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Discussion: Red Moon Rising rules and setting

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Well, Red Moon Rising RPG is finally out in PDF. What do you think about it? Do you like the new, simplified rules? Does the setting make you want to start a new game?

Please tell us what you lilke and what you don't. There is always room for improvement.

The discussion will be limited to our Kickstarter backers at firsta, but there are 140 or more of them, so we can start talking right now.

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I was surprised by the relative lack of artwork- just what are the blue and red sidebar art meant to represent . Surprised that the creatures weren't illustrated. 

There's some variances in description- what does "renowned" mean in wealth terms- rich?  Are priestly types rich or average in wealth?

Back to more character generation....


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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Dimbyd said:

I was surprised by the relative lack of artwork- just what are the blue and red sidebar art meant to represent . Surprised that the creatures weren't illustrated. 

Rose could have drawn some more pictures, and maybe will do so for the final cover. A map and creature specific pictures could have been useful, indeed, but It would have taken time and this isn't really Rose's cup of cake.

The only way to add creature pics without taking a long time was to use AI to imitate Rose's style, and we decided we did not want AI pictures in this work.

So, after consultation with Rose and some thoughts, I decided to go for a 2024 release with the last two sections of the book under-illustrated rather than a 2025 release with more pictures. Consider also that most RMR adventures will not include monsters, so the creature section is there just to give you ideas, not as a fundamental element of the game.

10 hours ago, Dimbyd said:

There's some variances in description- what does "renowned" mean in wealth terms- rich?  Are priestly types rich or average in wealth?

Renowned and rich are not 100% overlapping concepts. In Imara your honour and reputation is more important than wealth, and if you are a respected citizen you will probably manage to secure a loan for acquiring something you need. When dealing with someone in the Ashuli industrial/military complex your actual wealth will certainly play a more important role, although a high military rank will often let you bypass the lack of financial resources.

Note also that religion is something very formal in RMR, so it is unlikely that your character will be defined by the fact of being a "priest" of something. His position in the Imaran guilds or Ashuli military will be more relevant 99% of the time.

Edited by RosenMcStern

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If anyone has not received the PDF yet, please DM me here or on Kickstarter. This thread is for rules discussion. And please be patient, I am on holiday, replying via 4G while immersed in the Mediterranean sea. There may be interferences caused by sea urchin 5G antennas.

It's a bit early for talking supplements, I think :). But you can use most of the RD100 supplements to create your own version of Ardhyia.


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