are going to be ties to forces, matter, and life, as they are all heavy pattern magics. I might suggest instead of rolling the lower of the two you have one that controls what you can do (maybe the verb) and one that controls the power (the noun maybe).
  5. I would just let them use Bladesharp as a special effect for the scope of a single attack. If you really wanted to govern it, having them roll under a skill in addition to a combat style is a way to go, but I think just stepping up the damage is enough of an ambiguity.
  6. This should help https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12twUnGMrXHtToaYlmr4hppkGsiCJ59mlXP8OcxP_PJg/edit I generally go with what skill are they to be those things and then look at the spreadsheet. And to answer this question I use The Most Important Table in Mythras
  7. Seems, reasonable. The scutum's AP4 indicates it is of wood construction. AP6 is equivalent to steel, which I imagine if you were making something that large out of a science fictional material, would feel about right
  8. Huh, looking at that entry, it is confusing, as [shield skill] is under the hit locations column, which seems odd. Shields also do have armor points, but generally you don't use them for blocking damage on an attack against you. as m space is a derivative of Mythras imperative, I would start at Mythras imperative. https://srd.mythras.net/#/0005_Combat?id=sample-shield-table Has the full list of shields. It also explains the shield size.
  9. TDM is excited to launch a brand new competition for all Mythras enthusiasts and budding creators! The TDM ORC Imperative Contest celebrates the ORC open license, which includes the Mythras Imperative and Classic Fantasy Imperative rules released under it. Entrants are invited to send a submission between 2,000 and 10,000 words that creatively utilizes the Imperative rules and one or more assets (a descriptive paragraph, an image, or a map) that we provide. The submission can be whatever you can imagine: a scenario, a setting module, a mini-campaign, or anything in-between. Entrants can pick any genre, any time period, or create something completely new and unique. To view all the requirements, check out the Submissions Pack. What do you stand to gain? Let's talk about the prizes! First Prize gives the winner a finished document they can immediately distribute for sale if you choose. This means that the TDM Production Team takes your submission, edits, proofreads, crafts a layout, and equips it with interior and cover art for the winner's idea to make it a reality. Those who manage second and third places will get various levels of artwork that help get you on your path to completion of your project. The TDM ORC Imperative Competition is now open! You must be a Newsletter subscriber to enter with a chance of winning one of these glorious prizes. So, get your thinking caps on, dig out those old notebooks, and brainstorm with your gaming group! Here's your chance to create some fantastic material using Mythras Imperative and the ORC License that gets that professional touch.
  10. Fortunately, we can take what we like from each now and mix and match. Honestly, kind of an embarrassment of riches
  11. if there was desire for this, I would be happy to host it at https://brpugesrd.xyz. I would even give it it's own subdomain. If someone wanted to keep it in their repo, I would be happy to incorporate it into the structure i have set up and manage the domain. I have a markdown copy of the full doc https://github.com/raleel/basic-roleplaying-UGE/blob/main/BRP UGE ORC.md or the broken out for web page version https://github.com/raleel/brpugesrd indeed it has. The current one is about 70 pages long. Out of the box one could very comfortably run a modern, space, or even a fantasy game. Classic Fantasy Imperative is a monster, and over 200 pages.
  12. I talked about such a thing with Dan a while back, but didn't feel like I had a clear enough message I was teaching. It definitely makes people pause when faced with it.
  13. I can't imagine there are too many changes. Spirits use 3 stats that are in brp. The skills are on their own. The only thing that I can think would be odd would be spirit combat, as brp doesn't use special effects. But it's not like it won't work alright.
  14. Loz covered it, but let me emphasize a point - gun combat feels very different than melee or even archaic ranged weapon combat. Having no option to evade (normal people, say) really changes things a lot. You become A LOT more tactical, constantly looking for cover unless you are very heavily armored. Armor is a thing too - most modern body armors don't cover the arms or legs with anything significant. This makes you pretty likely to take a serious wound to a limb. To get the right feel, I wouldn't change this, and I would use small calibers at first - type 3 vests and 9mm is PLENTY for most firefights. Moving directly to 5.56 or 7.62 rifles is going to feel very rocket tag without some practice.
  15. Gun fights are deceptively simple because, by default, there are no reactive defenses. So, by default, it's roll to see if you hit. That's if you are firing fast projectiles. The other thing that is very odd is the take cover action - you move to cover. I try to think of it as taking advantage of what is there, positioning yourself behind it, and so on. With take cover, I allow a fair bit of movement - like half of their walk rate. *Destined* allows evading of firearms, but it is a superhero setting.
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