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Pavis Buildings


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I am working off a vague memory and hoping someone can help me find what I'm looking for. 

I have a memory of a publication that offered illustrations of 4 (I think) different levels of housing in New Pavis. IIRC, they ranged from stone architecture down to tents, and I think there was a cutaway that showed the inside of each structure. 

I'm not referring to the line drawings of the 4 different types of ruined building in the Big Rubble (which goes back to the Big Rubble supplement--these were in something much more recent. I had thought it was in P:GtA, but I can't seem to find it in there. Anyone know what I'm thinking of, or have I just been smoking too much hazia?

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33 minutes ago, Diadochoi said:

Pavis Gateway to Adventure pages 148-151 has four cutaways of different types of accommodation

That is exactly what I was looking for--I somehow managed to miss them looking through the book 3 times! Thank you.

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