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Classic Fantasy: Looking for Writers


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Classic Fantasy has seen a very successful launch, and while we have several projects being developed to support the line, we want to keep the momentum moving. Therefore, we’re looking for writers familiar with both Mythras, Classic Fantasy, and Old School dungeon adventure, who would be interested in writing adventure modules to help flesh out the line. Prior writing experience isn’t necessary, as long as you have some awesome ideas and know how to put them on paper.

We’re looking for adventure modules similar to (but not copies of) the classics of old, both in tone and feel, preferably starting and mid-rank adventures to get things going.

Setting material may be included as well, however the module should be generic, able to be slotted into any high fantasy setting, and center on a dungeon, tomb, or other ruins. Feel free to include one or two new monsters, magic items, or spells if desired; however, most should be pulled from Classic Fantasy. New monsters, spells, etc., should be fitting of the genre.

Finished modules should preferably be 16 or 32 pages.

Writers will be paid for their work for submissions that are accepted and published.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to send us your proposals via private message on this forum. Said messages should be sent to “threedeesix” to keep everything together. We’ll send out writer’s guidelines to those proposals that interest us. However, we’ll freely answer any general questions via private message as well.


Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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