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Archivist last won the day on January 27 2016

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  • RPG Biography
    Love all sorts of Games
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    VtM 20 (running), Star Wars (new) (playing), D&D 5e (playing)
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    Tuscon, AZ
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  1. Sure. I backed red moon rising so looking forward to that. If we could get some reviews once it comes out and some actual plays on youtube. Will Dynamic D100 come out for English? Is a companion still on horizon?
  2. Also maybe a discord? Or even better get a channel on one of the existing company discords.
  3. I tell anyone who will listen that RD100 is easily one of the most innovative BRP-like systems out there, that resolves many issues people have with BRP in general. If there's anyone on those threads who also owns RD100 they usually agree. What's the strategy if at all for getting this out there? Maybe a companion with genre packs (e.g., "supers", "investigation horror", "urban fantasy, wfrp blackpowder stuff) with additional stuff? maybe with a kickstarter since that generates hype?
  4. I'd love to see a single document with a summary of your new contents/house rules. Thank you.
  5. News? I can't buy it if you don't publish it!
  6. Anything else going on? I'm reluctant to double down on Revolution D100 as my core system without more stuff to use/incorporate. I would like to because it solves lots of problems.
  7. one of my fav things about d100 is that it's easy to improv SOME parts, and advancement in general is kind of flat - people get better, which they like, but not so much they're superheroes
  8. Yes lots to pick from. Imperative isn't outside my crunch range maybe. Also, the question is how much effort will conversion / improv be? Is Stormbringer's approach in any published PDF I could buy? It's long out of prin.
  9. Is there a way to get this product anymore?
  10. Thanks all. I probably think there's more of a difference between these systems then there really is. e.g., a monster from BRP or Mythras or RQ or whatever would be mostly interchangeable (other than hit locations).
  11. Looking for an alternative to WFRP 4e that is d100. Ideas I've had. Renaissance d100/Clockwork and Chivalry, etc.: not sure if the magic system is robust enough for PCs. Not sure where I'd get creatures from or how I'd make my own. Mythras: outside my crunch comfort. OpenQuest: not sure if bestiary is big enough for what I'd need. Not sure how to make it work for that time period. CoC 7e: cool, but would somehow need to hack in a magic system and figure out how to make creatures.
  12. Does anyone have the Big Damn Book of Monsters? It was a fan supplement with monsters
  13. cool. that works perfectly. If for example I was running a game where PCs were supernatural creatures with some kind of scale differential vs normal people, I could say PC's in there Super Werwolf form have that scale difference vs normal people.
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