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Runequest GMG Wild Speculation

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Announced in the beggining, and waited for patiently as the diffinitive guide to all those burning questions about Runequest, or as I call them (and no one as ever heard) Runequestions, yet idea when it will get pinched off.  Here I invite every one to engage in wild speculation on what's going to be in the GMG.

Now this is going to be in full fun, why it's a bit of birthday entertainment (day drinking and sort), but kind of also a bit of a running joke for an off hand answer for any questions directed at me when I run, "Oh don't worry it's in the RQ GMG".


So first bit of wild speculation and irresponsible conjecture.

*The RQGMG, will be a 12 volume series.

* Hero Quest design is by consulting a chart based on what was provided as snacks and spins on the board game Life Spinner.

*How to design a Mask of the Emperor by throwing a piece of Oscar Mier Baloney at a world map and using the country it lands on ruler from 2d6*10 years ago (can't be too recent as that is divisive) most memed about traits positive and negative.

* Guide on how to successfully phone in an adventure based on using objects around the room as inspiration, because you forgot today was game night (as inspired by The Usual Suspects)

* A definitive guide on Dart Competions, turns out its actually just challenging your rival to game of Darts and getting absolutely plastered on cheap beer and salty snacks, but taken to Anime levels of seriousness, infact your ability to avoid getting absolutely plastered is powered by friendship, and people get challenged in it like they do in Yugioh.

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