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Dodging Cavalry Charges


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Is there any ruling people use when dealing with dodging a cavalry charge? I think that dodging a blow in a fight is very different from leaping out of the way of a charging tusker, for example. So perhaps you can dodge and weave to evade the lance, but the tusks behind the lance? That will surely take more than a bit of weaving... a Jump skill? And is it reasonable to allow them to either stand and cut down the beast or leap out of the way, but not both? 

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I cover both with Dodge, though I make them move away, depending on the attack, a dagger requires less movement than a lance or a charging turker. You need space to dodge, so no dodging in formation or a mnarrow space, dodging a cavalry line may force you to dodge other attacks (with cumulative penalties) as you move in the path of someone else, and if you dodge before your attack SR, unless you have a long weapon it will be impossible to attack back.

Which is why soldiers wear armor and parry rather than dodge. And when possible carry longer spears than their opponents.

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2 hours ago, Runeblogger said:


For bigger creatures, I would require a Jump roll to get out of the way and end up prone.

Ending up prone will put the target in a position to be trampled.  Are you sure you want to force that?  

If the large creature does a knock backi in SR12 the target has a good chance to end up prone anyway.


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