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Advice for First Game -


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I plan on attempting to run the first scenario in the 7E Keeper's guide for my friends soon.  Any advice on how to kick this game off successfully?  They are big CoC fans, but don't know much about the RPG.

Are there some pre-generated characters I could print out for them anywhere?  


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There are some pre-gen PCs you can download from the Chaosium site -


If you do need to make some up quickly, use the optional 'fast' method at the end of the creating investigators chapter of the Rulebook.

Advice - don't let the characters wander aimlessly around the forest - keep them focused with the various events/scenes in the scenario, letting each play out but then moving things on to the next encounter to drive it forward. 


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41 minutes ago, Jwfortune said:

Any advice on how to kick this game off successfully?  They are big CoC fans, but don't know much about the RPG.

I think it's good to start having fun immediately (rather than listening to a rules lecture), so for new players my rules explanation is basically just:
"This is a percent based system, so a 50% score for instance means you'll usually have a 50% change at succeeding at something. Roll these percentile dice when needed - you'll be trying to roll under some percentile score on your character sheet"
I then gradually introduce concepts like spending luck, hard/extreme successes, bonus/penalty dice and pushing rolls as they come up.

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9 hours ago, Jwfortune said:

I am just re-reading the Amidst the Ancient Trees scenario and with all of the Sanity rolls, it seems highly likely at least one of the investigators will go temporarily insane.  Is this common for a COC scenario?




8 hours ago, mvincent said:


Absolutely :)


Also, if your players have never played a CoC type RPG before.  I personally suggest using pre-generated player characters.  Some players may not realize that a high casualty rate (insanity/death) is normal for the Horror genre and can get miffed when they pour a lot of effort and time into the "perfect character" only to have them die or snap in the first scenario. 

Edited by Spence
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