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Erol of Backford

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So Salor Ford is near the ruined EWF's city and it's rumored to hide the Blue Sky Shield of Renvald Meldekbane which is possibly buried underneath. 

These ruins at the south end of the Lakes were once an important EWF commercial hub with it being the start of the Intan Trail - a route across the Clavandal Ridges used during the early EWF period that runs through the Dendrogi Pass to Intan, and on to Banjarn.

I saw it was called the Tongue of the Dragon and if so why?

Anyone know what the "Process barracks of the Right to Left Hand" is as its mentioned... 

Also noted that Hannand was at the end of the lake but there doesn't seem to be a lake near there just the River.

Anyone detailed these runis?


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22 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Also noted that Hannand was at the end of the lake but there doesn't seem to be a lake near there just the River.

According to King of Sartar, the "lakes" are really just very clear, deep stretches of the River, or at least they were in the Second Age when that account was written.

24 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

I saw it was called the Tongue of the Dragon and if so why?

Anyone know what the "Process barracks of the Right to Left Hand" is as its mentioned... 

"Process Barracks of the Right to Left Hand" is the translation of Salor's draconic name, Kermalanaladeen, according to Stafford Library VIII: the Middle Sea Empire. It was where foreign merchants were sent after being processed at Orin Jistel. Maybe the name refers to it being a place where goods passed from the "right hand" (non-draconics) to the "left hand" (draconics).

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  • 9 months later...

So circling back on Salor an Auld Wyrmish, the old EWF city once called Kermalanaladeen.

I am thinking the PC’s have had a few encounters with dragonewts, have been through, Apple Lane, Rainbow Mounds and some other dragonewt encounter detailed in various books. They have a reason to be passing through Salor and or they have found something in one of the libraries that hint at something more being in Salor than just ruins.

They arrive at the ruins to conduct a survey, scout and dispatch or run off any lurking bandits and eventually locate what was once (and still is) the Market of Illusion. There is some hidden entrance which an Auld Wyrmish phrase has to be spoken or something… Who knows maybe the PC’s learn this from Forang Farosh after doing him a favor? What happens after getting into the Market might have something to do with Illumination/Draconic Mysticism which I am thinking on but several questions come up from the sources I have on Salor.

Why is it called the Dragon’s Tongue? I was thinking since it was an old trading post possibly a lot of food for the dragonewts was exchanged here but maybe the word tongue had something to do with its location to Dragon Spine? Does the Market of Illusion also contain some sort of tunnel or entrance to the dragonewt roads? I realize it doesn’t fit with the dragonewt rune in Company of the Dragon but YGWV?


What sort of ruins are there, sources note stone slabs and an occasional column. Possibly the PC do some excavating and fine that a good bit of the ruins are still there just mostly buried?

I cannot get the typical Greek-Roman ruins out of my head when picturing it. Does anyone have an idea as to a good source of refence? There are sources in the Pavis material that would be simple enough to use I suppose but am curious as to other ideas?

Would the roads there not have been paved, was this a large city? How many inhabitants would there have been high season for trade? Stock pens? Large structures such as temples and inns? Who would have any temples have been dedicated to besides say Issaries?

Where do we have glazed tile in Glorantha and would a civilization/empire such as the EWF not have some decorative ceramics, how hot is dragon fire and could it have been used to fire low temperature glazed ceramics, say 1800-2000F?

I think there are a lot of ideas to develop here and am wondering what everyone’s thoughts are.

Thanks again.

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On 10/5/2023 at 3:39 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Anyone know what the "Process barracks of the Right to Left Hand" is as its mentioned... 

Since per KoS p.157: Salor "is the head of the road which passes over the continental divide" another interpretation of this is simply that it's the warehouses where goods are offloaded before going over the Dragonspine to reach the Oslir River for shipment further north. That road is subsequently noted as one of the three main routes over the Dragonspine, so this would seem to be a likely trade city (and obviously close to the Dragon's Eye).

55 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

What sort of ruins are there, sources note stone slabs and an occasional column. Possibly the PC do some excavating and fine that a good bit of the ruins are still there just mostly buried?

Given the proximity of the river and debris coming down from the Dragonspine, there's probably little ruins above ground. It's been 600+ years since the EWF fell.

57 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would the roads there not have been paved

Could have been, but those are also quickly buried. 

Think about places like the Cahokia Mounds. That was an active site 600+ years ago. By the time settlers reached the area in the 1800s (less than 500 years later at the time), there was no significant sign of prior culture without excavation.

1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

Where do we have glazed tile in Glorantha and would a civilization/empire such as the EWF not have some decorative ceramics

Glazed tile should be relatively common (probably coming from both the Holy Country and Peloria). I'd expect decorative ceramics at important sites.  

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On 7/20/2024 at 8:59 AM, jajagappa said:

Cahokia Mounds

Was there in 6th grade... still recall the one skeleton with a pot in lieu of a skull... IIRC those were buried porposely and not awash from floodwaters but its been a while. Either way its a nice example. Thanks!

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