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Some Questions on Property and Status in Sartarite society


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On the topic of seedstocks, the Voria spell _Flowers_ does seem like it could substitute at a pinch; all grains are flowering plants.

In Esrolia, this is one of the main roles of the organised Voria cult of secluded adult virgins described in Earth Godesses. Which is one of the many things that contributes to Esrolia's unprecented agricultural productivity.

That cult doesn't really exist as such in Sartar. Instead, you do get rare cases where young Ernaldan lay members spontaneously initiate during spring holy day festivals, especially in clans where those are minor heroquests. In Sartar this as a good omen and welcome bonus, not something to be factored into the clan's agricultural planning. An unexpected magical boon of seed stock allows additionals fields to be planted, and so may result in families gaining in status.

As always for heroquests, a spell gained this way is one-use unless the recipient joins an appropriate cult that teaches the Worship skill, and applies the corresponding behavioral restrictions. Few Sartarites choose that path.

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On 6/25/2024 at 3:26 PM, Broadsmile said:

So I’ve been reading about Property and Status in Sartarite society and its left me with a number of questions which i'd love answers to. Bar that i'd appreciate all educated speculation. 

1.     If the Earth Temple owns the land but defers it to Ernaldas, husband protector who actually determines who gets what land?

a.     The Head Ernalda Priestess

b.     The Chief (Head Orlanth Priest)

c.     The Inner Ring (My opinion)

d.     The Outer Ring (Imagine the Squabbles)

The land ultimately belongs to the Earth Goddess, and the Earth Temple is her mundane representative. There are certain rules by which the land can be used and by whom, and this tends to be the subject of myth and ritual. For example, Colymar came to the place the grapes grew, and the goddess gave him (and his followers) the right to use the land, to cut the earth, to harvest the plants, etc., but required that he protect the land and those who live off it from those who would threaten it. His heirs - the people of the Colymar Tribe - have the continued right to do so. They must offer sacrifices to the Earth Goddess (including part of the harvest), support her priestesses, and so on. 

Now you might say, but they are Orlanthi, they would do that anyways. And you'd be right - but by part of being Orlanthi, they look to the Earth Priestesses for the right of the kinship group to use the land. Within the kinship group, the members decide how that gets done according to tribal or other law.  

And the details of tribal or other law can change based on what agreements that kinship group or groups have in place between themselves. . 

On 6/25/2024 at 3:26 PM, Broadsmile said:

2.     Is the usage right to a hide of land inherited or does it revert back to the Ring?

a.     Yes the right is inherited.

b.     Generally the heir of a landholder is permitted to continue but it falls under review of the clan ring. The Ring is expected to let the heir continue unless they are supremely unsatisfactory.

c.     When somebody dies the land they’ve held is up for grabs given by the ring to the most Deserving, Needing etc etc.


Probably none of the above. Most Sartarite kinship groups consist of a bunch of related (or at least associated) families that have inhabited the area for at least a century and a half. Some even longer. 

The argument for rights of the land usually come down to:

1. My family has always had the use of that land. We've shown we can work it and defend it by doing just that for generations.

2. Nobody is using that land right now. My family and I can make it productive. We will work it and defend it, and we are strong enough to stop others from trying to stop us.

3. I am strong and powerful, and have many follower.You are weak and incapable of using or defending the land as well as me and my followers. Give us that area peacefully (perhaps with compensation to the existing users) or we will have take it from you.

If the assembly decides to take land that has belonged to one family and give it to another, they are potentially playing with fire unless the originally family have been largely killed off, exiled, or have to give it up as compensation for a crime.


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