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About The Prosopaedia


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I may be wrong (as I so often am), but I have a feeling that rather than having made the word up, Stafford owned a book that described itself as a “prosopædia” and liked the word and idea so much that he used it in the RQ3 GoG box. There must be photos? Someone will know! — @scott-martin? If not, chalk it up as another episode from my hallucinated life.

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Even though it's a reference book with little directly gameable material, I think it's my favorite of the Cults line so far.  I haven't read "The Lunar Way" yet, so that might change, but I don't think so.

The Prosepedia is the least problematic book, in my opinion.  It's the best at accomplishing what it sets out to do.  I'm frequently disappointed by what I see as a lack of effort on Chaosium's part.  The Lightbringers and Earth Goddesses books are both depressingly cut and paste, with not nearly enough attention given to some of the "lesser" cults (you can't fit much in a 3-5 page writeup, especially when a big chunk of it is just repetitive template based stuff).  And the Mythology book is just material mostly cobbled together from the Sourcebook and the Guide. 

The Prosepedia, on the other hand, is a reasonably comprehensive realization of its purpose.  It seems to have a lower typo to page ratio than other books, as well, which is nice.  It's beautifully illustrated, but that's more par for the course for the line as a whole. 

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The Prosopaedia is an essential reference for the GM, IMO.  My group is more motivated by the RQ system than Glorantha so we just need the minimum amount of lore to game - the Prosopaedia delivers that beautifully. In some respects, Weapons & Equipment is the best lore book so far - it really brings the day-to-day, rather than the divine and mythological, to life.

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