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Hey folks,

Has anyone had any experience using a Cortex Prime build for playing Glorantha? Specifically any conversion work of the RQG stuff? I'm currently running a RQ game and the system just isn't doing what I want it to in terms of showcasing the setting and character elements I enjoy, so I am looking for other options. I am new to but like what I have played of Cortex (the way it handles distinctions could really do what i want out of a Glorantha game), so was wondering if anyone lese has trodden the path and has any advice?




It seems the answer is no. 😞

You could perhaps find answers on a forum with less focus on Basic Roleplaying and more experience on Cortex.

I have very little experience with Cortex myself, so I can't really help you.


I guess it's also worth checking if you have tried the game formerly called "Hero Wars" & "HeroQuest" ... it's more narratively focused, less crunchy/simulationist, than the RQ ruleset.  It had 2 Gloranthan editions, and a general-use / non-setting-specific one.

It's out of print, as Chaosium sold the name (but not the RPG) to AvalonHill/Hasbro (and the "Heroquest" boardgame is now available from them).

Chaosium's HW/HQ ruleset has been renamed QuestWorld, and is available as a free SRD (on github, I think).  Chaosium is working on the print edition; an announcement is coming soon.

The used aftermarket still has the older print copied showing up, occasionally; and of course you can grab the SRD right away...  AIUI, the SRD is going setting-agnostic again, with a Gloranthan resource-pack / expansion planned to follow shortly; the fan community should be able to help you with any needed Gloranthafications of the generic rules from the SRD.

C'es ne pas un .sig


Hi G33k,

I have, thank you. In fact, I have just recently sold my hardcopy as part of a hard copy downsize. I really liked the way it was presented, but part of the reason I’m looking at cortex is that it is a really interesting mix of narrative and tactical. HeroQuest is just not tactical enough. I guess I am looking for my Goldilocks sweet spot.

I appreciate your input, thank you.

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