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Licenses and Chaosium

Saving Throw

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I really think its tremendously cool that the posts here are released with the Creative Commons license.

1. Can I suggest you sticky a link to the actual license you're using?

2. Do you know what Chaosium's feeling is on the license for secondary and potentially derivative works?

- Saving Throw

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From the BRP Central Rules, when you register.


Respect the copyright laws. Do not post copyrighted material in the forum, on the wiki or in the gallery without clear permission from the copyright holder in question. Unless a specific copyright notice have been added, all the written content in the forum and the wiki are considered to fall under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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Hmm... I didn't even remember writing that. Might stop somebody from posting so maybe not the best idea.

I think I should probably adjust it so the CC license only counts for the wiki.

Or what do you think?

I'll fix it tomorrow (if not the overwelmin majority thinks the CC license for the forum is okay too).


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Hmm... I didn't even remember writing that. Might stop somebody from posting so maybe not the best idea.

I think I should probably adjust it so the CC license only counts for the wiki.

Or what do you think?

Since you mention it, I think defaulting ALL posts to CC, and burying that fact in the T&C's would probably NOT stand up in a European court if someone chose to contest it (but I am so NOT a lawyer) and more importantly could, if people understood the implications, put people off posting in the forums as effectively ANY idea they have posted here is now CC licensed...

So I think keeping the wiki as CC licensed is OK (but that fact needs prominently displaying), and the forums should default to normal copyright conventions - but if there's an easy way for those who wish to "opt in" to a CC license for their posts, that would be cool: perhaps a standard disclaimer on each page that provides people with a link to show how they can put a suitable blurb / link in their signatures?

I certainly think for those who AREN'T comfortable that everything they post here is CC licensed should have an easy way of opting out even if the majority are in favour of the CC licensing...


Nick Middleton

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And it's done. Removed all talk about a CC license in the forum rules. The intentions were good, but the INT roll was a failure. Good you spotted it Saving Throw.

The CC license on the wiki's are prominently displayed, so that should not be a problem.


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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T&Cs are a contract and by using the forum you are agreeing to abide by it. If you don't choose to read the T&Cs that's up to you but you are still agreeing to abide by them.

A Creative Commons idea is entirely appropriate for an internet community and would be considered reasonable by the law IMHO. I believe you shouldn't take it off: CC is a progressive antidote to the corporatisation of the internet.

My Glorantha fan site: http://www.clan-tula.co.uk

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I agree with sinisalo in spirit.

I don't think you can expect people to understand a contract without putting in in their face occaisionally. Gleemax gives WOTC a perpetual license to use and abuse any postings on their forums and I think it hides the rules - wrong.

Removing it might be the realistic thing to do. If you don't remove it you have to make it more prominent just out of courtesy if not legality. I hope as a community we strive for being courteous whenever possible.

That said, I think this board would work really well as a center of creative commons creativity.

As a compromise, how bout putting a permanent invite prominently on the boards to contribute good ideas to the Creative Commons Wiki! People can do whatever they like with the board postings and whoever chooses, can contribute their ideas when they've talked out the bugs. This lets people posting stuff they may have heard elsewhere rest a little easier.

Saving Throw.

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As the T&C are mutable it may not have been there when I registered. Or it may have and both Triff and I missed seeing it. How do I access the T&C now to review it?

Oh and just for the record I oppose making the forums a creative commons license. Why? Because I don't understand how it can bite me in the ass yet.

Thanks for removing it Triff.


Joseph Paul

"Nothing partys like a rental" explains the enduring popularity of prostitution.:eek:

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